Will Romney pull a Hillary down the stretch?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.

As black democrats were handing out Vote Black buttons during the DNC convention, no one has to make up any boogeymen about them.
I think it's about as likely as me going home and lighting my hand on fire.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


They dont have to. the color-blind crapfest that is our economy right now is more than enough to provide fodder for the upcoming media blitz.

You can add in the "regardless of ability to pay" abortion thing in your more socially conservative areas.
Hillary was horribly treated. She had her delegates, the the DNC ordered those delegates to switch to obama. Then to make sure Hillary would not be heard, didn't have a roll call to elect but announced obama's nomination by acclaim. To add insult to injury, Hillary had to bite the bullet and announce the acclaim just to try to bring the party together.
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Hillary was horribly treated. She had her delegates, the the DNC ordered those delegates to switch to obama. Then to make sure Hillary would not be heard, didn't have a roll call to elect but announced obama's nomination by acclaim. To add insult to injury, Hillary had to bite the bullet and announce the acclaim just to try to bring the party together.

That's not how I remember it.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


hmmm, all those blacks that worked on Hillary's campaign didn't see the racial stuff you did? do you think they were stupid or uncle toms? could you explain?
Hillary was horribly treated. She had her delegates, the the DNC ordered those delegates to switch to obama. Then to make sure Hillary would not be heard, didn't have a roll call to elect but announced obama's nomination by acclaim. To add insult to injury, Hillary had to bite the bullet and announce the acclaim just to try to bring the party together.

That's not how I remember it.

facts are stubborn things
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


Pull a Hillary? Ever hear of the GOP Southern Strategy? :laugh2:

the GOP already plays on racial fears of whites.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


Pull a Hillary? Ever hear of the GOP Southern Strategy? :laugh2:

the GOP already plays on racial fears of whites.

So you're saying Hillary pulled a GOP huh?

Interesting take, I shall have to stew on it a bit.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


I'm not so sure, Obama's record is so bad you'd have to keep hammering away at it. Obama had no record when he ran in 2008.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


I'm not so sure, Obama's record is so bad you'd have to keep hammering away at it. Obama had no record when he ran in 2008.

The only problem with that argument is that a lot of people are actually better off now than they were four years ago. I certainly am, big time.

The bottom line is that both sides, when they know their backs are against the wall, are capable of some pretty despicable tactics, such as Hillary trying to scare all the super delegates into voting for her because white racists wouldn't vote for Obama in the general. If Romney somehow manages to pull ahead in the polls, I guarantee we'd start hearing a lot more about his Mormon "faith".
Hillary was horribly treated. She had her delegates, the the DNC ordered those delegates to switch to obama. Then to make sure Hillary would not be heard, didn't have a roll call to elect but announced obama's nomination by acclaim. To add insult to injury, Hillary had to bite the bullet and announce the acclaim just to try to bring the party together.

That's not how I remember it.

SEN. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (D), NEW YORK: Madam Secretary, on behalf of the great state of New York, with appreciation for the spirit and dedication of all who are gathered here, with eyes firmly fixed on the future, in the spirit of unity, with the goal of victory, with faith in our party and our country, let's declare together in one voice right here, right now, that Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president!


CLINTON: Madam Secretary, Madam Secretary, I move that the convention suspend the procedural rules and suspend the further conduct of the roll call vote. All votes cast by the delegates will be counted, and that I move Senator Barack Obama of Illinois be selected by this convention by acclamation as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States!


CROWD (chanting): Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!

PELOSI: Thank you, Senator Clinton.

Senator Clinton has moved in the spirit of unity to suspend the rules of the convention and to nominate Barack Obama by acclamation as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

Is there a second?


PELOSI: All in favor of the notion to suspend the rules and nominate by acclamation Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate, please say "aye."


PELOSI: All those opposed, please say "no."

Two-thirds of the delegates having voted in the affirmative, the motion is adopted.
CNN.com - Transcripts

The vote was stopped and Hillary moved to suspend the rules.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


I'm not so sure, Obama's record is so bad you'd have to keep hammering away at it. Obama had no record when he ran in 2008.

The only problem with that argument is that a lot of people are actually better off now than they were four years ago. I certainly am, big time.

The bottom line is that both sides, when they know their backs are against the wall, are capable of some pretty despicable tactics, such as Hillary trying to scare all the super delegates into voting for her because white racists wouldn't vote for Obama in the general. If Romney somehow manages to pull ahead in the polls, I guarantee we'd start hearing a lot more about his Mormon "faith".

I'm hear you, i'm better off as well, but it's because of my own acheivement, not because of something any politician did, the company i work for is actually not doing quite as well because people are afraid to spend money, imo. I think they need to stick with that line of messaging. If it starts going bad for Romney, i think you'll start hearing more about things like Fast and Furious and his foreign policy disasters, i don't see the race card being played.
With the polls as tight as they are, what do you think the odds are that Romney (or his Super PAC) will do what Hillary did in the 2008 primaries and try to make white people scared of the black boogeyman? Obviously it didn't work out too well for Hillary, but that was with democrat voters only. Also, since Obama is already president this time around, it sort of undermines the racist fear strategy, at least a little bit. But still, if Obama starts to pull away in the polls, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Romney pull a Hillary.


hmmm, all those blacks that worked on Hillary's campaign didn't see the racial stuff you did? do you think they were stupid or uncle toms? could you explain?

They were Democrats, Dante. Democrats get a free pass when they play that card.
No, the GOP won't stoop to race, but the Democrats will try with all their might to try to color the election that way.
The Republicans are aware that making the election about race is foolish for them considering the Media is already looking at every phrase uttered by a Conservative, trying to match up racist code words with the latest list in the DNC talking points memo.
The GOP has plenty of ammunition; jobs, gasoline prices, stagnant economy and attacks on religion. They may try to express fear of his policies, but only the Democrats will be trying to make it about obama's complexion.
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Maybe the left imagined it or it's wishful thinking but I don't think Hillary did that. She is guilty of blaming the "vast right wing conspiracy" for her husband's serial abuse of women though.
I don't remember Hillary doing anything of the sort. I also doubt Mitten would do it.

Just because people are white doesn't mean they're racist, manipoo.
I don't remember Hillary doing anything of the sort. I also doubt Mitten would do it.

Just because people are white doesn't mean they're racist, manipoo.

Unless they dont for Obama, then they might as well be wearing white sheets and burning crosses.

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