Will some manufacturing return to US while Japan rebuilds?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
If we are smart and dispose of some unions in some of our states, perhaps manufacturing will return to some of our states while Japan rebuilds. This may give us a chance to give jobs to many of our citizens.
The chances are that Japan will be completely rebuilt before that will happen.

Obama tends to drag his feet on any issue that is important to all Americans. National Defense, terrorism, jobs, whatever is important. He'll talk all day about his NCAA brackets, or about women's issues be it education or health, changing the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, Same-sex Marriage, Bullying in schools. Just pick the wedge-issue. But relaxing regulatory standards in the EPA, or OSHA to make it possible for businesses to move back and make a profit? Figure the odds.

Oh, and if any business wants to keep the unions out, just forget it. The Japanese don't believe in unions, which is why they're more productive then we are amongst other obvious reasons.

Btw, Nissan has started overtime in their American plants to make up for the loss of production in their Japanese plants. That's something. Doesn't mean it will go on long term or mean any more jobs. But that's something.
Aint happenin.
NOW. Your masters will bleat to you about how certain Wonderful US companies take up the slack but will refrain from telling you where these companies are actually making the stuff.
OH GDP is up !!!.........while you wait for your food stamps.
If we are smart and dispose of some unions in some of our states, perhaps manufacturing will return to some of our states while Japan rebuilds. This may give us a chance to give jobs to many of our citizens.


But in the shorter run Japan's woes will become our woes.


Because most of products that they assemble here are made in factories in Japan.

Also consider that Japan is going to need cash to rebuild.

Where they going to get it?

Well... Japan is sitting on the second largest foreign holding of US T-bills in the world.

WASHINGTON -- Japan increased its holdings of U.S. government debt for an eighth straight month in January. But the second-largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds will likely scale back its purchases of foreign holdings, and even sell off some, in coming months to divert money toward rebuilding a nation devastated by a powerful earthquake and an ensuing nuclear crisis.
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The dangerous fallout from the Japanese disaster will not be radioactive.
As one man's misfortune is another man's gain, so it is with countries. Japan's problems present a serious opportunity for other countries to take up the manufacturing gap.
If Ohio or Michigan were right to work states, they could easily retool some of the plants for the Japanese use. What a boost for the unemployment in those states!

Kasich (Ohio) is actively seeking some companies asking what companies need and going to the Universities in Ohio and asking them to change the curricula to meet the needs of the companies! He's a real go getter! He would do what ever Japan needs, that's for sure!
Oh, and if any business wants to keep the unions out, just forget it. The Japanese don't believe in unions, which is why they're more productive then we are amongst other obvious reasons.

The Japanese don't believe in unions? They happen to have a few of them...and Universal Health Care


Course their unions aren't important to them. They're only there for imformational purposes.

I guess American-style unions aren't the same as Japanese-style unions primarily because Japanese workers are happy with their jobs.

I'm reading this from your link mind you.

If somebody wants to call them unions they can feel free. The Japanese probably use another word for it. I'll have to look it up.

Oh, and I didn't say a thing about Universal Health Care. Something that we don't have btw. The health care bill doesn't address it, nor does it make health care more affordable. It's merely a platform, in John Conyer's words, "to get us to single-payer".

Nothing the dishonest Dems are doing even relates to Japan and their society.
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Oh, and if any business wants to keep the unions out, just forget it. The Japanese don't believe in unions, which is why they're more productive then we are amongst other obvious reasons.

The Japanese don't believe in unions? They happen to have a few of them...and Universal Health Care


Haven't the Japanese been in a 20 year slump with zero interest rates and stimulus after stimulus program? Yes, I think so!
Most low scale manufacturing is out of Japan and in China, Taiwan, S.Korea etc etc now.
The chances are that Japan will be completely rebuilt before that will happen.

Obama tends to drag his feet on any issue that is important to all Americans. National Defense, terrorism, jobs, whatever is important. He'll talk all day about his NCAA brackets, or about women's issues be it education or health, changing the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, Same-sex Marriage, Bullying in schools. Just pick the wedge-issue. But relaxing regulatory standards in the EPA, or OSHA to make it possible for businesses to move back and make a profit? Figure the odds.

Oh, and if any business wants to keep the unions out, just forget it. The Japanese don't believe in unions, which is why they're more productive then we are amongst other obvious reasons.

Btw, Nissan has started overtime in their American plants to make up for the loss of production in their Japanese plants. That's something. Doesn't mean it will go on long term or mean any more jobs. But that's something.

Agreed. Given the demographics of Japan (aging, shrinking population), they are very advanced in robotics. The advantages of robots over unionized employees in the U.S. are glaringly apparent these days. ;)
If we are smart and dispose of some unions in some of our states, perhaps manufacturing will return to some of our states while Japan rebuilds. This may give us a chance to give jobs to many of our citizens.

Japan is the manufacturing humb you make them to be. In the 80s maybe, but not so much now. Most of our manufacturing jobs are in China, Mexico and other 3rd world countries. Even Japanese sold in American are made in American. Meaning Honda, Mitsubshi and Toyota all make their cars stateside. That is why the buy American made cars is directly solely to the Big Three.
If we are smart and dispose of some unions in some of our states, perhaps manufacturing will return to some of our states while Japan rebuilds. This may give us a chance to give jobs to many of our citizens.

I predict shortages of copper, drywall, and cement in this country evident from high prices bordering on being inflationary; even propane and lumber prices will be driven up here.

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