Will the Benghazi Debacle Be a Debate Question?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Will the Benghazi Debacle Be a Debate Question?

Four are dead in Libya and we know now they asked for increased security. They were denied. We originally heard from the White House that the riots were due to a nuisance film against the Prophet of Mohammad. They went with that until the real story was getting leaked shortly after and continued with that story until it was no use.

Now we know, that was imposssible and whistleblowers are coming forward and telling the real story. A Congressional hearing is called for next week.

The debate rules say, the topic called for is the Economy unless breaking news comes into play. Does this qualify for Breaking News? We have yet to hear from the president on this topic. He hasn't explained why this embassy was not fortified although the embassy was attacked earlier, as many as four times before this and the attacks were announced beforehand on facebook. We need an explanation. And if we can't get them from him voluntarily, we should get them from him during the debate.

Can it happen with a liberal commentary?

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Will the Benghazi Debacle Be a Debate Question?

Four are dead in Libya and we know now they asked for increased security. They were denied. We originally heard from the White House that the riots were due to a nuisance film against the Prophet of Mohammad. They went with that until the real story was getting leaked shortly after and continued with that story until it was no use.

Now we know, that was imposssible and whistleblowers are coming forward and telling the real story. A Congressional hearing is called for next week.

The debate rules say, the topic called for is the Economy unless breaking news comes into play. Does this qualify for Breaking News? We have yet to hear from the president on this topic. He hasn't explained why this embassy was not fortified although the embassy was attacked earlier, as many as four times before this and the attacks were announced beforehand on facebook. We need an explanation. And if we can't get them from him voluntarily, we should get them from him during the debate.

Can it happen with a liberal commentary?

Diplomats asked repeatedly for more security before Libya attack, lawmakers claim | Fox News

Not in the first debate, that's about Domestic Policy, I believe it's the last one that's focused on Foreign Policy.
Will the Benghazi Debacle Be a Debate Question?

Four are dead in Libya and we know now they asked for increased security. They were denied. We originally heard from the White House that the riots were due to a nuisance film against the Prophet of Mohammad. They went with that until the real story was getting leaked shortly after and continued with that story until it was no use.

Now we know, that was imposssible and whistleblowers are coming forward and telling the real story. A Congressional hearing is called for next week.

The debate rules say, the topic called for is the Economy unless breaking news comes into play. Does this qualify for Breaking News? We have yet to hear from the president on this topic. He hasn't explained why this embassy was not fortified although the embassy was attacked earlier, as many as four times before this and the attacks were announced beforehand on facebook. We need an explanation. And if we can't get them from him voluntarily, we should get them from him during the debate.

Can it happen with a liberal commentary?

Diplomats asked repeatedly for more security before Libya attack, lawmakers claim | Fox News

Not in the first debate, that's about Domestic Policy, I believe it's the last one that's focused on Foreign Policy.

Yep. The first debate is Domestic policy, the second is a mix of Domestic/Foreign, and the last is Foreign policy. That said, who knows? It's fresh news so maybe some moderator might want to make a headline.
Most of these debates are being run by People Biased for Obama, so don't expect much.

Oh quit lying and whining.

In spite of voter suppression and all attempts to buy the election, your robot idiot is losing.

Deal with it.

Or, don't deal with it. I really don't care.

But PLEASE stop lying and whining.

Thanks ever so much.
They'll ask Romney to explain every Bain investment made even when he wasn't the CEO.

They'll ask Obamination his favorite color.
Tomorrow we'll see how each candidate is treated and how they are questioned. Let's reserve judgment. Perhaps we'll be pleasantly surprised at the fairness of the questions.
Tomorrow we'll see how each candidate is treated and how they are questioned. Let's reserve judgment. Perhaps we'll be pleasantly surprised at the fairness of the questions.

yeah, let's do that.

it is already settled that questions like

"what do you read" are gotcha questions.

oh, and fuck you.
Oh look, a mental midget is talking shit.

The media is biased and the debate rigged for the black messiah, but that is your response. :eusa_whistle:

They'll ask Romney to explain every Bain investment made even when he wasn't the CEO.

They'll ask Obamination his favorite color.

that is so unfair.

take your ball and go home, tosser

your desperation is delicious, scumbag.

i look forward to more of your whiny whining whine, sissy.
Asswipe...since Obamination is too stupid to answer these questions and the debate is too rigged to ask them, answer these questions if you can...

Why was the Ambassador not at his primary Embassy location with more security on 9-11 in a terrorist haven like Libya?

Is Afghanistan going forward or backwards ever since you declared it was the "right war?"

Why did you lie to Univision about Fast & Furious being a Bush program?

What are you hiding from Congress regarding Fast & Furious?

Are you going to resign in 1 term since the economy hasn't turned around and you gave your pledge to quit after 1 term?

Oh look, a mental midget is talking shit.

The media is biased and the debate rigged for the black messiah, but that is your response. :eusa_whistle:

that is so unfair.

take your ball and go home, tosser

your desperation is delicious, scumbag.

i look forward to more of your whiny whining whine, sissy.
Asswipe...since Obamination is too stupid to answer these questions and the debate is too rigged to ask them, answer these questions if you can...

Why was the Ambassador not at his primary Embassy location with more security on 9-11 in a terrorist haven like Libya?

Is Afghanistan going forward or backwards ever since you declared it was the "right war?"

Why did you lie to Univision about Fast & Furious being a Bush program?

What are you hiding from Congress regarding Fast & Furious?

Are you going to resign in 1 term since the economy hasn't turned around and you gave your pledge to quit after 1 term?

Oh look, a mental midget is talking shit.

The media is biased and the debate rigged for the black messiah, but that is your response. :eusa_whistle:

your desperation is delicious, scumbag.

i look forward to more of your whiny whining whine, sissy.

your little antics continue to amuse me. please go berserk. but leave your gun at home.

i almost forgot,


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