Will a failed presidency push racism backward?

I think the answer is "no." A failed Obama Presidency would not put "race relations" backwards.
LOL. The thing that you people are so afraid of, is that not only will he not fail, but that he will perform admirably. After such a failure as you totally supported for the last eight years, his succuss would be a bitter pill for you.
LOL. The thing that you people are so afraid of, is that not only will he not fail, but that he will perform admirably. After such a failure as you totally supported for the last eight years, his succuss would be a bitter pill for you.
no, rockhead, i'm not afraid of anything
i hope things do go well, but with what he was talking about during the campaign, i dont see it happening, unless his polices fail

actually, the policies need to fail at being enacted
LOL. The thing that you people are so afraid of, is that not only will he not fail, but that he will perform admirably. After such a failure as you totally supported for the last eight years, his succuss would be a bitter pill for you.

I would be thrilled if he did well. Personally, though, I think it's too late. We're in a depression and no matter how good Obama is, he can't stop it.
Will a failed presidency push racism backward?

I certainly hope not. I believe since Obama is president this sends the message to black people that they truly can be anything in our country (the white people are not repressing them anymore as was done in the past). This also sends the signal that a lot of the white people voted for him (a lot of the white people aren’t racists). I believe the black people in the recent past in general have been repressing their selves but now that Obama is president other black people are expressing the view that if black people want to get ahead they will have to give up the idea that the white people are repressing them and make the changes necessary to go forward. Which in my view can only lead to more successful black people in our country. As more black people become better educated and become successful in our society they will have more contact with white people on a personal level which I believe will benefit our country. It’s hard to be a racist when you know people of other races on a personal level because you see for yourself that people are both good and bad regardless of race. I’ve seen it stated on this forum that only 30% of black people in college are males. This I believe will be addressed by the college educated black people leading the way. Once the black people as a whole really believe that they are equal there will be no stopping them from attaining many more high ranking positions in our country. Will this end racism? Probably not totally but it will also educate the white race that black people are good and bad just like themselves. I believe that we are on the verge of a better country as racism will diminish. This has been an ongoing struggle especially for the black people due to the past but I believe the future will be a lot better regardless of how Obama's presidency turns out.
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Understand one thing Obama is neither white nor black. Is this fact difficult for you to grasp?
LOL. The thing that you people are so afraid of, is that not only will he not fail, but that he will perform admirably. After such a failure as you totally supported for the last eight years, his succuss would be a bitter pill for you.

I would be thrilled if he did well. Personally, though, I think it's too late. We're in a depression and no matter how good Obama is, he can't stop it.

Pertty much. People forget, he really can't do much to help without destroying what freedoms we all have remaining. I am glad Hilary didn't get it this time around and hope she tries again after all this. Obama is in a tight spot, and will likely receive blame for what happens next even though it's not his fault either (nor was it Jrs. fault) and his policies which he is asking for are not much different to add to the problem. If it will spark more racism ... I don't think it matters if he does well or not, there are just some people who seek excuses to hate.
It has been some time since anyone has posted on this subject. I am just curious if the same opinions exist especially since the massive failures, so far. Is there a day that goes by without accusations of racism?
Will an Obama presidency failure such as we saw with President Carter set racism backward in the US? The media has built this Obama up to be so much perhaps it will set things back. This is not intended to be critical of Obama with whom I did not vote for. I personally feel it is great to have a black president but worry about the consequences of having a "failure black president".

This is an old thread but just curious what we think now that we have a failed black president. There are a couple of blacks that I could vote for so it really has not affected me in that way. I realize Obama is a failure and his race has nothing to do with it. I hope his tenure does not hurt any future capable candidate.
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