Will Republicans Work to Lower Unemployment?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
With just over two years till the presidential elections, economic expansion and a strong job market is critical to Obama and the Democrats. Republicans are promising they will work for economic improvement if elected in the midterm. But is there any real incentive for them to do so? It would seem that they have reason to do the opposite. It is Obama, not congress that will be held responsible if in 2 years we have high unemployment.
With just over two years till the presidential elections, economic expansion and a strong job market is critical to Obama and the Democrats. Republicans are promising they will work for economic improvement if elected in the midterm. But is there any real incentive for them to do so? It would seem that they have reason to do the opposite. It is Obama, not congress that will be held responsible if in 2 years we have high unemployment.

Republicans know two things. "Deregulate" and "Cut taxes for the rich". That's it. That's all they know. You want to know what their policies are?

1. Deregulate clean air.

2. Deregulate clean water.

3. Deregulate Wall Street.

4. Cut taxes for everyone making over $250,000 a year.

5. End taxes for everyone making over 5 million a year.

6. End taxes for corporations.

There you go. The Republican plan. I knew it even before they said it.
I hate to tell folks this, but Republicans are lawyers, and politicians, and lawyers who are politicians DON'T WORK AT ANYTHING -- it's against the Legal Weasel code of ethics.

However, they'll probably not get under foot and in the way of those who DO work quite as much as the Dimwits do.

Which Republican lack of skill and practice in the fine art of government obstructionism and obfuscation MIGHT make it possible for employers to actually need more employees.
I hate to tell folks this, but Republicans are lawyers, and politicians, and lawyers who are politicians DON'T WORK AT ANYTHING -- it's against the Legal Weasel code of ethics.

However, they'll probably not get under foot and in the way of those who DO work quite as much as the Dimwits do.

Which Republican lack of skill and practice in the fine art of government obstructionism and obfuscation MIGHT make it possible for employers to actually need more employees.

If Republicans had their way, they would let corporations strip mine America and the people would work for 100 bucks a month with no benefits, no medical and no days off.
With just over two years till the presidential elections, economic expansion and a strong job market is critical to Obama and the Democrats. Republicans are promising they will work for economic improvement if elected in the midterm. But is there any real incentive for them to do so? It would seem that they have reason to do the opposite. It is Obama, not congress that will be held responsible if in 2 years we have high unemployment.

Republicans know two things. "Deregulate" and "Cut taxes for the rich". That's it. That's all they know. You want to know what their policies are?

1. Deregulate clean air.

2. Deregulate clean water.

3. Deregulate Wall Street.

4. Cut taxes for everyone making over $250,000 a year.

5. End taxes for everyone making over 5 million a year.

6. End taxes for corporations.

There you go. The Republican plan. I knew it even before they said it.

In other words......

Hey government beaurocrats.....
With just over two years till the presidential elections, economic expansion and a strong job market is critical to Obama and the Democrats. Republicans are promising they will work for economic improvement if elected in the midterm. But is there any real incentive for them to do so? It would seem that they have reason to do the opposite. It is Obama, not congress that will be held responsible if in 2 years we have high unemployment.

Republicans know two things. "Deregulate" and "Cut taxes for the rich". That's it. That's all they know. You want to know what their policies are?

1. Deregulate clean air.

2. Deregulate clean water.

3. Deregulate Wall Street.

4. Cut taxes for everyone making over $250,000 a year.

5. End taxes for everyone making over 5 million a year.

6. End taxes for corporations.

There you go. The Republican plan. I knew it even before they said it.
If that was their actual platform, I might even vote for them.
With just over two years till the presidential elections, economic expansion and a strong job market is critical to Obama and the Democrats. Republicans are promising they will work for economic improvement if elected in the midterm. But is there any real incentive for them to do so? It would seem that they have reason to do the opposite. It is Obama, not congress that will be held responsible if in 2 years we have high unemployment.

Republicans know two things. "Deregulate" and "Cut taxes for the rich". That's it. That's all they know. You want to know what their policies are?

1. Deregulate clean air.

2. Deregulate clean water.

3. Deregulate Wall Street.

4. Cut taxes for everyone making over $250,000 a year.

5. End taxes for everyone making over 5 million a year.

6. End taxes for corporations.

There you go. The Republican plan. I knew it even before they said it.
If that was their actual platform, I might even vote for them.

rdean has to be the most dishonest pigeon holing asshole on these boards.
US workers’ poverty reaches 50-year high
By Robin Harding in Washington

Published: September 16 2010 18:21 | Last updated: September 16 2010 18:21

Poverty among the working-age population of the US rose to the highest level for almost 50 years in 2009, as the human cost of the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression was laid bare in new census data.

Poverty among those aged 18 to 64 rose by 1.3 percentage points to 12.9 per cent – the highest level since the early 1960s, prior to then-president Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty”. The overall poverty rate rose by 1.1 percentage points to 14.3 per cent, the highest since 1994.

Fall in US jobless claims offers hope - Sep-16.In depth: US mid-term elections - Sep-15.Editorial Comment: Obama should do more - Sep-07.Lex: Fiscal policy and economics - Sep-09.US industrial production slows in August - Sep-15.Rising US retail sales lift consumer hopes - Sep-14..The rise in working age poverty was driven by the jump in the unemployment rate to 10 per cent during 2009. It is a bitter blow to Barack Obama, US president, who campaigned on a promise to cut poverty, and the data may further harm the already difficult prospects for Democrats in November’s mid-term elections to Congress.

“The overall message is that we’ve erased all of the gains in poverty that were made in the 1990s,” said Elise Gould of the Economic Policy Institute, a left-of-centre Washington think tank.

FT.com / US / Society - US workers? poverty reaches 50-year high

lmao.......seems the Republicans count do any worse:lol::lol::lol:
this is the republican agenda
cut taxes,especially for the wealthy
deregulate all business and industry
push a christian/social con social agenda
So the Democrats "plan" has not worked, they have controlled government totally for two years now and the question is...." Will Republicans Work to Lower Unemployment?"

What has been so great about the Democratic plan? Please none of this hard to prove shit like "had they done nothing, the U.E. would be blah,blah,blah and the economy would be so much worse off".
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In order to balance the budget without raising taxes, the Republicans are going to have to put hundreds of thousands of government employees, not to mention hundreds of thousands of private sector employees dependent on government spending for their jobs,

out of work.

I doubt that will improve the unemployment situation.
In order to balance the budget without raising taxes, the Republicans are going to have to put hundreds of thousands of government employees, not to mention hundreds of thousands of private sector employees dependent on government spending for their jobs,

out of work.
SWEEEEEET!...When do we get started?

I doubt that will improve the unemployment situation.
Actually, it would free up hundreds of billions, perhaps even trillions, of dollars to be put into productive growth of the real economy. Then, all those nose picker bureaucrats would have to go get real jobs.

Everybody wins.
In order to balance the budget without raising taxes, the Republicans are going to have to put hundreds of thousands of government employees, not to mention hundreds of thousands of private sector employees dependent on government spending for their jobs,

out of work.

I doubt that will improve the unemployment situation.

And taking hundreds of billions out of the economy in higher taxes will?
With just over two years till the presidential elections, economic expansion and a strong job market is critical to Obama and the Democrats. Republicans are promising they will work for economic improvement if elected in the midterm. But is there any real incentive for them to do so? It would seem that they have reason to do the opposite. It is Obama, not congress that will be held responsible if in 2 years we have high unemployment.
The GOP have staked their path to POWER on two things, high unemployment and terrorist attacks.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

Published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: Sunday June 3, 2007
by Josh Catone
Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
In order to balance the budget without raising taxes, the Republicans are going to have to put hundreds of thousands of government employees, not to mention hundreds of thousands of private sector employees dependent on government spending for their jobs,

out of work.

I doubt that will improve the unemployment situation.

Gee, here's an idea: why don't we put 'em to work on some NEW oil rigs and start SHIPPING oil instead of importing it?

And, while we're at it, maybe open some glass and ceramic factories -- and put 'em to work producing and refining and shipping bio-fuels.

Just think, bending and lifting a bunch of dead corn stalks to put 'em through a shredder and then forking the stuff into a fermenting vat might even reduce those FAT FLAT BUTTS deformed from sitting in an office all day back down to their BMI mandates and stop the OBESITY epidemic at the same time it EARNS SOME TAXABLE INCOME AND WAGES for the the poor suckers for doing an HONEST days' work for an HONEST day's pay. Especially since they'd be forced to stop eating all those damned take-out EXPENSIVE office blob fodder at the same time.

OPEN THE FACTORIES and start producing EXPORTABLE GOODS if you want to stop unemployment and economic hand-to-mouth bare subsistence -- and the only way to do that is to GET YOUR MITTS off of INVESTMENT CAPITAL.

Corporations don't create lush funds for lazy butts to wallow in -- THEY CREATE JOBS.
In order to balance the budget without raising taxes, the Republicans are going to have to put hundreds of thousands of government employees, not to mention hundreds of thousands of private sector employees dependent on government spending for their jobs,

out of work.

I doubt that will improve the unemployment situation.

Gee, here's an idea: why don't we put 'em to work on some NEW oil rigs and start SHIPPING oil instead of importing it?

And, while we're at it, maybe open some glass and ceramic factories -- and put 'em to work producing and refining and shipping bio-fuels.

Just think, bending and lifting a bunch of dead corn stalks to put 'em through a shredder and then forking the stuff into a fermenting vat might even reduce those FAT FLAT BUTTS deformed from sitting in an office all day back down to their BMI mandates and stop the OBESITY epidemic at the same time it EARNS SOME TAXABLE INCOME AND WAGES for the the poor suckers for doing an HONEST days' work for an HONEST day's pay. Especially since they'd be forced to stop eating all those damned take-out EXPENSIVE office blob fodder at the same time.

OPEN THE FACTORIES and start producing EXPORTABLE GOODS if you want to stop unemployment and economic hand-to-mouth bare subsistence -- and the only way to do that is to GET YOUR MITTS off of INVESTMENT CAPITAL.

Corporations don't create lush funds for lazy butts to wallow in -- THEY CREATE JOBS.

Wow, why didn't we think of all that? Your answer is so "simple". It's as if it came from a "simpleton". Oh, it did.

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