Will the world ever calm down?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just taking a step back and looking over events of the last 15 years.

Wow. We are not only getting wilder, but it's accelerating. Facebook and YouTube have made it possible for a white, 19 year old college hippie to "friend" a radical 25 year old Muslim in Egypt, all without leaving their homes, and share videos and opinions. An event that happens somewhere can be seen worldwide instantly, no more cover ups, no more finding out about it 5 years later, thus, everyone in the world erupts at everything that happens.

Will we ever calm this world down? The Bible talked about times like this. War, famine, disasters, talk of war, FALSE IDOLS, disease, etc. Just saw the huge earthquake in New Zealand. Libya is collapsing, right beside Egypt. The Middle East is literally going up in flames. Gas will probably be $7 gallon before it's all over and crush the US economy.

Just WTF. Better learn how to be a conservative, because self reliance is the new necessity.
Ahh, how people take things today. The world, no civilization has always been unstable. What we take today as being abnormal is normal. Look back at history and we had wars upon wars, famines upon famines, invasions and other events. It is just a natural order to human affairs. Some have put out a perception that events today and the recent past did not happen as much but it is the availabilty of information that has changed. Back before radio, people did not know what was happening around the country let alone the world except by newspaper and that took days to get. People were getting murdered, robberies and other things happening but people did not hear of those things because there was no 24 hour news cycle. When radio came people became a little more aware of what was happeing in the country and TV brought it in a visual form. With the internet and cable the whole world has been brought into your house and that is why it seems things are getting crazy. In fact, it has always been crazy and people are starting to realize it. Just look back at history!
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Compared to WWII....we have calmed down
Compared to the Cold War.....we have calmed down
democracy is a messy business.

Its also the only form of government that works for the people comsistantly.

Take a look at our own country and realize that right now we have people trying to strip the American people of freedom as we speak.

Look at Wisconson.

Remember the founder that said "a republic if you can keep it" when asked whatw kind of governmentthey gave us.
Will we ever calm this world down? The Bible talked about times like this. War, famine, disasters, talk of war, FALSE IDOLS, disease, etc.
....And, more-mature/better-educated people understand what that hu$tle is all-about....​

"Fear is the major motivator. It binds in two ways: (1) It creates an outside enemy who threatens or persecutes the member. This results in the "us versus them" world view, and (2) fear of failing the organization or fear of discovery and punishment by the leaders if you are lax in doing your job. What job? Why, serving the organization, of course! "Are you REALLY doing all you can to serve God?" (A typical introduction to guilt.)"

Just saw the huge earthquake in New Zealand. Libya is collapsing, right beside Egypt. The Middle East is literally going up in flames. Gas will probably be $7 gallon before it's all over and crush the US economy.
Yeah....right....the oil-companies are gonna cut their own throats.


Just WTF. Better learn how to be a conservative, because self reliance is the new necessity.
After watching Moammar Gadhafi's speech....I had to think the same. His speech almost sounded like a try-out for FAUX Noise! Hell....he sounded (almost) as crazy as Glenn Beck!!! :eusa_eh:

FAUX Noise should offer Gadhafi a contract....YESTERDAY....to keep Porky Limbaugh from hiring him as an intern!!!!!!
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democracy is a messy business.

Its also the only form of government that works for the people comsistantly.

Take a look at our own country and realize that right now we have people trying to strip the American people of freedom as we speak.

Look at Wisconson.

Remember the founder that said "a republic if you can keep it" when asked whatw kind of governmentthey gave us.

I agree there are those trying to take away freedoms. For example, forcing a person to buy a product from a private company. Just for being alive. But virtue of simply existing, one is going to be forced to buy a private product from a private company. No freedom.

Some want to take away the freedom to own a gun.
Some want to take away the freedom to talk on a radio show about the topics the owner and host want to talk about (Fairness Doctrine).
Some want to take away the simple right to make a profit.
Worst of all, many want to increase the ability of one to have the freedom to simply possess all that he is earned, by legislating the gov'ts right to use threat of force to confiscate (tax) more of our property out of our hands and into theirs, thus shrinking our freedom to own what we have earned.

Yep. You're right. Our freedoms are dwindling. Good point.
Yes. The World Will calm down. But not for a while. Things are going to get ugly. Especially after the inflation drives prices up

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