Will The Current Defenders of Zimmerman Be Consistent?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
At some point in the future, there is going to be another national story involving a black male and a white male, this time perhaps with the black male being the live one and the other male not.

Will the current defenders of Zimmerman hold the same stance as they do now? Waiting for justice? Lord knows that the police, doesn't matter where in the country it happens, will not not arrest the black person, Stand Your Ground law and all.

So can we expect patience and non-rush to judgement in the future from the RWers and other assorted defenders of Zimmerman when the victim shoe is on the other foot?

I sure hope so.
At some point in the future, there is going to be another national story involving a black male and a white male, this time perhaps with the black male being the live one and the other male not.

Will the current defenders of Zimmerman hold the same stance as they do now? Waiting for justice? Lord knows that the police, doesn't matter where in the country it happens, will not not arrest the black person, Stand Your Ground law and all.

So can we expect patience and non-rush to judgement in the future from the RWers and other assorted defenders of Zimmerman when the victim shoe is on the other foot?

I sure hope so.

Will blacks be consistent? Obviously not. You are proving the point right now. When the shooting occurred there was an investigation and a decision was made that there was not enough evidence to charge Zimmerman. Since then the POLITICAL process has deemed otherwise. The facts remain.....

Martin attacked Zimmerman. He knocked him to the ground and was on top of him pounding his head into the ground. We have eye witnesses to the facts. We have forensic evidence to back Zimmerman's claim. Zimmerman was correct when he told police Martin attacked him, he was correct when he told police Martin knocked him to the ground, he was correct when he told police Martin was beating his head into the ground. NOW we are to believe he lied about Martin going for his gun when everything else was and is the truth.

We have people demanding a lynch mob. We have people demanding that if Zimmerman is not convicted of some crime they support murdering him. And you want to talk of justice and consistency.

We have repeated stories nearly every day of blacks attacking whites and other none blacks for the color of their skin and no national outcry for hate crime charges. We have a President and his Attorney General turning a blind eye to a Racist group illegally putting out posters with a reward for the illegal kidnapping of Zimmerman. No charges, no investigation, no outrage and no action.

And you complain cause you don't like the facts.

The fact is this should have remained a local issue and the race baiters should be silenced and criticized for the race baiting.
maddness..a paranoid man with a gun killed a young man..many a stereotype most likely would of caused the same paranoia..black.. white.. wtf ever

Shut the fuck up... your part of the problem you big-mouthed fucking punk!

The only racists I have seen here at USMB, regarding this issue anyway, are you leftwing idiots!

Fuck you and fuck Marc.... you two are hoping somebody else dies.

Very telling.... and quite typical of the left.
At some point in the future, there is going to be another national story involving a black male and a white male, this time perhaps with the black male being the live one and the other male not.

Will the current defenders of Zimmerman hold the same stance as they do now? Waiting for justice? Lord knows that the police, doesn't matter where in the country it happens, will not not arrest the black person, Stand Your Ground law and all.

What shit-for-brains racist planet do you live on? After the African jury let OJ off, did whites call for federal charges or a federal investigation? When have whites ever had widespread marches calling for an African to be arrested or charged for a crime against a white person?

If Zimmerman was an African and Tayvon were the Hispanic Jew, I'd still support Florida's law and I'd still support Zimmeran. But, such cases never make the national news because whites don't act like "those people".
At some point in the future, there is going to be another national story involving a black male and a white male, this time perhaps with the black male being the live one and the other male not.

Will the current defenders of Zimmerman hold the same stance as they do now? Waiting for justice? Lord knows that the police, doesn't matter where in the country it happens, will not not arrest the black person, Stand Your Ground law and all.

So can we expect patience and non-rush to judgement in the future from the RWers and other assorted defenders of Zimmerman when the victim shoe is on the other foot?

I sure hope so.

Will I be consistent in waiting for the facts to come out before I make a judgement?

Unlike you, I can answer yes.

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