Will Obama dump Biden? Who would be his choice?


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
Just thinking out loud here.......he started campaigning for dollars, so I'll start grinding the speculation machine........

I am actually surprised that the media has not at least thought of a scenario and whiz-banged it in their usual fashion ( maybe they are waiting for a slower news day) or trump to get out of the headlines, before they float any thoughts as to Obama and his team spying some weakness ( in demographics) that could turn fatal and decide to freshen things up, add some pizazz and bring on a new Veep.

.... he won't match the previous intensity level of 08 across the board, thats always a one off, the 18-24 won't vote in the same numbers, he won't get as many blue collar whites (which was problematic first time around in any event) , he'll still get over 90% of the black vote BUT how many of them will vote compared to 08, independents if they stay luke warm or actually stay or go colder etc etc. status of the economy, the appeal of the republican front runner and to WHOM they appeal, the status of the economy etc...

Its all an 'informed' calculation across a myriad of demo's vis a vis trends/polling etc.
like some living breathing slot machine, put in the data, pull the lever watch the fruit line up and ?....

he will run unchallenged so the convention means little, he should have an intact ticket when the primary starts.....that leaves us till Feb...

And if he switches, who do you think he would consider?
Hillary would make the most sense but she says she is not interested
Biden is a CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission member and has attended Bilderberg Group meetings so I figger someone with a similar background will be chosen for Obama (just to keep him in line).
I was just going to mention the possibility of someone hispanic.
My numbers might not be exact, but I believe he had around 71% of the Latino vote when he was voted into office and it's dropped to around 54%.

And didn't he just bring up Immigration Reform just this past week? Oh yes, I do believe he did.
will biden dump obama ?? he should, you know cause of the war thing... and political and ethical beliefs, nothing important though. maybe hillary would be his president. sounds as if things are going really well in libya, now that gadaffi is gone just like obama and hillary promised and the whitehouse press secretary learned how to... you know... spell lybia.... liber... damn.... LY... LIBYA... there... i got it.

By Tom Tillison
Florida Political Press

The White House sent out the following ‘tweet’ this afternoon just before President Obama made a televised statement on the situation in Libya.

If the Obama administration cannot spell the name of the country correctly, how confident are you that they’ll manage what’s happening there any better??? i wonder how it was spelled on the telepromter ? corpseman... cominsky field?? (having grown up in chicago, i really loved that one.) really??? hey all fifty seven states, and obama wasn't born in any of them. he sure is a smart president.

what a fucking con artist this guy is... this is going on my obama page fer sher... btw i can actually prove i was at steve dahl's disco deconstruction night. i have the affitdavit... not the long form though....

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