Will Israel ever return the favor?

Total identifiable costs come to almost $3 trillion. About 60 percent, well over half, of those costs—about $1.7 trillion—arose from the U.S. defense of Israel, where most of that amount has been incurred since 1973
The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion

Your link arrives at $3 trillion by ascribing the cost of every problem or alliance in the ME or central Asia, including aid to Turkey and Greece, to our relationship with Israel. That's really just too stupid and dishonest to comment on further. US government figures show our aid to Israel since 1949 is exactly as I have presented it.

File:US aid to Israel.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See table 5.

I don't buy the whole 3 trillion tally. I don't buy the 100 billion dollar tally either. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
We get to test our weapons technology and we probably get some help major with MidEast intelligence, too.

Correctly stated.

And from Stratfor.com:
"Netanyahu has argued in the past that Israel’s relationship to the United States was not as important to Israel as it once was. U.S. aid as a percentage of Israel’s gross domestic product has plunged. Israel is not facing powerful states, and it is not facing a situation like 1973, when Israeli survival depended on aid being rushed in from the United States. The technology transfer now runs both ways, and the United States relies on Israeli intelligence quite a bit. In other words, over the past generation, Israel has moved from a dependent relationship with the United States to one of mutual dependence. "

yea right. Israel wouldn't last 5 fucking years if we cut the cord. Pretending that tech and intel goes both ways is nothing short of a punchline. To imagine that the US needs israel's jaded intel and constant zionist spin is like saying a fish needs a bike, if I may quote some feminists. mutual dependence, my ass. We did just fine during the cold war without israel saving any day of ours. Your description is generous at best, disingenuous at worst.
Never bitch! Deal with it, those dirty Jews are stealing your money.

I am trying to coral this issue into one topic so I don't have to pollute other topics everytime someone mentions how great Israel is for us. So here is my topic for the issue.

When do we ever get to cash in a favor from Israel?
When will we get our money from Pakistan, pick a South American or African Country, Iraq, Egypt etc. Face it your cowardly ass singles out the Jews because, well, your a cowardly red neck antisemite!

For over 40 years we have steadfastly stood by the Jewish state. We have sent billions, every year. We have sent military aid and weapons.
Yep and they would spit in your face if they had a chance! How does that make you feel?

We have bought peace for her with Egypt and Jordan.
Wrong bigot, the US helped no doubt, but Egypt, Jordan and Israel made the peace on their own because they wanted to make peace! But nice try ya!

We looked the other way when she attacked and sank the USS Liberty, forsaking our own men and national interest. An action that surely would provoke war with almost any other nation.
As would do with any friendly fire. We see it as a tradgic accident. Think Pat Quinn or are you going to say that the US soldiers that killed Pat Quinn did it on purpose. I will not sit here and let you dishonor the memory of Quinn and our US soldier that fight for your freedom!

Only arrogant Jew haters dishonor the death of the American soldiers that died on the Liberty by using in as propaganda in you bigoted quest against the Jews!

We have spent well over a trillion dollars, a tenth of our national debt, on this one nation. They have that undeclared nuclear arsenal too.
It must be a nice thorn in your side that we signed on for 10 more years with billions more promised with no strings attached! It must really just piss you off!:lol: You can cry about it, but your cries land on deaf ears! :lol: I bet in 10 more years anothe committed will be granted and you will still be crying! :lol:

They have that undeclared nuclear arsenal too. No one else gets away with that. But we let our good friend slide.
Why not! Israel's arsenal isn't a threat to us. In fact is an asset. If we ever needed to nuke the middle east she is right their in the hornet's nest.

We went to war in Vietnam. Israel wasn't there. No problem. She had problems of her own. Can't blame her there.
Are you saying, Israel should have went with us? Man your clueless. Why not yell at the UK for sitting on the sidelines during this war! Which I guarantee you would have been bitching about if you were alive during it!

We went to Iraq and Kuwait. Israel wasn't there. No problem. The excuse that we wouldn't want the Arabs to find out that we favor Israel was pretty thin, but no problem. We've got this. Sit tight.

First, Desert Storm was over Kuwait. We went there because of Kuwait NOT BECAUSE OF ISRAEL. In fact, Israel wanted to participant, esp after Sadam launched Scud missiles at Israel, but the allies said NO!

We were attacked by Al Qaeda. 3,000 dead, at once. Why? What was the stated reason for attacking us? Israel. Surely our friend won't stand for this. They won't let this stand. They will surely join us in this! No. They stayed home for Afghanistan too.
You lying disingenious piece of shit! First, you can't rationalize Islamic terrorism, because it irrational by nature. There have been far far far more Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe, the Middle East and Russia, America just happened to be the victim of the largest one. Second, Al Qaeda hadn't said anything until recently about Israel. In fact they have stated that the attack was because the US was in Islamic territories, specifically Saudi Arabia. So quit your lying dip shit!

Iraq II. I just knew it was time to cash in a favor on this one. With so many of our friends abandonning us, begging Turkey and former soviet teritorries for a place to land an airplane or two, needing somewhere for our boys to get their supplies, surely Israel will at least let us use a base? Land a plane or two? Can we stop and wipe our ass for God sake? No. American military isn't allowed to use Israel. Not to attack the common enemy, not to attack the people who killed our citizens becasue we stuck by her for 40 years, damn it all, we were there.
Do you have a source asshole! If not, then shove it up your ass!

Never, is the answer. Israel is a one way proposition. Always has been. If they are starving, feed them. If they are naked, cloth them. But by God, they have enough weapons to defend themselves and they sure as hell don't intend to use them for anything else.
Yep those pesky Jews only take your hard earned money and never give back. We are committed to giving them more and more and if they had a chance they would spit in our faces and then wipe the sweat off their foreheads with the hundred dollar bills that we just provided them!

How does that make you feel? :lol: I hope like shit! :lol:
o hell kuwaitt did the same thing....this aint new ...and it certianly is not new from israel...

israel is willing to let american fight and die..for them or by them...they could care less

SOURCE??? If you don't have one, then you can shove it up your FAT ASSSSSS!
Dang. I think the Hook dude is upset.

Jews are cool. Great comics! The really ethnic guys with the long locks and beards are cool too.

It's just economics Dr.Hook. I couldn't care less if it were Mayans or Eskimos causing all this trouble.
Here is an idea.

The usual reason we hear for Israel not being in the fight with us is that it would somehow damage Arab perception of our relationship with Israel. Besides that being an absolute laugh, why don't we get Israel on the ground in Korea? We're spread prttey thin, Korea needs to be dealt with. We've made Israels problems our problem for 40 years. Half the world has committed with us to fight Israels enemies. Can we not get a few Israeli troops to join us in South Korea? Or would that damage Korean perception of our relationship with Israel?

We have every bananna republic under the US wing sending a few troops, some support, something toward our efforts to be world police. Will Israel ever put a shoulder to the wheel?

Here is a question for you douche bag. When have we fought for Israel?

In '48? NOPE, in fact we nearly did her in. AMERICA put an arms embargo on the region. Yet the Soviets were arming the Arabs to the teeth. It was the French and British that sent arms to the Jews to prevent the 2nd Holocaust in the same decade. If it wasn't for the French and British your dreams of a 2nd Holocaust would have been realized, but then what would you have to jerk off about at night to? Even so no foreign fighter help the Jews they fought all on their own!

In '53? Nope. America again said no arms, but this was her only war in which she had foreign troop help, but not from America. In fact America stopped Israel from pushing forward and giving a more devastating blow.

In '67? Nope! But America provided weapons.

In '73? Nope!

In '82? Nope!

During the intifadas? Nope

In '06? Nope!

Not one American troop! Not ONE has ever fought and died in any of Israel's wars (the exception was the USS Liberty, but they were not fighting in the war). NONE! American hasn't even sent over military advisors!

Seems the Jews have pretty much fought their wars on their own!
Here is an idea.

The usual reason we hear for Israel not being in the fight with us is that it would somehow damage Arab perception of our relationship with Israel. Besides that being an absolute laugh, why don't we get Israel on the ground in Korea? We're spread prttey thin, Korea needs to be dealt with. We've made Israels problems our problem for 40 years. Half the world has committed with us to fight Israels enemies. Can we not get a few Israeli troops to join us in South Korea? Or would that damage Korean perception of our relationship with Israel?

We have every bananna republic under the US wing sending a few troops, some support, something toward our efforts to be world police. Will Israel ever put a shoulder to the wheel?

Here is a question for you douche bag. When have we fought for Israel?

In '48? NOPE, in fact we nearly did her in. AMERICA put an arms embargo on the region. Yet the Soviets were arming the Arabs to the teeth. It was the French and British that sent arms to the Jews to prevent the 2nd Holocaust in the same decade. If it wasn't for the French and British your dreams of a 2nd Holocaust would have been realized, but then what would you have to jerk off about at night to? Even so no foreign fighter help the Jews they fought all on their own!

In '53? Nope. America again said no arms, but this was her only war in which she had foreign troop help, but not from America. In fact America stopped Israel from pushing forward and giving a more devastating blow.

In '67? Nope! But America provided weapons.

In '73? Nope!

In '82? Nope!

During the intifadas? Nope

In '06? Nope!

Not one American troop! Not ONE has ever fought and died in any of Israel's wars (the exception was the USS Liberty, but they were not fighting in the war). NONE! American hasn't even sent over military advisors!

Seems the Jews have pretty much fought their wars on their own!

Listen, jew.. were it not for AMERICANS in WW2 your silly little jewish ass would be on it's way down the same path Tonto and American Natives took. I truly hope you bray on and on about how no America has ever died for a jew because, in reality, such doesn't help maintain the blank check support we give zion these days. Please, go buy a bullhorn and shout it out LOUD.

Your link arrives at $3 trillion by ascribing the cost of every problem or alliance in the ME or central Asia, including aid to Turkey and Greece, to our relationship with Israel. That's really just too stupid and dishonest to comment on further. US government figures show our aid to Israel since 1949 is exactly as I have presented it.

File:US aid to Israel.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See table 5.

I don't buy the whole 3 trillion tally. I don't buy the 100 billion dollar tally either. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

The approximately $101 billion I posted is not disputable: it is the amount of aid given to Israel straight from the books of the federal government. If you want to argue that our relationship with Israel has entailed other costs, that's probably true, but there have been benefits also. It was Israel's successes in its wars with Egypt and Syria that led directly to driving the USSR out of the ME and kept it from getting control of the Suez Canal, and it was our alliances with Egypt and Jordan, forged during their US sponsored peace talks with Israel that kept the USSR from coming back and that now forms the bulwark of resistance to spreading Iranian influence in the ME.

Suppose LBJ, who was the first president to clearly support Israel, had not countered the Soviet threat to send troops against Israel after the the Six Day War and Israel had fallen to the USSR and its client states: would that have been better for US interests? Would a Soviet presence in Egypt and Syria and a Soviet client state where Israel had been in the west and an encroaching Soviet presence in Afghanistan in the east pressing in on the weak but oil rich Arab states and Iran, with no US ally capable of resistance in the area, would that have cost us less in the long run?

What would have happened if Israel had not stopped the expansion of Soviet influence in the ME by defeating USSR client states? Would the US have had to fight the Russians and their allies there to keep the oil supply from falling under Soviet control? What would that have cost us in blood and treasure?
I am trying to coral this issue into one topic so I don't have to pollute other topics everytime someone mentions how great Israel is for us. So here is my topic for the issue.

When do we ever get to cash in a favor from Israel?

For over 40 years we have steadfastly stood by the Jewish state. We have sent billions, every year. We have sent military aid and weapons. We have bought peace for her with Egypt and Jordan. We looked the other way when she attacked and sank the USS Liberty, forsaking our own men and national interest. An action that surely would provoke war with almost any other nation. We have spent well over a trillion dollars, a tenth of our national debt, on this one nation. They have that undeclared nuclear arsenal too. No one else gets away with that. But we let our good friend slide.

We went to war in Vietnam. Israel wasn't there. No problem. She had problems of her own. Can't blame her there.

We went to Iraq and Kuwait. Israel wasn't there. No problem. The excuse that we wouldn't want the Arabs to find out that we favor Israel was pretty thin, but no problem. We've got this. Sit tight.

We were attacked by Al Qaeda. 3,000 dead, at once. Why? What was the stated reason for attacking us? Israel. Surely our friend won't stand for this. They won't let this stand. They will surely join us in this! No. They stayed home for Afghanistan too.

Iraq II. I just knew it was time to cash in a favor on this one. With so many of our friends abandonning us, begging Turkey and former soviet teritorries for a place to land an airplane or two, needing somewhere for our boys to get their supplies, surely Israel will at least let us use a base? Land a plane or two? Can we stop and wipe our ass for God sake? No. American military isn't allowed to use Israel. Not to attack the common enemy, not to attack the people who killed our citizens becasue we stuck by her for 40 years, damn it all, we were there.

You have to be completely blind or completely invested in one religious ideaology or another to consider this nation a friend. It makes no sense. I had held out that this was a relationship that we should keep up, no matter the cost, because someday, we would need an allie in that part of the world. People, that day has come and gone. If the day is coming, WHEN? WHEN IS IT?

Never, is the answer. Israel is a one way proposition. Always has been. If they are starving, feed them. If they are naked, cloth them. But by God, they have enough weapons to defend themselves and they sure as hell don't intend to use them for anything else.

Total US aid to Israel from 1949 through 2007 is approximately $101,190,800,000.00, not a trillion dollars. Of that total, approximately $53,643,400,000.00 was in the form of credits to buy military hardware from US companies. This means that not one dollar of this amount ever left the American economy and that it provides $53,643,400,000.00 of American jobs, and when you consider that nearly all defense industry jobs are high paying union jobs, the total of local, state, and federal taxes paid by the companies, their suppliers and their employees and the companies these employees do business with and their employees, etc., as the money circulates through our economy may well equal the entire amount of the aid. So while this military aid is of immense value to Israel, it costs the US economy virtually nothing.

Of the approximately $47,547,000,000.00 in non military aid Israel has received from the US since 1949, approximately $39,016,000,000.00 was paid prior to 1997 and the annual amount of non military aid has been steadily reduced since 1979 according to a scheduled agreed to by Jimmy Carter and Israel as a part of the three party talks that led to the Israel-Egypt peace treaty. In 2007, total non military aid to Israel was $160,200,000.00 and is scheduled to go to zero in the near future.

There is no evidence that Israel ever refused any US request for military or intelligence assistance, and the belief that the US wanted or would have allowed any public Israeli assistance in its ME or central Asian wars could be an indication of brain damage.

Estimates of the total cost of our Israeli allie is 3 trillion. 108 billion is the amount in direct aid payments. There is MUCH more to the cost.

Instead of telling us that allowing assitance would be brain damage, please, explain why our friend isn't allowed to help us. Please, tell us why we can't land or refuel our planes there. Would the Arabs find out our terrible secret? Maybe someone else would find out that we favor Israel? Exactly who would learn anything they don't already know? Consodering that we have been attacked by these people and they have stated the reason was Israel, tell me, what is to be hidden by this brain damaged attempt to hide a secret that is right out in the open?

Wow! I guess just because you said so, we will believe ya! :cuckoo:
Coming from a 9/11 truther I will take that as a complement! :eusa_angel:

I didn't realize I was a "truther," Hooker. You certainly have a colorful imagination, though.
The level of retardation here is amazing first off what we have spent on Israel per annum equals about 1/10 of 1 percent of our Budget.

We don't refuel our aircraft there because we'd have to land. And many of those aircraft have already been in the air for more than a few hours. And refueling in the air is quicker and more efficient. And we don't have to go out of our way.

The Israeli Army is about 80% Reservists. The standing army fairly small. Consequently they have damn little to send and most of what they do have is fully committed to keeping suicide bombers and rocket lobbers in check.
The facts is, Israel has been the single largest recipient of US foreign aid EVER.

They are the largest recipient annually.

Israel ranks 9th in the world per capita income. Ahead of UK.

5.9% unemployment.

National debt of 90 billion.

This is one of the wealthiest nations on the planet.

There is no excuse to continue this level of support for some of the wealthiest people in the world. WE'RE BOKE, if you haven't noticed.
I am trying to coral this issue into one topic so I don't have to pollute other topics everytime someone mentions how great Israel is for us. So here is my topic for the issue.

When do we ever get to cash in a favor from Israel?

For over 40 years we have steadfastly stood by the Jewish state. We have sent billions, every year. We have sent military aid and weapons. We have bought peace for her with Egypt and Jordan. We looked the other way when she attacked and sank the USS Liberty, forsaking our own men and national interest. An action that surely would provoke war with almost any other nation. We have spent well over a trillion dollars, a tenth of our national debt, on this one nation. They have that undeclared nuclear arsenal too. No one else gets away with that. But we let our good friend slide.

We went to war in Vietnam. Israel wasn't there. No problem. She had problems of her own. Can't blame her there.

We went to Iraq and Kuwait. Israel wasn't there.

Israel's role in the Gulf War...

The IDF was the sole military force in the region that could successfully challenge the Iraqi army. That fact, which Saddam Hussein understood, was a deterrent to further Iraqi aggression.

By warning that it would take military measures if any Iraqi troops entered Jordan, Israel, in effect, guaranteed territorial integrity against Iraqi aggression.

The United States benefited from the use of Israeli-made Have Nap air-launched missiles on its B*52 bombers. The Navy, meanwhile, used Israeli Pioneer pilotless drones for reconnaissance in the Gulf.

Israel provided mine plows that were used to clear paths for allied forces through Iraqi minefields.

Mobile bridges flown directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia were employed by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Israel Aircraft Industries developed conformal fuel tanks that enhanced the range of F*15 aircraft. These were used in the Gulf War.

General Dynamics has implemented a variety of Israeli modifications to improve the worldwide F*16 aircraft fleet, including structural enhancements, software changes, increased capability landing gear, radio improvements and avionic modifications.

An Israeli-produced targeting system was used to increase the Cobra helicopter's night-fighting capabilities.

Israel manufactured the canister for the highly successful Tomahawk missile.

Night-vision goggles used by U.S. forces were supplied by Israel.

A low-altitude warning system produced and developed in Israel was utilized on Blackhawk helicopters.

Other Israeli equipment provided to U.S. forces included flack vests, gas masks and sandbags.

Israel offered the United States the use of military and hospital facilities. U.S. ships utilized Haifa port shipyard maintenance and support on their way to the Gulf.

Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981. Consequently, U.S. troops did not face a nuclear-armed Iraq.

Even in its low-profile mode, Israeli cooperation was extremely valuable: Israel's military intelligence had focused on Iraq much more carefully over the years than had the U.S. intelligence community. Thus, the Israelis were able to provide Washington with detailed tactical intelligence on Iraqi military activities. The U.S. utilized Israeli information about western Iraq in its search for Scud missile launchers.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

The US Army also travelled to Israel to glean lessons learned from their counterterrorist operations in urban areas. The IDF regularly shared its experience in the West Bank and Gaza with the US armed forces. The Pentagon regularly asked the IDF to debrief on operations similar to those engaged in by US military forces.

An American liaison team has been responsible for coordinating efforts and intelligence between the Pentagon, the IDF, and American forces. Major General Charles Simpson, the chief liaison officer for the U.S. Army, has met repeatedly with IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon on this joint project.

Joint air force exercises, such as the Juniper Cobra, had taken place between Israeli and the American Patriot artillery in the Negev and radar units from the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Noble Dina, an anti-submarine warfare exercise, were executed with the combined efforts of the Israel Navy and the Sixth Fleet.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

In addition, the U.S. sailed an aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, into the Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft allowed U.S. planes to reach Iraqi targets by flying over Israeli and Jordanian territory. Israel has permitted the use of its air zones.

U.S. military units will stay in Israel until the end of a war with Iraq.

I could continue with Israel's involvement in Afghanistan and other conflicts, but, I believe my point has been made that you really don't know what you're talking about.

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