Will Republicans Stand Tall?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "The worst part of the Jack Lew nomination for treasury secretary is not simply that he has no qualifications, standing, or experience in the financial world or international sphere (think G20 and European debt crisis). Nor is it simply that he doesn’t have any seasoned currency opinions (under Obama, the greenback has dropped 10% while gold has doubled).

2. ...the real problem is that Mr. Lew is a left-liberal Obama spear-carrier, whose appointment signals a sharp confrontation with the Republican House over key issues such as the debt ceiling, the spending sequester, next year’s budgets, and taxes.

3. ...expect that as treasury secretary the former Obama budget director to push for trillions of dollars in new tax hikes, absolutely minimal spending restraint, and no serious entitlement reform.

4. ...Lew — who doesn’t play well with the other kids — is going to represent the same old Obama confrontation with the Republican House.

5. It didn’t have to be this way. As treasury secretary, Obama supporter Larry Fink of Blackrock would have tremendous support from the financial community in the effort to solve our fiscal imbalances. So would budget reformer Erskine Bowles. Or Amex CEO Kenneth Chenault. Or even the outspoken Democratic banker Jamie Dimon.

a. These are all men of experience, high standing, and respect within financial circles. Any one of them would have given Mr. Obama credibility...Lew has none of their qualities.

6. I have no doubt that Mr. Lew will be confirmed in the Senate.

7. Mr. Lew is to the left of the departing Timothy Geithner, just as Senator Hagel is to the left of Leon Panetta, and Senator Kerry is to the left of Hillary Clinton. It gives you a sense of Mr. Obama’s second-term direction, which is likely to move toward high taxes at home and weak national security abroad.

8. Jack Lew is ...an inside, Obama political operator, not an independent voice. This is degrading to one of the biggest jobs in the government.

9. For my Republican friends out there, here’s a piece of free advice: ...keep a laser-like focus on implementing the $1.2 trillion sequester spending cuts, which would actually pay for last year’s debt-ceiling hike, and put together a tough-minded, cut, cap, and balance spending-cut package for the upcoming budget cycle.

10. As John Boehner told me a couple of years ago, his primary purpose is to “stop the bad stuff.” Please Mr. Speaker, hold that thought."
Lew Signals Leftward Lurch by Obama, Putting Premium for GOP in Sequester for Spending - The New York Sun

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