Willard "the rat' Mitt Romney pro/con


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
Convince me why I should or shouldn't vote for Romney.
Try to limit to your top three reasons.
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1. With the serious problems we are undergoing, we need someone with a strong and successful background in both business and politics to have a chance of turning our situation around. Romney has that proven experience with his involvement with Bain, the Olympics and as Governor. Obama has no such experience and his experience as president has not improved that situation.

2. We need someone with the skills to negotiate his way thru the landmine called Congress in order to get them working to the benefit of we, the people, and not their own careers. Mitt would not have been successful in life had he not had the strong ability to produce solutions. Where Congress is concerned, Obama has been a president in absentia, showing no ability to work with others.

3. There has been not a hint of scandal in any part of his life. I would not expect him to embarrass this country in any way, shape or form. I believe he is an honorable man with a great deal to offer this country.

I cannot say the same for our current president.
1. Romney is a problem solver with an appreciation of economic issues.
2. Obama doesn't respect the Constitution.
3. Romney being in office will do more to restore consumer confidence than Obama continuing in office could. Apart from anything he will do, the economic psychology of the nation will be better simply by him being elected.
4. Obama can have a negative impact for generations to come if he is given the chance to appoint more supreme court justices.

I tried to limit it to three but I couldn't decide which one to ditch. You may punish me later, my puppeteer. :tongue:
1. I believe his lack of transparency with his tax returns to be symptomatic of a larger problem, as is the stashing of monies offshore in tax havens.

2. He has clearly and repeatedly stated that he wants to give millionaires and billionaires even deeper tax cuts, despite the fact that they've had tax cuts for a very long time, and it has yet to lead to jobs.

3. People joke about the flip flopping, but I truly have NO idea where he stands.
1. I believe his lack of transparency with his tax returns to be symptomatic of a larger problem, as is the stashing of monies offshore in tax havens.

2. He has clearly and repeatedly stated that he wants to give millionaires and billionaires even deeper tax cuts, despite the fact that they've had tax cuts for a very long time, and it has yet to lead to jobs.

3. People joke about the flip flopping, but I truly have NO idea where he stands.

I Googled your #2 (that sounds weird) and the hits I got on two pages all went to liberal websites dated back to January.
Do you have anything more current from the Romney camp? (preferably not an 'unnamed source') ;)

#3-Lets just rename flip-flopping to evolving.
I don't know....there's just something about him. He reminds me of a used car salesman. I know that's not what you're looking for, and I apologize. No matter who wins in November, our country will survive it. But I just can't see turning the reigns back over to unabashed corporatists.

Yes, I know...Obama took corporate money too...there's not a candidate that can afford NOT to take corporate money and run a competitive, winning campaign. That's another debate though...
1. Romney's essentially endorsed the Ryan plan, which effectively destroys both Medicare and Social Security Insurance while ramping up spending for the military. Even with the dramatic cuts in social programs, Ryan's budget still scores high deficit spending because of massive tax cuts.

2. Romney foreign policy and national defense chops were put on display at several different times and came up extremely lacking. Aside from his Olympic kerfuffle which really should have been a piece of cake for Romney, his cold war orientation toward Russia and China could prove as dangerous as Bush's. Even more so given the geopolitical climate. The middle east has changed in some very dramatic ways and the support of nations that sit on the security council is key to furthering American interests in the region. That and he was critical of Obama's statement that he would go after Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Until after Bin Laden was dead. Then Romney "evolved".

3. Romney's business "acumen" seems to be the notion of "creative destruction". He was one of the architects of the outsourcing and offshoring that went up like gang busters during the Bush administration. He was a proponent of letting the Auto industry die (Until he again "evolved). This might have been turned to his advantage had he pointed out that he knows exactly what conditions send jobs overseas and knows how to change them in order to keep jobs here. But he basically just denied having anything to do with outsourcing.

4. Romney's time as governor shows a man that was interested in the job for 2 years..then got tired of it. His last 2 years..he didn't do much but explore the possiblities of his next steps. His approval rating was so low in Massachusettes, he decided not to run again, focusing his sites on a Presidential run. And his record in Massachusettes is mixed at best. But his crowing achievement, RomneyCare, he's basically disowned.
1. I think it would be difficult to justify a characterization of "Willard 'the rat'" to Romney as he and his friends and associates and others that he has surrounded himself with seem to be a pretty normal, upstanding group free of major scandal or controversy. And that is a pretty good recommendation for Mitt.

2. He has a solid record of success in problem solving of large scale problems, and has had enough mistakes, missteps, disappointments, and non successes to realize that he is not 'god' or invincible. A little humility is a very good thing in a President.

3. He very obviously loves America, its greatest traditions, its customs, its values, and he will never intentionally do anything to hurt it or its people.
1. I think it would be difficult to justify a characterization of "Willard 'the rat'" to Romney as he and his friends and associates and others that he has surrounded himself with seem to be a pretty normal, upstanding group free of major scandal or controversy. And that is a pretty good recommendation for Mitt.

2. He has a solid record of success in problem solving of large scale problems, and has had enough mistakes, missteps, disappointments, and non successes to realize that he is not 'god' or invincible. A little humility is a very good thing in a President.

3. He very obviously loves America, its greatest traditions, its customs, its values, and he will never intentionally do anything to hurt it or its people.
1) He is not a narcissistic amateur
2) His experience goes beyond theoretical fantasies
3) He has given more money to charity than the current President has earned in a lifetime.
1. I think it would be difficult to justify a characterization of "Willard 'the rat'" to Romney as he and his friends and associates and others that he has surrounded himself with seem to be a pretty normal, upstanding group free of major scandal or controversy. And that is a pretty good recommendation for Mitt.

2. He has a solid record of success in problem solving of large scale problems, and has had enough mistakes, missteps, disappointments, and non successes to realize that he is not 'god' or invincible. A little humility is a very good thing in a President.

3. He very obviously loves America, its greatest traditions, its customs, its values, and he will never intentionally do anything to hurt it or its people.

1. I think it would be difficult to justify a characterization of "Willard 'the rat'" to Romney as he and his friends and associates and others that he has surrounded himself with seem to be a pretty normal, upstanding group free of major scandal or controversy. And that is a pretty good recommendation for Mitt.

2. He has a solid record of success in problem solving of large scale problems, and has had enough mistakes, missteps, disappointments, and non successes to realize that he is not 'god' or invincible. A little humility is a very good thing in a President.

3. He very obviously loves America, its greatest traditions, its customs, its values, and he will never intentionally do anything to hurt it or its people.



You'll excuse me while I LMFAO.

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