Will NY Rule In 2006?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
9/11 Reflux?


August 23, 2005

RUDY GIULIANI IS KICKING BUTT in Patrick Ruffini's 2008 Republican straw poll. What's really interesting, though, is that the results are pretty robust notwithstanding the different flavors of blogs. Giuliani is a huge favorite among InstaPundit readers (McCain is a distant second). But he also holds the lead (albeit narrowly) among Hugh Hewitt readers, who are on the social-conservative side and who didn't favor him last time around. He also leads among Michelle Malkin readers and among Power Line readers.

FreeRepublic readers favor Tom Tancredo, which probably says something about the GOP's vulnerability on immigration. And Condi Rice seems to lead pretty much everywhere in the "fantasy candidate" category. I think this makes her a very plausible VP candidate.

Interestingly, I'm pretty sure that a similar poll of Democrats would show a similar lead for Hillary Clinton. Is there some sort of New York magic at work? Forget a "subway Series" -- could we have a "subway election" in 2008?
posted at 10:23 PM by Glenn Reynolds
Rudy was alright by me, but America will never go for a New Yorker for national office for one very simple reason: New York City hates America, and America hates New York City.

I'm inclined to say there are good reasons for this, and to be generous, the good reasons go both ways. New Yorkers figure everyone outside the five boroughs -- or really, just the one -- is a gun-toting, brain-dead redneck ready to lynch them at the mere mention of being from New York City. Everyone else figures anyone from New York City is a shifty Jew looking to relieve him of his hard-earned money with some kind of stock swindle.

Today, we have a great compromise: a brain-dead redneck who does everything the shifty Jews tell him to do. Ain't our nation great?

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