Will You Join The Revolution? Sign The Pledge!!!


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
America's Home Town
The Kick Them All Out Project - Take The "Kick Them All Out" Pledge!

I hope all of you on this forum join us. Democrat, Republican, independent, and all others please join us and take back our country from the fat cats and crooked politicians. We currently have 2,100 confirmed signers.

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Everyone we elect sucks
They are all a bunch of crooks
I'm the only one who votes correctly
Throw them all out
Only complete unknowns are capable of running our government
Kill all the lobbiests. Turn off the money faucett. Eliminate by any means available any media whore or politician that willfully lies to the public. Cap a handfull of these vermin and the bullshit will stop abruptly. What do you expect thieves to do when they don't have to suffer for stealing our money? I doubt they would do it if they thought they would have to pay the ultimate price.
How about we vote out our own representatives if they are doing a bad job every election? I have no wish to "kick them all out", as far as I know my representative is doing a fine job.

Also, why is it we have to vilify 'special interests' and 'lobbyists'? People will always 'lobby' their own interests to their elected representative, that's the whole point of having a representative, so he/she can represent your best interests.
How about we vote out our own representatives if they are doing a bad job every election? I have no wish to "kick them all out", as far as I know my representative is doing a fine job.

Also, why is it we have to vilify 'special interests' and 'lobbyists'? People will always 'lobby' their own interests to their elected representative, that's the whole point of having a representative, so he/she can represent your best interests.

I can't vote on other state's senators and congressmen. I dont think you should leave anyone in for more than a term or two, even if they are doing a good job. The position of power we give to them should be temporary in order to stave off corrupting influences.

You don't see any problem with how our politicians are governing and who they let influence their decisions?

I'm not vilifying special interests or lobbyists, i'm calling them out for what they have been doing. To tell the truth, even if the truth is ugly for them, is not villifying

However when the politicians listen to rich special interests because they need the wealth of those interests to get reelected the people have no power. If we start voting them out the politicans will see a clear choice....listen to the people over the corporate sponsored lobbyists or be fired by the people you are supposed to represent.
I live in a congressional district that, at one time, was represented by Wayne L. Hayes. Remember him? He was caught with a D.C. working girl as his car floated in the Reflecting Pool on the National Mall.

Sometime after that, my Congressman was James Trafficant! Remember him? "Beam me up, Scotty!" Jim was recently release from federal custody after he was convicted of bribery and extortion charges.

Kick 'em out? Fine!
How about we vote out our own representatives if they are doing a bad job every election? I have no wish to "kick them all out", as far as I know my representative is doing a fine job.

Also, why is it we have to vilify 'special interests' and 'lobbyists'? People will always 'lobby' their own interests to their elected representative, that's the whole point of having a representative, so he/she can represent your best interests.

Because they are scum. They corrupt the system. They steal from the voice of the people. They are the conduits of graft from those corporations that are intrenched like leaches burried deep into the bussom which is our treasury and self interest.

Point....Why do our representatives give billions in corporate welfare to the oil companies that squeeze every drop of blood from our economy with oil owned by us leased to these vermin, refined and sold back to us at as high a price as they think they could get away with. I have an idea to help get the economy on its feet tuite suite. Throw these vultures that own the oil companies and those that speculate on this critical comodity that shouls be considered part of our national security, into jail,charge them with treason and execute them. Take nationalize all oil operations. Gas would go down to less than a dollar a gallon immediately. That would lower the cost of all goods and sevices immediately. Imagine what it would do for the economy if every american had an extra couple of hundred dollars a month for the next twenty years paying for us made goods that would cost 25 per cent less. Naw never mind...you chumps just keep taking it up the ass and pretending you are in love with the rapists.
Replacing remocrats with depublicans isn't kicking anyone out.....It's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

You miss the point. You can replace democrats with new democrats for all we care just get rid of EVERYONE who is in there now.
Somehow or another, replacing one party man apparatchik with another just doesn't motivate me, nor does it strike me as "revolutionary".
I am afraid it's going to take a bit more than just 'voting the bums out' to make real changes. One has to look at the way the system is set up in DC where there is an extensive network of what I like to call the 'Washington professionals' (insiders, lobbyists, advisors, etc.) who remain from administration to administration. All the pols come under their control, it would seem, soon after they are in office. The interworkings of Congress too are noteworthy, where things get done only through backroom deals. The Constitution doesn't address all that too well, AFAIK. A return to a constitutional form of gov't would be ideal, but I don't know if that is possible in a society that has become as complex as ours.
Replacing remocrats with depublicans isn't kicking anyone out.....It's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

You miss the point. You can replace democrats with new democrats for all we care just get rid of EVERYONE who is in there now.
Somehow or another, replacing one party man apparatchik with another just doesn't motivate me, nor does it strike me as "revolutionary".

Considering we, as a country, re-elect 96% of our incumbents every election to vote them all out would indeed be revolutionary

define revolutionary - Bing

If you want to keep re-electing the same idiots who brought us the mess we have now feel free.....but this dude doesn't abide ;).
I am afraid it's going to take a bit more than just 'voting the bums out' to make real changes. One has to look at the way the system is set up in DC where there is an extensive network of what I like to call the 'Washington professionals' (insiders, lobbyists, advisors, etc.) who remain from administration to administration. All the pols come under their control, it would seem, soon after they are in office. The interworkings of Congress too are noteworthy, where things get done only through backroom deals. The Constitution doesn't address all that too well, AFAIK. A return to a constitutional form of gov't would be ideal, but I don't know if that is possible in a society that has become as complex as ours.

bobbcat read the JPEG image i posted in the OP....read what #2 is ;).

EDIT: Here

#2 would be very difficult (if not impossible) to carry out. Lawsuits would ensue regarding first amendment infringements and lord only knows what all else. Remember, to varying degrees, lobbyists and PACs do act in the interests of the American public and have been known to keep bad legislation off the lawbooks.
I never vote for incumbents. One term is usually more than enough.
Government was never meant to be a full time job, therefore it should never have become a career.
I don't have to sign that pledge, I have been doing this very thing since I could vote.
I always vote. I never vote for incumbents, never have, never will.
How about we vote out our own representatives if they are doing a bad job every election? I have no wish to "kick them all out", as far as I know my representative is doing a fine job.

Also, why is it we have to vilify 'special interests' and 'lobbyists'? People will always 'lobby' their own interests to their elected representative, that's the whole point of having a representative, so he/she can represent your best interests.

I'd like to know what happened to Rick Santorum, how did he lose his seat, anyone know?
What's to say that the new guys won't be just as corrupt or more so than the old ones?

absolutely nothing....However, we can kick them out too after a term if they are as inept and corrupt as the ones we have now.

Listen. If we are ever going to get a grip on our government, we're going to have to start acting like the employers that we are. The Congress critters work for US, not the central bankers and transnational corportions. What would you do If you owned a company and none of your employees listened to you, they lied to you, didn't do the jobs you gave them to do, and in fact, were actually working for your competition and selling your company down the river as fast as they could? I don't think you'd keep them on and give them a raise!

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