Will Romney win in a landslide?


May 4, 2012
I think that Romney will win in a landslide because many Democrats will not turn out to vote. Obama is definitely not the "uniter" that they voted for in 2008. People are finding out that Obama is not much more than a good speech maker. Unfortunately he just says whatever he thinks will get him elected.. People are seeing through his phony facade and realizing that he is a good campaigner but a not a very nice man. There is a very an angry person behind his smiling face. His life experiences also suggest that he has Communist/Marxist leanings. Younger people will vote for him precisely because he has this radical ideology. Most of today's universities support Communism/Marxism. Howerver, the young people are unreliable voters. They will not turn out in large numbers unless important issues like legalizing pot and same-sex marriage are also on the ballot..

The only people who Obama appeals to are the radical liberals and people who depend on federal programs. . Most of these people are not responsible enough to vote. The radical liberals won't show up to vote because they don't think Obama is radical enough. Obama will lose in a landslide because the people who are paying attention see our country headed off of a cliff and are very frightened of having another 4 years of Obama's socialist agenda and skyrocketing debt.
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I don't think it will be a landslide. Convincingly, yes.

I can't believe that enough Americans are so uniformed that they will vote for the decline of America. It will be a landslide because most people know exactly what is going on.
I don't think it will be a landslide. Convincingly, yes.

I can't believe that enough Americans are so uniformed that they will vote for the decline of America.

You overestimate the lazy Obama supporter. They are in it for the free gubmint stuff.

Exactly, they are way too lazy to vote. Most of them will sit this one out while eating Cheetos on their couch. Half of the radicals will sit this one out because they think Obama isn't radical enough. lol

The only support that Obama has now is from the losers. Losers typically don't vote.
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If voters had to get to a traditional polling place under their own steam on Nov. 6, then the Democrat vote could be much smaller than I think it will turn out to be. However, with all the "vote days and weeks in advance" plans and the "vote here at the mall or the McDonalds" plans and the "round the neighborhood people up in a bus or take the bus over from the church" plans, people don't have to be that motivated and they'll still be casting a vote.

I suspect there will be a lot less enthusiasm this year than in 2008, and there will be people staying home this time who voted last time, and I'm counting on some of that breaking in the Republicans favor, but I'm not counting on enough for a landslide.
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Sorry bout that,

1. I don't think he will be around for the election.
2. I am still hoping some one gets enough leverage to un-seat him this summer.
3. Az. looks pretty good right now.
4. Other than that if he makes it to election time, he will crash and burn in the flames of the voting booth.
5. Either way we get rid of him fairly soon.
6. What a loser.
7. Oh and he stinks too! :badgrin:

I just hope Romney wins, 4 years of Obama has been a disaster, 4 more and the country would be in a depression for some time..
I just hope Romney wins, 4 years of Obama has been a disaster, 4 more and the country would be in a depression for some time..

A depression will not be the worst of it. 4 more years of Obama will mean the end of the US constitution. It will be the end of America as we know it. Most people know this is true. That's why people will come out of the woodwork to vote against Obama..
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