Why won’t Republicans “Own Up”?

Look at the titles to the threads against Obama. “Obama. Why I want him impeached”, “Obama’s Depression”, “Soft treatment of Obama”, “Damn Obama”, “Obama lies”, and none of those are even in the “Flame Zone”.

For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, skimming money off insurance policies, sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one. Refusing to rebuild after Katrina. Letting Bin Laden go.
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be?

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

I dont think people will put up with the Democrats for long at all. My guess is things will start changing in November.

What exactly is wrong with making our nation wealthier? What's wrong with allowing people the freedom to make the kind of life they choose to make? How can you possibly complain about people not taking responsibility for their actions when you sit there and blame the so called rich for your problems?

In fact, did you ever notice that the people whining the most about the so called rich are the wealthiest people around? The difference is generally that they inherited or married into their wealth and the people they seek to punish have worked for it by producing some sort of benefit for the world around them. Now why would people, who have inherited or married into money, want to keep the little man from working hard to become rich? Because they arent hurt by it, it's only the people who work hard for their money or the little people who want to someday work hard to gain wealth that are hurt by their policies.

Now who benefits from penalizing the common man from obtaining more wealth through hard work? Ill give you a hint. It's the people who have done nothing for their money and want to keep people from being able to compete with them for power. So they go out and decieve people by stirring up jealousy, resentment, the covetness nature of human nature. They convince people that the only way for things to be "fair" is to punish their biggest competition, the common people who gain wealth through hard work and industry. But does stripping the people who are earning money make life better for the common man? No not really. But the elitists in power who already have their money, now can spend other peoples money on their pet projects. That way they can pretend to look compassionate, and continue to live in their abundant lifestyle without any sacrifice whatsoever.

Now, I dont blame the wealthy for my problems. Why you do, I don't know. Punishing other people because their success makes absolutely no sense.

You sit here blaming Republicans and the wealthy for all your problems. If your life isnt the way you want it, then fix it. If you want to be wealthy, work hard and become wealthy. If you want to help people, help people. If you want to do both, do both. You can't live vicariously through the government. Charity isnt taking from other people to give to the poor. Charity is taking of yourself and giving it to others. It's making the world a better world through your own industry and abilities and not through that of others.

You know what, things are much worse this year than they were 10 years ago. Sure we have some economic problems. But you know, that's life. It's naive to believe that we never have anything but prosperity. Especially when you tax the system with dishonesty, corruption, and government interference. Corruption and dishonesty will erode any system in enough time. There is no country or people or corporation or any organization that can sustain itself unless it roots out all corruption and dishonesty within itself.

And good people realize this. That is why they object to this adminsitrations corruption. Which interestingly is alot of the same stuff that was a problem under the Bush administration. And the Clinton administration. And every administration since before the great depression. The solutions wont come with electing better people. The solutions will come when we are better people. Because when we are better people, we will elect better people.

If you think thats blaming someone else, then you dont have a clue what you are talking about.

Who even knows what you are talking about? If making the top 1% gazillionaires is good for the country, then why has the economy crashed? That wasn't on Obama's watch.

We will have to use the "F" word here. FAIL! Because that is what you just did. At least your consistant.
Look at the titles to the threads against Obama. “Obama. Why I want him impeached”, “Obama’s Depression”, “Soft treatment of Obama”, “Damn Obama”, “Obama lies”, and none of those are even in the “Flame Zone”.

For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, skimming money off insurance policies, sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one. Refusing to rebuild after Katrina. Letting Bin Laden go.
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be?

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

They are ignorant, partisan hacks
Look at the titles to the threads against Obama. “Obama. Why I want him impeached”, “Obama’s Depression”, “Soft treatment of Obama”, “Damn Obama”, “Obama lies”, and none of those are even in the “Flame Zone”.

For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, skimming money off insurance policies, sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one. Refusing to rebuild after Katrina. Letting Bin Laden go.
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be?

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

Stop your whining!

Oh the contradictions. like you guys whine about everything Obama does.

How you can post such thing and not be embarrassed with yourself is beyond me. Just further supports many of the things said against people like you
Own up for what?

A better question to ask is why do liberals think they have the right to tell everyone what to do and act like the judge of mankind about everything? Is it because the utopia political entitiy has crowned them as 'good' and everyone else as 'evil'? What else explains why these people think they have a right to judge everyone else?

Another good question is why can't liberals disconnect from private lives where a person is accountable for their actions not for what their elected people do? Or why is it that, in their mind, political groups are the equivalent of racial stereotyping that people do? Have you noticed how they break everyone down by what their politics are. If you are black then you are left, white christian then you are right, if you are rich then you are a republicans. Normal people don't think like this.
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For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, (business owners who create jobs) skimming money off insurance policies, (huh?) sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one, (congress voted for this in 2003; and there is an explanatiopn...just one he disagrees with). Refusing to rebuild after Katrina.(really? Sounds like an opinion to me) Letting Bin Laden go.(that was Clinton that let him go,. Too much MSNBC if you ask me)
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be? (no one blames Obama. Obama blames Bush. We, Americans simplyt say fix it and complain when he lets ideology preventing him from implementing policies that have proven to work...in our opinion)

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

His post was nothing but a rant of opinion. You see it otherwise but then again, I see your posts as nothing more than rants of opinon.

Create jobs? Or move them overseas? You can’t just give businesses carte blanche and allow them to do anything they want because of this misguided belief they are always right. opinion. I see most companies want to gorw...not hoard cash

Skimming money off insurance policies, “HUH”? When 5 of the top 100 highest paid executives in the US work at a single health care company, Cigna, something is wrong.Opinon once again The same company has two corporate jets, gold plated plats and forks in their board room. They are so proud of that, they have put it up on their website, at least it was. They don’t make anything, they don’t sell anything. They are a death panel that stands between patients and doctors. Hey, it’s ok to make a profit, but how many insurance policies does it take to pay one 70 million dollar salary????????
Republicans ignore that question – always.

Refusing to rebuild Katrina? An Opinion? Really? So how is New Orleans now? What about the rest of the area? Remember Katrina was in 2005.(so you are saying NOTHING was appropriated by the demoicratic congress to NO? ANd in the past year?)
Sending Americans off to die in Iraq and the reason is “multiple choices”. Is “multiple choice” a “reason”? Saddam was working with Bin Laden, Saddam was attempting to build nuclear weapons, WMDs, bring “freedom to the Middle East”. Go ahead, “pick one”. There were a few more. Maybe I left your “favorite” out? You do not agree, but many in congress on the left did. Sorry. Run for congress.
Bin Laden was cornered in Tora Bora. Bush turned away, pulled troops and went into Iraq. At the same time, he let North Korea and Iran work on developing nuclear weapons AND said he “No longer thinks about Bin Laden”. Republicans should have howled, instead, “Sounds of crickets chirping”.

Polices proven to work? Only they didn’t work under Bush. Odd that. Besides, during all those years when Republicans had both houses and the Residency, where was “health care reform”? (Sound of crickets chirping)

My post was a rant, or Republicans simply refuse to accept responsibility? There is nothing they look at and say, “We did this wrong”. They just can’t do it.
Instead, they dream of brining down this president. Where are they positive? How are they helping the nation?

Learn to post opinion as opinion....it will help the debate...and debate is healthy for America.

So you want them to “grow” overseas? How does that help the US?

Cigna? Opinion? Where?

WENDELL POTTER: And that was my problem. I had been in the industry and I'd risen up in the ranks. And I had a great job. And I had a terrific office in a high-rise building in Philadelphia. I was insulated. I didn't really see what was going on. I saw the data. I knew that 47 million people were uninsured, but I didn't put faces with that number.
Just a few weeks later though, I was back in Philadelphia and I would often fly on a corporate aircraft to go to meetings.
And I just thought that was a great way to travel. It is a great way to travel. You're sitting in a luxurious corporate jet, leather seats, very spacious. And I was served my lunch by a flight attendant who brought my lunch on a gold-rimmed plate. And she handed me gold-plated silverware to eat it with. And then I remembered the people that I had seen in Wise County. Undoubtedly, they had no idea that this went on, at the corporate levels of health insurance companies.

Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS

People supported Bush after 9/11 because he was president. Who knew Republicans could lie with the country at stake? I didn’t. They always claim to be “patriotic”. Now I know.

As far as New Orleans and the Democrats. Let me point out that we nearly had a severe depression because of Republican policies. Are you saying they were “good” policies?

I was watching a pundent talk about the “hollow prize”. For instance, the mayor of Detroit, the first black mayor and he becomes mayor when the auto industry crashes. Now he spends his time just hoping people don’t starve.

That’s what happened to Obama. Republicans devastated the country like locusts and now he spends all his time just trying to save the remnants left by Republicans. And they want him to FAIL so they can, what? Destroy what they didn’t get the first time? What is their hidden agenda?

These Republican responses are just pitiful, really pitiful.
I didn't read past the old "cutting taxes on the wealthy" canard. When the top-earning 1% are paying 40% of taxes, and almost 50% are paying no federal income taxes at all, and only one other country in the WORLD has a higher corporate tax rate... "Robin Hood"-styled self-righteousness fails to impress.

Own up for what?

A better question to ask is why do liberals think they have the right to tell everyone what to do and act like the judge of mankind about everything? Is it because the utopia political entitiy has crowned them as 'good' and everyone else as 'evil'? What else explains why these people think they have a right to judge everyone else?

Another good question is why can't liberals disconnect from private lives where a person is accountable for their actions not for what their elected people do? Or why is it that, in their mind, political groups are the equivalent of racial stereotyping that people do? Have you noticed how they break everyone down by what their politics are. If you are black then you are left, white christian then you are right, if you are rich then you are a republicans. Normal people don't think like this.

Own up for what?

Oh, I don't know.

The economy?

The Iraqi war?

The deficit?

The lack of health care reform?

The devestated military?

Letting Bin Laden go?

Ok, none of those. I can't think of a thing.
Look at the titles to the threads against Obama. “Obama. Why I want him impeached”, “Obama’s Depression”, “Soft treatment of Obama”, “Damn Obama”, “Obama lies”, and none of those are even in the “Flame Zone”.

For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, skimming money off insurance policies, sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one. Refusing to rebuild after Katrina. Letting Bin Laden go.
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be?

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

Spoken like a true shitbag liberal. Cry about other people making threads about Obama, but completely ignore all the ones attacking the right. Throw in a bunch of blanket statements and ignore the fact that Republicans lost control of Congress back in 2007 and we have a typical liberal rant of blame Booooooosh!
For instance, the mayor of Detroit, the first black mayor and he becomes mayor when the auto industry crashes. Now he spends his time just hoping people don’t starve.

Who are you talking about? Dave Bing? Detroit has had a black mayor since '73. Please note that Democrats have run the city of Detroit for decades.

Own up for what?

Oh, I don't know.

The economy?

The Iraqi war?

The deficit?

The lack of health care reform?

The devestated military?

Letting Bin Laden go?

Ok, none of those. I can't think of a thing.

The economy?
Bush + Repub Congress = record low unemployment.
Dem Congress + Bush = begining of all the trouble.

The Iraqi war?
I keep forgetting, the world would be better off with more totalitarian dictators.

The deficit?
Obama is making the yearly Republican deficit his MONTHLY deficit, and you're complaining about the republican one?

The lack of health care reform?
The American people have spoken- they don't want HusseinCare, and you didn't need ONE republican vote to get it passed.

The devestated military?
"Devestated"? I've been with the military since 1999, and I don't know what you are talking about.

Letting Bin Laden go?
You're confused, that was Clinton. He was offered Osama and he let him go.
For instance, the mayor of Detroit, the first black mayor and he becomes mayor when the auto industry crashes. Now he spends his time just hoping people don’t starve.

Who are you talking about? Dave Bing? Detroit has had a black mayor since '73. Please note that Democrats have run the city of Detroit for decades.


Yea, and look where Detroit is now. Its the shithole of the country.
Look at the titles to the threads against Obama. “Obama. Why I want him impeached”, “Obama’s Depression”, “Soft treatment of Obama”, “Damn Obama”, “Obama lies”, and none of those are even in the “Flame Zone”.

For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, skimming money off insurance policies, sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one. Refusing to rebuild after Katrina. Letting Bin Laden go.
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be?

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

Haven't you been paying attention?

It has been decided that we are no longer allowed to talk about BOOOOOSH. The clock has been reset, everything Bush did is in the past. Nobody is allowed to bring up precedent or context of current issues.

You have to understand. This is the NEW Republican Party. NEW Ideas. NEW Faces. FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE. They will not repeat the mistakes of the past even though they propose the same policies.


You can talk about Booooosh all you want, in fact, keep talking about him. But, it would be nice if President Obama would stop blaming EVERTHING on Booooosh and behave just a little like a MAN. Oh, and by the way, you children bitched and whined about Booooosh starting 1/20/2001 and have not stopped yet.
For instance, the mayor of Detroit, the first black mayor and he becomes mayor when the auto industry crashes. Now he spends his time just hoping people don’t starve.

Who are you talking about? Dave Bing? Detroit has had a black mayor since '73. Please note that Democrats have run the city of Detroit for decades.


It's still a "hollow prize".

Yet he may be the right man for one of the most thankless jobs in America. Bing inherited a budget deficit of at least $275 million, an unemployment rate of about 29% and a city government that barely functions. His turnaround strategy hinges not on personal warmth but on two key arguments: First, Detroit must reduce the size of its 42 government agencies to be proportionate to a city with a shrinking population and smaller coffers. That, in turn, means potentially reducing the city's job rolls from 13,200 to about 12,000 by the end of 2009 — a risky proposition in a region with historically strong unions. It's a strategy that's particularly dangerous in an election year. So far, Bing seems unfazed by both the challenges and his constituents' skepticism: only 17% of Detroit's registered voters bothered to show up at the polls for the August primary. "Changes that should have happened 20 years ago are now upon us," Bing told me. "Previous administrations had folks who were so concerned about getting elected, or re-elected. I'm not worried about that."

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing: Can He Stop the City's Decline? - TIME


Exactly what Obama has inherited.
For instance, the mayor of Detroit, the first black mayor and he becomes mayor when the auto industry crashes. Now he spends his time just hoping people don’t starve.

Who are you talking about? Dave Bing? Detroit has had a black mayor since '73. Please note that Democrats have run the city of Detroit for decades.


Yea, and look where Detroit is now. Its the shithole of the country.

No, the big problem in Detroit is that the mayor and city council fight for control at every opportunity. The city has suffered because of that. Don't get me wrong, Detroit has plenty of problems (my home town) but remember it wasn't the Dems in charge when the city rioted.

Sorry to upset your neat little applecart, but Americans in three states have spoken recently and it's the Dim party they rejected.

Good point.

Dims blamed 9/11 on Bush after he was in office for 8 months and yet they still refuse to give Obama any blame.

But yet... they approve of Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize after 11 days in office.

hahaaha... you Dims are laughable.

What planet are you from?
Look at the titles to the threads against Obama. “Obama. Why I want him impeached”, “Obama’s Depression”, “Soft treatment of Obama”, “Damn Obama”, “Obama lies”, and none of those are even in the “Flame Zone”.

For 8 years, Republicans turned America into a “Money Party”. Cutting taxes on the wealthiest, skimming money off insurance policies, sending young Americans off to die – and no one can still explain that one. Refusing to rebuild after Katrina. Letting Bin Laden go.
They left every government organization in shambles:
Justice Department
Even the Supreme Court has been packed with hard right extremists who overturn century old laws for a buck.

And look how they go after Obama. They take not a bit of responsibility for what they’ve done. 8 years of damaging the country and they refuse to take any responsibility.

Worse, they constantly attempt to shift the blame for their mess to Obama. How can that be?

I wonder for how long America will have to put up with this awful and dangerous political party before the country takes them to task?

Stop your whining!

Oh the contradictions. like you guys whine about everything Obama does.

How you can post such thing and not be embarrassed with yourself is beyond me. Just further supports many of the things said against people like you

If I criticize Obama I will back it up with facts not rhetoric. For example the fact that Obama lied during the SOTU speech when he said the Supreme Court's decision would allow foreign corporations to spend in U.S. elections.
Who are you talking about? Dave Bing? Detroit has had a black mayor since '73. Please note that Democrats have run the city of Detroit for decades.


Yea, and look where Detroit is now. Its the shithole of the country.

No, the big problem in Detroit is that the mayor and city council fight for control at every opportunity. The city has suffered because of that. Don't get me wrong, Detroit has plenty of problems (my home town) but remember it wasn't the Dems in charge when the city rioted.


LMAO. Yea, it was the Republicans' fault that the blacks tore the city up and it has never recovered since!

Un-fucking-believable! :cuckoo:

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