Will the right wingnuts boycott Star Bucks next?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com
Of COURSE they're going to boycott Starbucks...........

Only lefty liberal eliete types with a belief in global warming hang out there.
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

heck I don't know, but now I'm really craving coffee.
Of COURSE they're going to boycott Starbucks...........

Only lefty liberal eliete types with a belief in global warming hang out there.

It's the global warming heating the java. I wonder if you can buy a cup of Star Bust coffee with food stamps, IF, you pass the drug test??:eusa_angel:
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Well, if Star Bucks' CEO's statement is any indication I will be drinking much more of their coffee.

"I am asking that all of us forgo political contributions until the Congress and the President return to Washington and deliver a fiscally, disciplined long term debt and deficit plan to the American people," Starbucks CEO to DC: You've been cut off - Aug. 16, 2011
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Can your maids that service your mansion afford Star Bucks coffee? :lol::lol::lol:
Its called Four Bucks around here.

Never been to one myself.

I rule.


The mall up the street from me has two Star Busts. Speaking of which, we are paying more for coffee than gasoline. Two pounds is over $15.00 .:eek: It's a good excuse to drink Tequila Sunrises for breakfast.

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Its called Four Bucks around here.

Never been to one myself.

I rule.


The mall up the street from me has two Star Busts. Speaking of which, we are paying more for coffee than gasoline. Two pounds is over $15.00 .:eek: It's a good excuse to drink Tequila Sunrises for breakfast.

I'm sure you are sipping Dom Pérignon in the morning, master of the universe you??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Well, if Star Bucks' CEO's statement is any indication I will be drinking much more of their coffee.

"I am asking that all of us forgo political contributions until the Congress and the President return to Washington and deliver a fiscally, disciplined long term debt and deficit plan to the American people," Starbucks CEO to DC: You've been cut off - Aug. 16, 2011
The Starbuck's CEO also mentioned that he's a Democrat.
I recall their french fry drive,....anybodys french fries but theirs. LOL! So as corporations like Star Bust enter the political arena and start making demands, are we far from a boiling point, and rightwing call to boycott businesses that don't share their strict fascist views? Will their be resentment when the corporate money stops flowing? Will Boner who doesn't care if American workers lose their jobs, start crying when he loses his job?:lol:

More than 100 business leaders have signed on to Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s pledge to stop making donations to incumbents until Washington gridlock eases, sending a message to lawmakers that they must make real progress in reining in deficit spending.

....has leaders agreeing to stop campaign contributions until lawmakers “strike a bipartisan, balanced long-term debt deal that addresses both entitlements and revenues,” but also has the leaders agreeing to find ways to accelerate job growth in their companies and the economy as a whole.
Read more: AOL chief signs 'no donations' pledge - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Well, if Star Bucks' CEO's statement is any indication I will be drinking much more of their coffee.

"I am asking that all of us forgo political contributions until the Congress and the President return to Washington and deliver a fiscally, disciplined long term debt and deficit plan to the American people," Starbucks CEO to DC: You've been cut off - Aug. 16, 2011
The Starbuck's CEO also mentioned that he's a Democrat.

And that changes things how?
Its called Four Bucks around here.

Never been to one myself.

I rule.


The mall up the street from me has two Star Busts. Speaking of which, we are paying more for coffee than gasoline. Two pounds is over $15.00 .:eek: It's a good excuse to drink Tequila Sunrises for breakfast.


Stick to the incest posts. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

"I have always wondered how brother & sisters acted sexually when they are latch key children without adult supervision." http://www.usmessageboard.com/general-discussion/181953-sibling-incest-how-common-is-it.html
Its called Four Bucks around here.

Never been to one myself.

I rule.


The mall up the street from me has two Star Busts. Speaking of which, we are paying more for coffee than gasoline. Two pounds is over $15.00 .:eek: It's a good excuse to drink Tequila Sunrises for breakfast.

I'm sure you are sipping Dom Pérignon in the morning, master of the universe you??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, never tried it. My gardener makes the annual pilgrimage to Mexico and brings me back "Hornitos" brand 100% pure Agave Tequila. I am not much on fancy drinks. I like Tequila and Lime on the rocks, 7&7 tall, and Rum & coke. I am not much of a drinker even at a party though. Just hand me the keys & i'll drive the women home. :lol:

My new home here has a big bar on the patio, and after several partys I still haven't brought out the hard stuff to my guests. Keep them on wine & beer.
The mall up the street from me has two Star Busts. Speaking of which, we are paying more for coffee than gasoline. Two pounds is over $15.00 .:eek: It's a good excuse to drink Tequila Sunrises for breakfast.

I'm sure you are sipping Dom Pérignon in the morning, master of the universe you??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, never tried it. My gardener makes the annual pilgrimage to Mexico and brings me back "Hornitos" brand 100% pure Agave Tequila. I am not much on fancy drinks. I like Tequila and Lime on the rocks, 7&7 tall, and Rum & coke. I am not much of a drinker even at a party though. Just hand me the keys & i'll drive the women home. :lol:

My new home here has a big bar on the patio, and after several partys I still haven't brought out the hard stuff to my guests. Keep them on wine & beer.

" My net worth is over 4 mil, I hire 2 maids, 2 landscapers, and a pool boy, drive a 300 touring, throw hosted dinner parties costing a $1,200-300. for my guests, and swim in my own solar powered pool, so if you are trying to intimidate me wealth and with jealousy & envy, you sent your coon dog up the wrong tree. By the way, I am not adopting any cons, but I do supply a ranch house to a homeless liberal family & their four children." shintao

Is this fantasy world you live in here on message boards talking about incest and how rich you are rewarding?

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