Why were the 2 assn attempts on Pres Ford so downplayed by the media


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dissapointed they failed?????????
I the MSM was attempting (in those days) to calm the public down.

Remember the weird way that Ford ended up in the White House.

The question of the legitimacy of his entry into the oval office wasn't something that we wanted to think about too hard.
I agree - no 24/7 CNN and coverage like we do today!

I have seen the tree where "Squeaky" hid behind on the Capitol grounds in Sacramento. That is a beautiful place. Secret Service must have had their heads up their ass that day to allow her to get so close!

Ditto the day Reagan was shot.

And Hinkley - this morning's paper - has extended visitation rights now with Mommy in Williamsburg? Christ - that fucker should have gotten the chair.
I NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dissapointed they failed?????????

What makes you say it was downplayed? Got a lot of attention at the time, especially since there were two attempts so close together. They were failed attempts, though. If he'd been hit like Reagan, things would undoubtedly been different.
I the MSM was attempting (in those days) to calm the public down.

Remember the weird way that Ford ended up in the White House.

The question of the legitimacy of his entry into the oval office wasn't something that we wanted to think about too hard.

I don't see how his legitimacy could be questioned. Constitutional procedure was followed. If that was illegimate, than where does that leave the Constitution?
I the MSM was attempting (in those days) to calm the public down.

Remember the weird way that Ford ended up in the White House.

The question of the legitimacy of his entry into the oval office wasn't something that we wanted to think about too hard.

Legitimacy? Vice President Ford was sworn in after the president resigned. If you call that illegitimate you need to retake civics 101. The wierd part was the media accepting fiction written by Karl Marx Bernstein and his sidekick with an undisclosed "informant" who's identity wasn't revealed until he died and couldn't answer any questions.
I NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dissapointed they failed?????????

Nah, it was because Ford's VP was behind both plots.

It was front page stuff both times. Made the cover of all three newsmagazines.

And of course, Squeeky made great headlines too.

It wasn't downplayed.

But both of them missed. So there was no reason to care after too long.

You realize we have gone 50 years without a president dieing in office? From Harrison to Kennedy we usually lost one every 20 years.

35 years on, there are still those who remember ford getting shot at. How many people forget that someone took a shot at FDR that killed the man next to him?
I NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dissapointed they failed?????????

Nah, it was because Ford's VP was behind both plots.


During the 20th century we saw the the sons of wealthy industrialists persue careers in politics. My guess is that they were too dumb to run a corporation so politics was the best solution to getting them the hell out of the way. Rocky was probably the reason Ford lost to the peanut man. No republican would vote for that team after they saw what Rocky did to Goldwater. Anyway Rocky finally met his maker in his bimbo's apartment. Libs treated Squeeky as a joke and she was finally released even after she escaped.
I the MSM was attempting (in those days) to calm the public down.

Remember the weird way that Ford ended up in the White House.

The question of the legitimacy of his entry into the oval office wasn't something that we wanted to think about too hard.

I don't see how his legitimacy could be questioned. Constitutional procedure was followed. If that was illegimate, than where does that leave the Constitution?

Oh, it wasn't illegitimate...merely weird.
Anyone who says it was downplayed wasn't around at the time or has a horrible memory.
Apparently Squeaky got hold of a government model .45 and didn't get checked out with it's operation. She didn't know how to chamber a round. Who gave her the gun? The feds apparently didn't care.

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