

Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Why are we still fighting over there?

Isn't Osama dead?

Why are our soldiers still dying?

Hello Obama?

Where's Code Pink?

Where's Cindy Sheehan?

Where's the MSM?

Is this thing on?
Oh... reminds me of a story...

My philosophy final exam was yesterday. It was one word...

We had 2 hours to answer the question in essay form. I took 2 minutes, wrote my one word answer and sat there for a few minutes, watching other write line after line in response to the question, before I handed in my paper and left the class.

My answer? Because.

I got the only A.
Why has no one asked the shithead-in-chief why?

Are we spreading 'mocracy, eh Hussein O.?

Are we being imperialists, eh Mr. Foodstamps?

Are we proping up tin pot despots, eh Mr. Hope?

Are we in Afghanistan for the oil? Wait, there's no oil....for the poppies, eh Mr. Change?

Each soldier that dies, is on your hands Mr. Great Uniter.

You complete and utter fraud!
Why has no one asked the shithead-in-chief why?

Are we spreading 'mocracy, eh Hussein O.?

Are we being imperialists, eh Mr. Foodstamps?

Are we proping up tin pot despots, eh Mr. Hope?

Are we in Afghanistan for the oil? Wait, there's no oil....for the poppies, eh Mr. Change?

Each soldier that dies, is on your hands Mr. Great Uniter.

You complete and utter fraud!
Those that do care, aren't allowed to ask. Those who ARE allowed, don't care.
You want to know why we're in Afghanistan??


Oil.... Well, oil pipeline...
You want to know why we're in Afghanistan??


Oil.... Well, oil pipeline...

So we are fighting a war for oil?


At least that would make sense. If Bush had made that the reason for going into Iraq, I still wouldn't have supported it, but at least the action would have had an aspect cogent to the national interest.
Why are we still fighting over there?

Isn't Osama dead?

Why are our soldiers still dying?

Hello Obama?

Where's Code Pink?

Where's Cindy Sheehan?

Where's the MSM?

Is this thing on?

Osama's not dead. He's stashed in one of the WhiteHouse bedrooms under tight, continuous 24 hour armed guard. When Barack's not busy setting up Moochelle's vacations, shooting hoops, or playing a round of golf, he retreats to Osama's room where he receives personal instruction from the Imam in the verses and nuances of the Koran.
As each day goes by, the US Military's tactics in places like Iwo Jima look better and better.
The Military Channel recounted the last months of the air campaign against Japan yesterday.
On March 9, 1945, the Twenty First Air Force mounted its fire raid on Tokyo, Japan. Each B-29 was loaded with 12,000 lbs of incendiary bombs and there were so many planes included that it took three hours before the entire strike was airborne and on its way to Tokyo.
When it was over 83,000 Japanese civilians were dead, 1 million others were homeless, some eight square miles of the city was leveled and "The Japanese feeling of invincibility and inevitability were destroyed"

"In war; Resolution:
In defeat; Defiance:.." Winston Churchill. Sir Winston later added some additional commentary on his earlier words..'Any nation that could not or would not abide by those terms, wouldn't have to worry about their freedom for long either, for they were sure to lose it'.

But we know where we stand today. Barack Obama's first act in office after taking the oath to defend the American nation, the American people, and the Constitution was to throw the bust of Winston Churchill, graciously presented years earlier to President George W Bush by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, into the garbage dumpster in back. A very symbolic and prophetic gesture in letting everyone know the Democrats were now in charge.
These are the same Democrats as the ones in New York State, where its de rigeur to walk down the public street with your male appendage inserted into your boyfriends rectum, but mandatory to spend your life in a closet if you vote Republican, where the practice of hydraulic fracking to increase hydrocarbon yields was very recently banned, but who instead now plan to, when the price of hydrocarbon fuels for heating starts rising toward the stratosphere, beg and plead incessantly in a never ending hue and cry for help from the government in paying for these fuels. Not one of those New Yorkers has ever heard the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" Too bad winter's over, we should let them all freeze to death, every last one.
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You want to know why we're in Afghanistan??


Oil.... Well, oil pipeline...

So we are fighting a war for oil?


At least that would make sense. If Bush had made that the reason for going into Iraq, I still wouldn't have supported it, but at least the action would have had an aspect cogent to the national interest.
Yeah... violating all those cease fire agreements, genocide, ties to terrorism and ignoring UN resolution after UN resolution (including Res. 1440) weren't good enough reasons.

It's why I have no respect for Amnesty International who after decades of begging the US to do something, protested the war.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Why are we still fighting over there?

Isn't Osama dead?

Why are our soldiers still dying?

Hello Obama?

Where's Code Pink?

Where's Cindy Sheehan?

Where's the MSM?

Is this thing on?

They're all in Hypocrite Heaven.
Why are we still fighting over there?

Isn't Osama dead?

Why are our soldiers still dying?

Hello Obama?

Where's Code Pink?

Where's Cindy Sheehan?

Where's the MSM?

Is this thing on?

Osama's not dead. He's stashed in one of the WhiteHouse bedrooms under tight, continuous 24 hour armed guard. When Barack's not busy setting up Moochelle's vacations, shooting hoops, or playing a round of golf, he retreats to Osama's room where he receives personal instruction from the Imam in the verses and nuances of the Koran.
As each day goes by, the US Military's tactics in places like Iwo Jima look better and better.
The Military Channel recounted the last months of the air campaign against Japan yesterday.
On March 9, 1945, the Twenty First Air Force mounted its fire raid on Tokyo, Japan. Each B-29 was loaded with 12,000 lbs of incendiary bombs and there were so many planes included that it took three hours before the entire strike was airborne and on its way to Tokyo.
When it was over 83,000 Japanese civilians were dead, 1 million others were homeless, some eight square miles of the city was leveled and "The Japanese feeling of invincibility and inevitability were destroyed"

"In war; Resolution:
In defeat; Defiance:.." Winston Churchill. Sir Winston later added some additional commentary on his earlier words..'Any nation that could not or would not abide by those terms, wouldn't have to worry about their freedom for long either, for they were sure to lose it'.

But we know where we stand today. Barack Obama's first act in office after taking the oath to defend the American nation, the American people, and the Constitution was to throw the bust of Winston Churchill, graciously presented years earlier to President George W Bush by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, into the garbage dumpster in back. A very symbolic and prophetic gesture in letting everyone know the Democrats were now in charge.
These are the same Democrats as the ones in New York State, where its de rigeur to walk down the public street with your male appendage inserted into your boyfriends rectum, but mandatory to spend your life in a closet if you vote Republican, where the practice of hydraulic fracking to increase hydrocarbon yields was very recently banned, but who instead now plan to, when the price of hydrocarbon fuels for heating starts rising toward the stratosphere, beg and plead incessantly in a never ending hue and cry for help from the government in paying for these fuels. Not one of those New Yorkers has ever heard the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" Too bad winter's over, we should let them all freeze to death, every last one.

You forgot singing the blues and rockin' out with Hollyweird stars.
So we are fighting a war for oil?


At least that would make sense. If Bush had made that the reason for going into Iraq, I still wouldn't have supported it, but at least the action would have had an aspect cogent to the national interest.
Yeah... violating all those cease fire agreements, genocide, ties to terrorism and ignoring UN resolution after UN resolution (including Res. 1440) weren't good enough reasons.

It's why I have no respect for Amnesty International who after decades of begging the US to do something, protested the war.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Could have waited for the job to be done in Afghanistan. Now we're still there. There was no "immediate threat" as touted, so while there may have been reasons, the timing was terrible.
I know why we initially went in.

I understand why we stuck around.

I am not nearly as clear as to the reason we are still there.

I hate the idea of pulling out right now because it will LOOK, once again, like we are tucking tail to run. And that perception comes with consequences. But I'm not sure that's the Obama Administration reason for sticking around.

One thing appears crystal clear: we cannot be there for Oil.

That is an absurd notion, in fact. There is no rational basis to even believe it. Does ANYBODY here trust Afghanistan once we are gone OR Pakistan at any time?

If we are "there" just to protect the region from Iranian control (threatening our supply of oil, for example) then a rather OBVIOUS first answer is to do that via Iraq and through the oceans and the skies.

The amazingly OBVIOUS larger answer is to make ourselves INDEPENDENT energy producers. And together with Canada, we easily could be. Yet that is the kind of thing the current President resists most fully.

We need to vote him out as soon as possible. It is just that urgent.
My question is actually mostly rhetorical. I wanted to point out how obama is not doing much different than what Bush did and yet there was all this outrage and bed wetting from the left.

It goers along with the hypocrisy of other groups that support the left: NAACP who won't fight against racism directed at black GOP members, or NOW who won't fight against sexism directed at GOP women, and then there is the largely silent Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan.
There are huge emerald deposits in eastern province border bordering china, and if you like dope,all the poppy you want. Ancient silk route, and opium trade area.

I agree, so why isn't there outrage from the left here in the US? Why isn't there indignation and outrage from Europe? Again, I'm asking a question that I already know the answer to.

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