Why Trump's commutation of Blagojevich sentence makes sense.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"? i.e. how long in prison is long enough?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!
^ When one has no argument, his best option is to change the subject.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!
^ When one has no argument, his best option is to change the subject.

When you have no proof of an unqualified opinion, you simply state bullshit.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!
^ When one has no argument, his best option is to change the subject.

When you have no proof of an unqualified opinion, you simply state bullshit.
While I can’t stand people like Blagojevich, I support Trump’ decision to commute his 14yr sentence.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.

That's all bullshit. Trumpybear doesn't do anything without getting his palms greased. He's probably getting something from each one of his fellow criminals he cut loose yesterday.

Embrace the corruption Trumpublicans, it's all yours.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.

While a tactical motivation, a political strategy might have guided Donald Trump's hand in the pardoning of the former governor, I think he also did it because he's a good man. He saw a grieving wife and felt sympathy for her and her family. Sometimes, it's that simple even though the "cool" kid woke radicals don't want us to believe any person can be genuinely good these days.
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Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
There should be NO ONE currently serving time for security violations. Trump would be an ass if he refused to commute or pardon each and every last motherfucker who is serving time or being prosecuted for negligently disclosing classified information.

Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!
^ When one has no argument, his best option is to change the subject.

When you have no proof of an unqualified opinion, you simply state bullshit.

As usual you didn't look far into what happened to these people, and why they get a pardon or commutations.

The Last Refuge

White House Statements on Executive Grants of Clemency…

Posted on February 18, 2020 by sundance


The White House has released an outline of multiple persons who are receiving executive grants of clemency from President Trump.
PARDONS: President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency granting Full Pardons to the following individuals: Edward DeBartolo, Jr., Michael Milken, Ariel Friedler, Bernard Kerik, Paul Pogue, David Safavian, and Angela Stanton.

COMMUTATIONS: In addition, President Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency granting commutations to Rod Blagojevich, Tynice Nichole Hall, Crystal Munoz, and Judith Negron.


♦ Michael Milken, one of America’s greatest financiers, pioneered the use of high-yield bonds in corporate finance. His innovative work greatly expanded access to capital for emerging companies. By enabling smaller players to access the financing they needed to compete, Mr. Milken’s efforts helped create entire industries, such as wireless communications and cable television, and transformed others, like home building. Mr. Milken’s work also democratized corporate finance by providing women and minorities access to capital that would have been unavailable to them otherwise.

In 1989, at the height of his finance career, Mr. Milken was charged in an indictment alleging that some of his innovative financing mechanisms were in fact criminal schemes. The charges filed against Mr. Milken were truly novel. In fact, one of the lead prosecutors later admitted that Mr. Milken had been charged with numerous technical offenses and regulatory violations that had never before been charged as crimes.

Though he initially vowed to fight the charges, Mr. Milken ultimately pled guilty in exchange for prosecutors dropping criminal charges against his younger brother. As a result, Mr. Milken served 2 years in prison in the early 1990s. Since his release, Mr. Milken has dedicated his life to philanthropy, continuing charitable work that he began before his indictment. Over the years, Mr. Milken—either personally or through foundations he created—has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in critical funding to medical research, education, and disadvantaged children.

bolding mine

LINK for the rest
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Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.

While a tactical motivation, a political strategy might have guided Donald Trump's hand in the pardoning of the former governor, I think he also did it because he he's a good man. He saw a grieving wife and felt sympathy for her and her family. Sometimes, it's that simple even thought the "cool" kid woke radicals don't want us to believe any person can be genuinely good these days.
Trump has always had a big heart with a long history of reaching out to help others.
So again, when Clinton and Obummer did it it as fine, When Trump does it it’s bad! We’re supposed to be lenient on drug pushers cause it’s a non violent crime right? Democrats are assholes and hypocrites.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.

That's all bullshit. Trumpybear doesn't do anything without getting his palms greased. He's probably getting something from each one of his fellow criminals he cut loose yesterday.

Embrace the corruption Trumpublicans, it's all yours.
Oh, no doubt. Trump is getting something for commuting Blagojevich. I can't WAIT to see what it is. This will be so much fun.

Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.

That's all bullshit. Trumpybear doesn't do anything without getting his palms greased. He's probably getting something from each one of his fellow criminals he cut loose yesterday.

Embrace the corruption Trumpublicans, it's all yours.
Oh, no doubt. Trump is getting something for commuting Blagojevich. I can't WAIT to see what it is. This will be so much fun.

Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.

That's all bullshit. Trumpybear doesn't do anything without getting his palms greased. He's probably getting something from each one of his fellow criminals he cut loose yesterday.

Embrace the corruption Trumpublicans, it's all yours.
Oh, no doubt. Trump is getting something for commuting Blagojevich. I can't WAIT to see what it is. This will be so much fun.


Hair tips!
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"? i.e. how long in prison is long enough?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!

Question: If Bernie were elected would he pardon Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the Boston Bomber?
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"? i.e. how long in prison is long enough?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!

Blago hasn't learned any lessons at all. He gave a press conference today calling himself a "political prisoner" and calling his conviction "unjust". He was caught red handed on tape shaking down a children's hospital. It was an open and shut case. He learned nothing. He should be sent back to jail to learn his lesson.
Donald Trump’s commutation of Rod Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence makes sense because Hillary Clinton willfully destroyed subpoenaed evidence in an FBI Email investigation into the deaths of State Department employees in Benghazi. Clinton, who consciously and with malice maintained private servers in violation of security protocol ordered staff and aides to destroy the evidence. Clinton, as Secretary of State was instrumental in the deaths of American State Department personnel by downplaying terror threats and refusing to provide or upgrade security at the Benghazi compound in order to protect the legacy of Barack Obama who was touting the success of his policies. Clinton never spent a second in prison.

Trump likely rightfully concluded that if Blagojevich got 14 years for what he did then Clinton should have faced a firing squad. No one died from what Blagojevich did.
You are overthinking this. Trump just thinks fraud and bribery are not crimes. White collar crime is just a kind of business strategy to him.

It may be the cost of incarceration versus the benefits of "lessons learned" and "second chances"? i.e. how long in prison is long enough?
Democrats want the Boston marathon bomber to vote in prison, WTF?!

Blago hasn't learned any lessons at all. He gave a press conference today calling himself a "political prisoner" and calling his conviction "unjust". He was caught red handed on tape shaking down a children's hospital. It was an open and shut case. He learned nothing. He should be sent back to jail to learn his lesson.

Hey if The Dirty Don's corrupt Ukraine Shakedown Scheme is okay with the Trumpulbicans in Congress, they must be fine with Robs extortion scheme to sell that Senate Seat.

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