Why work, when living off the Government is better?


Silver Member
Oct 26, 2012
United States
Milton Friedman knew what was up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZlsR3tNI_c&feature=colike]Milton Friedman- Welfare - YouTube[/ame]
[Making indolence and sloth more comfortable, one Democratic voter at a time]

"It Doesn’t Pay to Work

In the wake of President Obama’s re-election victory, there has been a lot of discussion about makers and takers. Mitt Romney said on a conference call with supporters, among many other things, that Obama bought a lot of votes with “gifts” to various constituencies, an evidently true observation for which he mysteriously was maligned by Bobby Jindal and others. The truth is much worse than Romney suggested or than most people imagine: the middle class is right to feel bitter and betrayed. Those who work for a living have been sold out by federal and state governments that have created a welfare system gone mad.

ZeroHedge has the grim numbers:

t is now more lucrative – in the form of actual disposable income – to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work. This is graphically, and very painfully confirmed, in the below chart from Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (a state best known for its broke capital Harrisburg). As quantitied, and explained by Alexander, “the single mom is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045.“"

It Doesn’t Pay to Work | Power Line

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to cash welfare checks…”

Federal law prohibits the admission of aliens to this country who are “likely at any time to become a public charge.” This is one of many statutes that the scofflaw Obama administration brazenly flouts. Rather than ensuring that immigrants will not become liabilities to the public purse, the Obama administration explicitly lures them to the U.S. with promises of lavish welfare benefits–a policy that is both illegal and perverse. This web site promoting federal welfare benefits, now the largest item in the federal budget, mirrors information that is included in packets given to new arrivals in the U.S.:"

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to cash welfare checks…” | Power Line

[They may not contribute much to society, sitting there barefoot on a New York City sidewalk, but each and every one of them has a singular intrinsic value. They vote. Baracky Obammunist has harnessed that more effectively than Nero did with his bread and circuses and better than Caligula who made a habit of finding his way to the tops of tall Roman buildings and hurling fistfuls of gold coins onto the heads of the swirling, milling crowds on the ground below him could ever have hoped to.]

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