Will America Go Communist?

Probably. And then we collapse in to dystopian world of cannibalism, infanticide, pedophilia and promiscuous homosexuality all the stuff liberal progressives LOVE.
Everyone I think can agree that your side of evil and horror, is winning. We have the clearest examples in the world of Socialist ideology destroying every country it has ever been tried,
Really? Scary! Please make a nice, detailed list of the countries destroyed by the following:

- universal healthcare
- cheap college
- liveable minimum wage
- retirement security
- strong public education
- progressive tax code

Or just shut the Fack up already.
No. Even so capitalism as we know it is a failure as a sustainable economic system

Get a fricken job so capitalism can be sustainable...dumbass.
Capitalism can certainly be sustainable but as it is it will destroy the world and rob us of our freedoms. Instead of attacking communism, a system no one wants, maybe you should focus your energy on saving capitalism from itself.
Capitalism can certainly be sustainable but as it is it will destroy the world and rob us of our freedoms. Instead of attacking communism, a system no one wants, maybe you should focus your energy on saving capitalism from itself.
Capitalism is designed to serve private interests at the expense of the public. Like rogue cancer cells within otherwise health human beings, greedy individuals who care about nothing except rapid growth and exploitation of natural resources eventually destroy the larger collective they function within. You don't have to look any further than the Oval Office to see evidence of this malignancy.
Communist? Not gonna happen in America.
We could go socialist after all the smart white older people die off. The millennials and gen Xers where I work can't wait to vote for candidates who promise government healthcare.

Charity is giving away money that was never yours in the first place because of flaws in the economic system.

It is money the privileged owe to the underprivileged.
A 30's rant by Trotsky? Is that the latest tactic by today's socialist democrats?
How about sometime a little more current?

Bernie Sanders’ surge in the polls could hit the S&P 500 with Iowa Caucus vote due this week, analysts warn

"But uncertainty will loom nevertheless, as there are many potential actions a president can take through executive order that could have market impact, with the Washington Post reporting Thursday that Sanders is considering a wide range of orders, including lifting restrictions on U.S. imports of prescription drugs from Canada and banning the export of crude oil."

Can you TRUMP that?
From the days of the treasonous McCarthy we've been warned if communists....it's fear rhetoric with zero proof...ZERO.. empty set.
Everyone I think can agree that your side of evil and horror, is winning. We have the clearest examples in the world of Socialist ideology destroying every country it has ever been tried,
Really? Scary! Please make a nice, detailed list of the countries destroyed by the following:

- universal healthcare
- cheap college
- liveable minimum wage
- retirement security
- strong public education
- progressive tax code

Or just shut the Fack up already.

France to some extent
North Korea

Pretty much every country that has openly moved toward your system.
Don't ask Bernie.
Ask Trotsky or Trump.
From 1934:

"Introduction from Fourth International

"The campaign against Marxist ideas sponsored by the capitalist witchhunters today aims to implant the false impression that Communism is completely alien to American life and opposed to the welfare of the American people.

"In the Thirties, during the rapid spread of anti-capitalist feelings following the Great Depression, there was considerable popular interest in the prospects of a Communist America.

"On this account the editors of Liberty Magazine turned to Leon Trotsky for a bird’s-eye view of what the Communist future holds for the United States..."

"'At present most Americans regard communism solely in the light of the experience of the Soviet Union.

"'They fear lest Sovietism in America would produce the same material result as it has brought for the culturally backward peoples of the Soviet Union...."

"Actually American soviets will be as different from the Russian soviets as the United States of President Roosevelt differs from the Russian Empire of Czar Nicholas II.

"Yet communism can come in America only through revolution, just as independence and democracy came in America.

"The American temperament is energetic and violent, and it will insist on breaking a good many dishes and upsetting a good many apple carts before communism is firmly established.

"Americans are enthusiasts and sportsmen before they are specialists and statesmen, and it would be contrary to the American tradition to make a major change without choosing sides and cracking heads."

Will Trump upset the capitalists' apple carts?

How many heads will crack before next November?

Leon Trotsky: If America Should Go Communist (1934)

Crisis and Breakdown | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Will America Go Communist?

already there -

the prez salutes them at will ......
No. Even so capitalism as we know it is a failure as a sustainable economic system

Get a fricken job so capitalism can be sustainable...dumbass.
Capitalism can certainly be sustainable but as it is it will destroy the world and rob us of our freedoms. Instead of attacking communism, a system no one wants, maybe you should focus your energy on saving capitalism from itself.
Capitalism can certainly be sustainable but as it is it will destroy the world and rob us of our freedoms. Instead of attacking communism, a system no one wants, maybe you should focus your energy on saving capitalism from itself.
Capitalism is designed to serve private interests at the expense of the public. Like rogue cancer cells within otherwise health human beings, greedy individuals who care about nothing except rapid growth and exploitation of natural resources eventually destroy the larger collective they function within. You don't have to look any further than the Oval Office to see evidence of this malignancy.
You should have brought all of this up before the election in serious ways. You kept mocking him and laughing at him and mocking the people who would vote for him and laughing at them....and you still are! We have a nation of alpha mouths with some in media studios that one trained person could wipe out in a few minutes.
No. Communism would require the seizure of the property of the very people that control our government.
Keep in mind when Trotsky wrote this article (1934)

Leon Trotsky: If America Should Go Communist (1934)

"Everybody below this group is already economically prepared for communism.

"The depression has ravaged your working class and has dealt a crushing blow to the farmers, who had already been injured by the long agricultural decline of the postwar decade.

"There is no reason why these groups should counterpose determined resistance to the revolution; they have nothing to lose, providing, of course, that the revolutionary leaders adopt a farsightcd and moderate policy toward them.

"Who else will fight against communism?

"Your corporal’s guard of billionaires and multimillionaires?

"Your Mellons, Morgans, Fords and Rockefellers?

"They will cease struggling as soon as they fail to find other people to fight for them.

"The American soviet government will take firm possession of the commanding heights of your business system: the banks, the key industries and the transportation and communication systems.

"It will then give the farmers, the small tradespeople and businessmen a good long time to think things over and see how well the nationalized section of industry is working."
The same old empty communist rhetoric...this GS haven't changed since the Warner brothers brothers Reagan won. I didn't respect him much at all.
Evil capitalists like Henry Ford who "got rich" because they had the vision to create something would have been considered a criminal in your peoples' world, and locked away in a gulag someplace.
Henry produced a product millions of consumers wanted to buy, and he paid a wage that enabled his thousands of employees to buy what they produced.

What is Wall Street producing today that rivals Ford's Model T?

Trump, tribalism and the end of American capitalism

"In the early 20th century, carmaker Henry Ford understood that the US economy worked best when you have a thriving middle-class.

"In fact, part of his rationale for raising wages was his implicit understanding that the company needed a middle class consumer base that would buy the Model T vehicles that Ford plants were producing.

Unfortunately, such enlightened self-interest is rare.

"It's not that business people don't understand this, but they want to have their cake and eat it too.

"In other words, business owners want a prosperous and educated middle class that is neither supported by more robust wages nor redistributive taxation policies."
:spinner:Man-Made Disaster in Venezuela:spinner:

This is America.....waaaaaaaay before we moved anywhere close, lots and lots of progressives would be falling like flies everywhere!:113:. Would you put your money on groups with whiffle ball bat home defense?:flirtysmile4:

Two Fundamental Flaws in Capitalism No One Talks About

This is what blows my mind about left-wingers like you. You cite stuff that is clear examples of your ideology, and blame it on Capitalism. And I'm sure given the chance, you would point to system that are Capitalist, and suggest they are examples of your ideology.

Love Canal... I love that one. Nearly every aspect leading up to, and including the event, was caused by government. The whole reason Love Canal even existed, is because government banned drawing water away from the Niagara Falls. Thus the Canal was never completed. Then it became a dumping site, due to the Niagara Falls Power and Development company, under the regulation of the New York Public Services Commission. Then Hooker Chemical Company, asked to use the site to dispose of waste, which was granted to them. They used the cite exactly as intended, as they were given permission. Eventually the city stopped using the site for disposal, and gave complete ownership to Hooker.

Then the city schools decided they wanted to build a school on the site, after Hooker had stopped using it. Hooker originally refused to sell the site, for obvious reasons. You don't build a school on a chemical land fill. The school threatened to use eminent domain, to acquire the site. Hooker sold the land to the school system for.... ONE DOLLAR.... under the condition that they were exempt from liability.

Since when does a Capitalist sell prime land in a growing meter area, for $1? When they know they shouldn't, and know what the government is doing is wrong, and the government forces them to. That is when you sell large sections of land, for $1.

Everything about Love Canal, is government government and more government. Government cause Love Canal. Government did the whole thing. Capitalism didn't do this.... in fact Hooker didn't want to sell the land at all, because they knew it was a bad idea to build a school on a chemical waste dump. The Capitalists had more morals, than socialist... and by the way THEY ALWAYS DO. Always.

Housing Bubble.... caused by government regulations and controls on the housing market? You realize that under a free-market capitalist system, not a single sub-prime mortgage would have been sold? You caused that. Capitalism didn't cause that, you did.

Asian Sweatshops.... you mean the jobs that have allowed nearly a billion Asians to move out of the poverty? Is this bad in your world? In the socialist world, you want to keep everyone poor and impoverished, and that's a good thing to a socialist?

AIG... The company bailed out by socialism? How do you engage in socialism, by bailing out a company, and then claim it's a failure of Capitalism? Under Capitalism, AIG would have gone bankrupt, and life would have moved on. Just like Lehman Brothers, and Enron, both went bankrupt, and ceased to exist. Don't point at Socialism, and then cry about Capitalism, when you didn't engage in it.

Ford Pinto: Not an issue. Fact: Statistically the Ford Pinto was no more of a safety concern than any other sub-compacts of the day. If anything, it's the left-wing with their eco-fruit-cake views, that is trying to force people in sub-compact cars which are statistically less safe than larger cars and SUV.

Three Mile Island: Non-event. If you think that Three Mile Island is due to Capitalism, then explain Chernobyle, and Dzerzhinsk. Far more damage, far more deaths, and unlike our Capitalist based country where Three Mile Island is cleaned up today, all those places under Socialist systems, are still polluted. If Capitalism is the cause of that, then explain all that stuff? Good luck. Waiting on your brilliant argument.

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