Will Obama Run For Second Term?

Will Obama Run for Reelection in 2012

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 68.8%
  • No

    Votes: 10 31.3%

  • Total voters


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
As the economy worsens and his approval levels fall, a meme has started to float around that Obama won't run for a second term.

So, lay down your bet. Will he or won't he run for reelection in 2012?
As the economy worsens and his approval levels fall, a meme has started to float around that Obama won't run for a second term.

So, lay down your bet. Will he or won't he run for reelection in 2012?

I bet 10K he runs and wins the nomination.
And another 500K that I will not vote for him.
As the economy worsens and his approval levels fall, a meme has started to float around that Obama won't run for a second term.

So, lay down your bet. Will he or won't he run for reelection in 2012?

He will not.

Everyone except himself knew he wasn't prepared to be President ONE term.

Even he's figured it out by now.
I bet he wont even win the first time. McCain and Palin will win that one....no, what?.....nevermind...
I bet he wont even win the second time....Rand Paul and Palin will win that one...no, what?.....nevermind...
I'm convinced that he dislikes being President. Too much responsibility to get things done for someone whose never really accomplished anything.
You folks are NUTS.
The most important man in the world and you claim he will not run.
any takers on 20K?
I'm convinced that he dislikes being President. Too much responsibility to get things done for someone whose never really accomplished anything.


He's written two autobiographies.:(

Correction: he had two autobiographies ghost written, with one of them by Bill Ayers.
With an ego like his, there is no way in hell he won't run.

If he's as toxic as Carter was in 1980, the party will abandon him.
Hillary is now more popular than Obama. If her favorability rating continues to spread, that fact along with Bubba's ability to rake in campaign donations is all the party will need to engineer a coup.
Hillary is now more popular than Obama. If her favorability rating continues to spread, that fact along with Bubba's ability to rake in campaign donations is all the party will need to engineer a coup.

Approval ratings 2 years before the election are nearly completely meaningless.

Do you remember what Reagan's approval ratings were, at this point in his Presidency?

And he's a GOD now.
Hillary is now more popular than Obama. If her favorability rating continues to spread, that fact along with Bubba's ability to rake in campaign donations is all the party will need to engineer a coup.

She was more popular before the last nomination. I watched an interview with a couple of democrat delegates to the convention awhile back, and according to them, they were instructed who they would nominate/vote for, regardless of who the people they were representing wanted as a nominee. There's so much crap that goes on in the nomination process, that I have no faith in who is popular getting the nomination. It's back room deals and political pressure, especially when it comes to anything associated with Chicago.
Hillary is now more popular than Obama. If her favorability rating continues to spread, that fact along with Bubba's ability to rake in campaign donations is all the party will need to engineer a coup.

She was more popular before the last nomination. I watched an interview with a couple of democrat delegates to the convention awhile back, and according to them, they were instructed who they would nominate/vote for, regardless of who the people they were representing wanted as a nominee. There's so much crap that goes on in the nomination process, that I have no faith in who is popular getting the nomination. It's back room deals and political pressure, especially when it comes to anything associated with Chicago.

It's highly unlikely that the economy will improve between now and 2012 in a similar fashion to it's performance from 1983-1984. Even the Obama Administration is talking down expectations and claiming that it will take years for unemployment levels to be meaningfully reduced.

It's all about The Jobs. And on that front, Obamanomics is an Epic Fail.

The poll question, however, is also about Obama's own psychology. Is he the type that will run for re-election if there is a high risk that he will lose? I doubt it.

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