Will Haiti ever enter the 21st century?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
2.More than 10% of Haitian children die before age five.

3.Eighty percent of Haitians live under the poverty line and 54% live in abject poverty. The average per capita income in Haiti is $480 a year, compared to $33,550 in the United States.

4.Because of both violence and AIDS, Haiti has the highest percentage of orphans of any country in the Western Hemisphere. Before the 2010 earthquake, the United Nations estimated there were 430,000 orphans.

5.Nearly 1.5 million people left Haiti in the early 1990s.

6.A typical worker in Haiti makes only $2.75 a day. Because jobs are so scarce (approximately 70% do not have regular jobs), those who do have jobs are afraid to speak out against unfair labor practices.

7.Only 53% of Haitians can read and write.

20.Only about 10% of all Haitian children enrolled in elementary school go on to a high school.

35.Haiti is one of the least developed yet most densely populated countries in the Western Hemisphere. Its population density is 747 people per square mile (295 per sq. km.).c Comparable in size to Haiti, Vermont’s population density is 65.8 people per square mile (25.9 sq.km.).k The United States' is 79.55 people per square miles (30.71 sq. km.).

49.In Haiti, there is one hospital bed for every 10,000 inhabitants. There are only about eight doctors and 10 nurses for every 100,000 inhabitants.

50.The life expectancy for Haiti is low: 50 years for men and 53 years for women.

51.Haitians have the lowest caloric intake in the Americas, which has led to chronic and often fatal diseases.d An estimated 25-40% of children under five suffer chronic malnutrition.

52.Anemia affects 59% of Haitian children between the ages of six months and five years.

87.Rape in Haiti has long been a problem and is often used as a political weapon. After the 2010 earthquake, some men handing out coupons for food distribution would demand sexual favors.

88 Little Known Facts about Haiti

-In the last decade there has been little formal job creation.

-It has consistently ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world on the Corruption Perceptions Index.

-Foreign aid makes up approximately 40% of the government’s budget. The largest donor is the U.S. followed by Canada and the European Union.

-Nearly two thirds of the Haitian population is illiterate.

FAST FACTS: Haiti — A Nation Of Poverty « CBS Miami

This is your typical black nation!
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Haiti’s Poverty Statistics

- We Americans can not fathom the level of poverty these people survive in; just as they can not imagine the level of wealth and security that we live in…
•Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere
•80% of Haitians live on less than $2 a day
•60% of Haitians live on less than $1 a day
•Haiti is the 3rd hungriest country in the world
•The average Haitian eats only one meal a day, meaning many do not eat
•380,000 orphans before quake ( many thousands more after quake)
•225,000 restaveks (child servants often treated as slaves)
•tens of thousands of children live alone on the streets
•20% of children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition
•50% of children are able to attend school
•20% have a 6th grade education or better
•70% of Haitians do not have electricity
•90% of Haitians do not have running water
•50% of Haitians do not have access to an improved water source
•80% of Haitians lack adequate sanitation

Haiti has a population of 10 million, there are at least a BILLION people around the world living in similar circumstances. World poverty stats are incomprehensible. Visit this link to look at world poverty facts: Poverty Facts and Stats

This is how blacks take care of their people and children. They suck! They want the entire world to help them as they CAN'T do it themselves. A bunch of savages is the only way I can describe them! The biggest difference between whites and blacks is the fact that whites better our condition. We could care less about the rest of the world as we don't need their help..
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the short answer is no. too many people, no skills, deforestation, and corruption on a scale we cant even imagine.

across the island the Dominican Republic is doing OK. they havent cut down all their trees, and they have safe areas for tourists to sunbathe and spend money.

it's funny how tourist money goes a lot further in building an economy than do the gigantic sums of welfare that only get sucked up by the corrupt politicians and their cronies
the short answer is no. too many people, no skills, deforestation, and corruption on a scale we cant even imagine.

Man, you are so f-ing stupid! Yeah, that's the problem with Haiti, not enough trees? Shithead, Japan has a higher population density and lesse forest, and they're a first world country, not a shithole. Haiti's problem is that it's a country ran by worthless animals.

If more trees would help, white people would go over there and plant trees for the Afros to swing on.

across the island the Dominican Republic is doing OK. they havent cut down all their trees, and they have safe areas for tourists to sunbathe and spend money.

The Dominican Republic is a shithole, too. Yet, but much better than Haiti. Let's look at Demographics, 16% white, 11% afro, and the balance is mixed-race. Vs. Haiti, 85% afro, and the balance mixed-race.
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the short answer is no. too many people, no skills, deforestation, and corruption on a scale we cant even imagine.

Man, you are so f-ing stupid! Yeah, that's the problem with Haiti, not enough trees? Shithead, Japan has a higher population density and lesse forest, and they're a first world country, not a shithole. Haiti's problem is that it's a country ran by worthless animals.

If more trees would help, white people would go over there and plant trees for the Afros to swing on.

across the island the Dominican Republic is doing OK. they havent cut down all their trees, and they have safe areas for tourists to sunbathe and spend money.

The Dominican Republic is a shithole, too. Yet, but much better than Haiti. Let's look at Demographics, 16% white, 11% afro, and the balance is mixed-race. Vs. Haiti, 85% afro, and the balance mixed-race.

The truth stares us in the face over and over again. The muiti-cultural idiots keep on keeping on. LOL:eusa_boohoo:
Maybe when Obama gives his speech at the UN he can pull the
folks together to come up with a plan to help this country.
That is if he has time before his appearance on the View.
It's just like africa. Blacks cannot run a country. They don't have the brains. When a country is mainly black it's back to the stone ages unless whites are in charge.
I wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?
You got a country the size of vermont with 9 million people in it. There's the story right there. And they're all illiterate unskilled morons. All blacks can do is breed.
i wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?

i fear no man!!!
i wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?

i fear no man!!!

Please...I doubt all what you've said thus far would dare say it to my face and not leave without missing teeth. I've known racist idiots my whole life and majority 99.99999999% are cowards. The ones that do have the balls are meth heads and usually those guys end up dead anyway. I normally don't get mad online I'm more annoyed that your such a coward who cannot back his own shit up.
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I wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?

This just proves the point that blacks aren't thinkers. Just attack and destroy. I'd love to find a black that would debate me on my stats...

Seriously, you're telling me that the only thing they can do is play the victim card and become violent? Yet, I'm the one wrong here. LOL.
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I wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?

This just proves the point that blacks aren't thinkers. Just attack and destroy. I'd love to find a black that would debate me on my stats...

Seriously, you're telling me that the only thing they can do is play the victim card and become violent? Yet, I'm the one wrong here. LOL.

Who is playing victim? I'm stating a fact which has nothing to do with thinking. I know for a FACT that none of the stuff you say here you would say offline. I know for a fact that you wouldn't have the audacity to say half the stuff you said to a black man's face especially someone with clenched fist.

Growing up, I've met a lot of closet racist. smile in your face then of course like you do, online talk about blacks. People like you don't respect respectful dialogue because you already have your mind made up. Even if I saw you in person and gave you 100 pages worth of information contradicting the garbage you believe you'd still walk away believing the crap you believe.

FFS you post information from a racist website. You also cherry pick from wiki websites not actual credible websites. People like you need to be exterminated from life which is why I have no qualms about actually breaking your jaw.

Let's put it this way, last white man to ever disrespect me he ended up in ICU and had to eat through a straw. No white man whether I'm in a position of authority or just a peon will ever disrespect me. But I know people such as yourself, that are so voicetrous about race are usually the one's upon being confronted will say "no, I'm not racist I have black friends too!."

Matthew your a coward. I know many white kids like you. All those internal racist feelings you don't say openly you bring them here to forums such as this because you're a scared little boy. I meet so many racist people everyday its funny! A lot of them don't have the balls to say it openly except the ones on drugs.

Matthew wanna prove that you have balls? Take an African Studies course, when speaking about racism share your views on how genetically inferior blacks are. Now, if you're lucky to not end up in the back of a paramedics vehicle, and can actually demonstrate your vigor without harm you'll earn my respect.
I wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?

You know it. Afros are pieces of shit who would assault someone with any excuse. But, speaking of scared, you're a real coward. You're afraid to tell the truth even when not surrounded by a pack of rabid afros.

I wouldn't rip on Afros if innocent people weren't blame for what Afros do to themselves and others. They are worthless animals.
I wonder how it feels to be white and scared, knowing that all what you say online you don't have the balls to actually say in public, or at least to a group of black men you know that would kick your ass?

This just proves the point that blacks aren't thinkers. Just attack and destroy. I'd love to find a black that would debate me on my stats...

Seriously, you're telling me that the only thing they can do is play the victim card and become violent? Yet, I'm the one wrong here. LOL.

Who is playing victim? I'm stating a fact which has nothing to do with thinking. I know for a FACT that none of the stuff you say here you would say offline. I know for a fact that you wouldn't have the audacity to say half the stuff you said to a black man's face especially someone with clenched fist.

Growing up, I've met a lot of closet racist. smile in your face then of course like you do, online talk about blacks. People like you don't respect respectful dialogue because you already have your mind made up. Even if I saw you in person and gave you 100 pages worth of information contradicting the garbage you believe you'd still walk away believing the crap you believe.

FFS you post information from a racist website. You also cherry pick from wiki websites not actual credible websites. People like you need to be exterminated from life which is why I have no qualms about actually breaking your jaw.

Let's put it this way, last white man to ever disrespect me he ended up in ICU and had to eat through a straw. No white man whether I'm in a position of authority or just a peon will ever disrespect me. But I know people such as yourself, that are so voicetrous about race are usually the one's upon being confronted will say "no, I'm not racist I have black friends too!."

Matthew your a coward. I know many white kids like you. All those internal racist feelings you don't say openly you bring them here to forums such as this because you're a scared little boy. I meet so many racist people everyday its funny! A lot of them don't have the balls to say it openly except the ones on drugs.

Matthew wanna prove that you have balls? Take an African Studies course, when speaking about racism share your views on how genetically inferior blacks are. Now, if you're lucky to not end up in the back of a paramedics vehicle, and can actually demonstrate your vigor without harm you'll earn my respect.

Matthew does seem to have a fair amount of hostility. I dont. but I do have a sense of justice which comes into play. I dislike the double standard by which whites as a group are blamed for the relative social failures of blacks as a group. if you or anybody else wants to blame racism, I should have the right to defend myself and my group by pointing out that lower black average intelligence is a much more valid factor, as the evidence shows.

there is zero doubt that a difference exists in average intelligence. which leads to a difference in educational achievement and skills acquisition. I discriminate by character and accomplishment, not by race. that said, it would be hard for anyone not to recognize a pattern that is obvious in many parts of society. most people do not react to stereotypes about race, or gender, or youth except for safety issues. in fact, many people go out of their way to act opposite to stereotypes once personal safety and and more information about the stereotyped person is obtained.

you are a smart and educated person; can you tell me how outside white influences of racism can sneak into black families and reduce black children's mental capacity so that there is already a deficit before they even enter school? why dont black parents shield their children from it? what is the mechanism that makes racist remarks/actions so strong that even an occasional incident can overwhelm the constant affirmations of the black parents? it doesnt make sense to me.
This just proves the point that blacks aren't thinkers. Just attack and destroy. I'd love to find a black that would debate me on my stats...

Seriously, you're telling me that the only thing they can do is play the victim card and become violent? Yet, I'm the one wrong here. LOL.

Who is playing victim? I'm stating a fact which has nothing to do with thinking. I know for a FACT that none of the stuff you say here you would say offline. I know for a fact that you wouldn't have the audacity to say half the stuff you said to a black man's face especially someone with clenched fist.

Growing up, I've met a lot of closet racist. smile in your face then of course like you do, online talk about blacks. People like you don't respect respectful dialogue because you already have your mind made up. Even if I saw you in person and gave you 100 pages worth of information contradicting the garbage you believe you'd still walk away believing the crap you believe.

FFS you post information from a racist website. You also cherry pick from wiki websites not actual credible websites. People like you need to be exterminated from life which is why I have no qualms about actually breaking your jaw.

Let's put it this way, last white man to ever disrespect me he ended up in ICU and had to eat through a straw. No white man whether I'm in a position of authority or just a peon will ever disrespect me. But I know people such as yourself, that are so voicetrous about race are usually the one's upon being confronted will say "no, I'm not racist I have black friends too!."

Matthew your a coward. I know many white kids like you. All those internal racist feelings you don't say openly you bring them here to forums such as this because you're a scared little boy. I meet so many racist people everyday its funny! A lot of them don't have the balls to say it openly except the ones on drugs.

Matthew wanna prove that you have balls? Take an African Studies course, when speaking about racism share your views on how genetically inferior blacks are. Now, if you're lucky to not end up in the back of a paramedics vehicle, and can actually demonstrate your vigor without harm you'll earn my respect.

Matthew does seem to have a fair amount of hostility. I dont. but I do have a sense of justice which comes into play. I dislike the double standard by which whites as a group are blamed for the relative social failures of blacks as a group. if you or anybody else wants to blame racism, I should have the right to defend myself and my group by pointing out that lower black average intelligence is a much more valid factor, as the evidence shows.

there is zero doubt that a difference exists in average intelligence. which leads to a difference in educational achievement and skills acquisition. I discriminate by character and accomplishment, not by race. that said, it would be hard for anyone not to recognize a pattern that is obvious in many parts of society. most people do not react to stereotypes about race, or gender, or youth except for safety issues. in fact, many people go out of their way to act opposite to stereotypes once personal safety and and more information about the stereotyped person is obtained.

you are a smart and educated person; can you tell me how outside white influences of racism can sneak into black families and reduce black children's mental capacity so that there is already a deficit before they even enter school? why dont black parents shield their children from it? what is the mechanism that makes racist remarks/actions so strong that even an occasional incident can overwhelm the constant affirmations of the black parents? it doesnt make sense to me.

Ok. Any educated person, whether black or white will tell you they cannot speak for an entire ethnic community. What I can tell you is that in some African-American families, you have nuclear families who are not only impoverished, but a great many have at least one existing relative who grew up in the civil rights era. While in poverty, many of these influences tend to effect kids, and in many cases although unintentionally, they influence the kid to carry a defeatist attitude.

In other instances you have single mothers. Absentee father, no academic support, undr-funded public schools, drug infested communities all play a role. You ask "why don't black parents shield their kids from it?" As I already said there are more single mothers than a two parent household as is. Secondly, if you live in an a low socioeconomic condition the external elements like gangs and drugs play a factor.

In other instances parents really dont endorse education. So all I can say is that there is no single answer.
Please...I doubt all what you've said thus far would dare say it to my face and not leave without missing teeth. I've known racist idiots my whole life and majority 99.99999999% are cowards.

You still don't get it. YOU are the racist since you support AA, the govt mandated persecution of white ppl. I am the anti-racist since i oppose AA. I don't want the govt persecuting anyone based on skin color.
I should have the right to defend myself and my group .

Your "group"? What "group"? Who the fuck told you that you speak for or represent a "group"? Why don't you grow a pair and speak for yourself instead of being a little pussy and hiding inside a "group" you only presume to speak for?
Let's put it this way, last white man to ever disrespect me he ended up in ICU and had to eat through a straw. No white man whether I'm in a position of authority or just a peon will ever disrespect me. Matthew wanna prove that you have balls? Take an African Studies course, when speaking about racism share your views on how genetically inferior blacks are. Now, if you're lucky to not end up in the back of a paramedics vehicle, and can actually demonstrate your vigor without harm you'll earn my respect.

Do you realize what a fucking clown it makes you look like when you post nonsense like this? Do you think your cause is advanced in any way by demonstrating that you can act like even more of an adolescent dimwit than him? Come on, do better.

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