Will evangelicals be Ben Carson's salvation?


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
He is after all the perfect match for the fungicals , denies science , magical thinking

"He's the one. Very principled. Definitely also Biblical values, I do feel God is the answer to our nation,"

He is the uncle tom of fungeicals

This is why the cracka goyim love him


Will evangelicals be Ben Carson's salvation? - CNNPolitics.com
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Strange, black pastors seem to be backing Trump.

Black Pastors to Back The Donald
Event slated for next week

In another move that will defy expectations, Donald Trump is getting significant backing from men of the cloth, specifically, black church leaders:

Donald J. Trump will take the next step in his religious outreach effort next week when he announces the endorsement of a group of 100 African-American pastors and religious leaders at his Manhattan headquarters.

The Republican presidential candidate has a private meeting with the group scheduled on Monday before they make their offer of support official, according to his campaign. The endorsement comes as Mr. Trump has faced criticism for stoking racial tension and has seen his support among evangelical Christians start to waver in polls as voters consider Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ben Carson.

Despite ongoing media controversy and claims that his campaign is set to collapse, Trump continues to lead in the polls as the Republican frontrunner for the presidential race.

Black Pastors to Back The Donald
What evangelical support Carson had has drifted to Cruz. Carson is too low key for what we're facing. The people want an avenger.
What evangelical support Carson had has drifted to Cruz. Carson is too low key for what we're facing. The people want an avenger.
Hmm, last time the people wanted revenge look what happen.
You may revenge.
I'm just a bystander in that department. I will have to stand by watch as I have already been able to see it does go as it is written; 'By my spirit says the Lord of Hosts'. Each one has a revenger installed within that is how it works as God still rules the hearts of men (hosts) within all of humankind. He does the planting and plucking. We just get to be the vessels.

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