Why They Hate US

Do you ever think about how differently you would feel if for-profit bombs were killing your family?

Probably the most moronic post to date
How many innocent human beings has the US military killed during your lifetime, and why is the question moronic?

Those who journey half-way around the world to kill people who pose no threat to the US are moral morons, at least.

Are you one?
Do you ever think about how differently you would feel if for-profit bombs were killing your family?

Probably the most moronic post to date
How many innocent human beings has the US military killed during your lifetime, and why is the question moronic?

Those who journey half-way around the world to kill people who pose no threat to the US are moral morons, at least.

Are you one?

When your village in P-Stan, or wherever you're posting your Muslim-loving shit is coming from, is targeted by a Made in the USA weapon - that will be a good day.
Because America's for-profit Killing Machine generates nearly half the world's refugees.

Afghanistan with 3.05 million displaced persons followed by Iraq's 1.68 million refugees currently lead the pack but don't underestimate the misery US elites have in mind for Yemen and Libya.

While the US accepts more refugees for permanent settlement than any other country (71,400 in 2010) most of the current burden falls on neighboring states like Pakistan, Iran, and Syria.

Maybe US defense contractors and the richest 1% of Americans should have their income that comes from killing children taxed at a little higher rate than their winnings in Wall Street's casino?

Half of World's Refugees are Running From US Wars | Truthout

George, why do you stay in a nation you insist is so evil?
Why do you pretend to confuse the rich parasites who control the government with the nation, Dave?

I've lived long enough to appreciate the changes that can happen when enough citizens see through the lies their leaders tell. The US invasion of South Vietnam is probably the most telling example.

The Vietnamese posed no threat to the US homeland, and when enough US citizens came to see that truth, those who made the profit from the war were forced to withdraw their useful idiots.

Like you.

Why is your knee-jerk response to support those who profit from killing children?
You want a good thumbnail of all the military operations, wars and surpressions of internal revolts that our military has been involved with in the last 235 years or so?

Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyone who is foolish enough to buy into the theory that the USA is a peace loving nation needs to look at the above.

America is an EMPIRE and as such it cannot be a peaceful nation.
Empires eventually devour their own, imo.

"1899–1913 – Philippine Islands. Philippine-American War US forces protected American interests following the war with Spain, defeating rebellious Filipinos seeking immediate national independence.[RL30172]

"The U.S. government declared the 'insurgency' officially over in 1902, when the Filipino leadership generally accepted American rule. Skirmishes between government troops and armed groups lasted until 1913, and some historians consider these unofficial extensions of the war."

Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Counterinsurgency" techniques (like waterboarding) that were perfected in the Philippines during the conquest were imported into this country and used against those protesting US entry into WWI.

History repeats? (Again)
Misleading title. Should read:
Why I Hate the US
"WAR is a racket.

"It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."

Why I hate War.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.

-- John Stuart Mill, nailing your stupid hippie ass to the wall.
"When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people..."

Such a people are enslaved, Dave.

This nation you profess to love has not faced an existential threat from invasion since at least the end of WWII. If ever. All of the millions of innocent humans from Korea to Kosovo who have died because of service like yours during the last fifty years say "thanks, slave."

Maybe you should think of taking personal responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others for a world you've helped create.
Do you ever think about how differently you would feel if for-profit bombs were killing your family?

Probably the most moronic post to date
How many innocent human beings has the US military killed during your lifetime, and why is the question moronic?

Those who journey half-way around the world to kill people who pose no threat to the US are moral morons, at least.

Are you one?

How many innocent people have been killed by their own governments over the past century?

Do you ever think about how differently you would feel if for-profit bombs were killing your family?

Probably the most moronic post to date
How many innocent human beings has the US military killed during your lifetime, and why is the question moronic?

Those who journey half-way around the world to kill people who pose no threat to the US are moral morons, at least.

Are you one?

Why yes, George, as a matter of fact, I am, (at least, according to you) since I served in Vietnam. However, for the moment, I'll ignore the insult, because you're in need of a little education; it appears to me you've spent too much time studying Marxist propaganda, and not studying the history of the world around you. As a result, what you think is "simple morality" is actually "simplistic morality". There's a rather large difference.

Ever since human warfare evolved sufficiently to require clothing provisions and munitions for the troops, someone on the home front has been able to make a profit from it. Even during the American Revolution, merchants and speculators made money on goods and provisions supplied to the Continental Army. That does NOT prove the Revolution was fought solely for their benefit, however; people (and companies) have profited off everything from natural and manmade disasters to individual misfortunes. I realize you disapprove, but freedom allows people to make a profit, sometimes in situations where the "morality" of doing so is less than noble. What you're doing is jumping from "someone profited monetarily from someone else's misery" to "That misery was arranged by the government for the sole purpose of letting corporations/rich people make a profit". I'm pretty sure the Government didn't arrange hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods for businesses to profit from, but that has not kept many from doing so.

War is no different. I'm sure some companies made a lot of money on all the stuff we used in Vietnam. I'm sure some of the munitions killed innocent people, right along with the bad guys. I'm also pretty sure we didn't fight the war for that specific purpose. Occasionally, America goes to war for her perceived national interests, sometimes to oppose the enemies of freedom, sometimes for principles. Sometimes these may be misguided, but that's a long way from some sinister conspiracy to further line the pockets of "rich capitalist pigs", even if that last turns out to be a side effect. If that bothers you so much, move to a communist country, or a real fascist dictatorship, where there's no freedom for anyone to abuse, or misuse.

Of course, you don't hate freedom; well, not your own anyway; what you hate, is that others are free to do things you disapprove of, including making money at someone else's expense. Sorry, George, the same freedom that allows you to misuse freedom of expression to trash your country, and those who serve her, also allows a corporation to profit from selling arms.

You know, I feel certain that if you had been around when I came home from Vietnam, you'd have been right there, cursing, and calling my fellow soldiers and me, warmongers and baby-killers, among other things. You would not have known, nor cared, that most of us never killed a Vietnamese non-cmbatant, not a single one. You would not have known, nor cared, that most of us hated war even more than you do, though for different reasons. You hate it, on strictly abstract and mostly ideological grounds; we know the sheer terror, agony, horror and waste the enterprise involves. We carry the sights, sounds and smells of it with us forever. Trust me, we know the cost of war. You, on the other hand only THINK you do.

The Left in America thinks, erroneously, that it knows the cost of the failure of national will that cost us the victory we earned in Vietnam. To you, it's simply a failed war. However, the assymetric wars we are having to fight now, might have been prevented, had we finished the job we started in Vietnam. The "victory" handed to the VC and NVA by thoughtless, misinformed and misled Americans just like you, furnished the blueprint for every two-bit nation or group that has wanted to fight America since. Your progenitors sent a message to the world, one people like you are still sending today: if you want to fight America, all you have to do, is keep a force in being in the field, inflict a few casualties, and wait for the Americans to run out of patience and GO HOME. You don't have to win a single engagement,; just be patient, and the weak-willed, cowardly American people will give you what you want. The communist insurgents in Grenada believed that message, Manuel Noriega believed that message, Saddam Hussein believed that message, Osama Bin Lades believed that message, and his successors, and the Taliban, believe it still. So do Iran and North Korea. Yeah, the damn hippies "stopped the war" in Vietnam.....how many others have they encouraged, as a result? More to the point, how many others are YOU encouraging now, with your peacenik drivel? You may not care, but I do. I care, because thanks to them and you, some other young troops are going to have to go through the same hell I did. Some of them are going to be crippled, like too many of my brothers; some are going to die, like 58,000 of my brothers. That is going to happen, because giving in to blackmail, and seeking "peace at any price", virtually guarantees war (how did Chamberlain's attempt at appeasing Hitler at Munich work out?). If history teaches anything, it is that you had better be prepared for war, if you seek to have peace, and more importantly, you had better convince your enemy that you not only CAN destroy him, but that you also have both the will and resolve to do that. You can fight a small war today, or you'll be fighting more, and maybe bigger, wars tomorrow. The world since we broke the Soviets is a different one; there are a lot of nasty nations and even stateless groups, that atom bombs and guided missiles won't touch; it's hard to bomb them back to the stone age, when they already aren't far removed from it. Dealing with that is not a nice, clean, sanitary, button-pushing affair; it is slow, patient, difficult, brutal, ground-pounding work. You think they can't hurt America? Bin Laden proved otherwise on 9/11. You think we can just buy them all off, and disengage from wherever in the world someone may not want us to be, without consequence to our own well-being here at home? Well, let me assure you that America cannot do that, even if we wanted to. Sooner or later, "minding our own business" won't be enough; someone will eventually want what we can't let him have, and then we'll have to fight an even bigger war, perhaps at a disadvantage, perhaps one we might lose. You may be willing to take that chance; this American is not. Freedom is neither free, nor cheap, and every generation has its installment of the bill come due at some point; it's either pay now, or risk losing freedom later.
Because America's for-profit Killing Machine generates nearly half the world's refugees.

Afghanistan with 3.05 million displaced persons followed by Iraq's 1.68 million refugees currently lead the pack but don't underestimate the misery US elites have in mind for Yemen and Libya.

While the US accepts more refugees for permanent settlement than any other country (71,400 in 2010) most of the current burden falls on neighboring states like Pakistan, Iran, and Syria.

Maybe US defense contractors and the richest 1% of Americans should have their income that comes from killing children taxed at a little higher rate than their winnings in Wall Street's casino?

Half of World's Refugees are Running From US Wars | Truthout

George, why do you stay in a nation you insist is so evil?
Why do you pretend to confuse the rich parasites who control the government with the nation, Dave?

I've lived long enough to appreciate the changes that can happen when enough citizens see through the lies their leaders tell. The US invasion of South Vietnam is probably the most telling example.

The Vietnamese posed no threat to the US homeland, and when enough US citizens came to see that truth, those who made the profit from the war were forced to withdraw their useful idiots.

Like you.

Why is your knee-jerk response to support those who profit from killing children?
Your stupid hippie horseshit aside, you wrote this:

Why do you think those of us who hate murder for money hate the US?
So don't tell me you don't hate the US, you piece of crap. Move. Get out.
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"WAR is a racket.

"It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."

Why I hate War.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.

-- John Stuart Mill, nailing your stupid hippie ass to the wall.
"When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people..."

Such a people are enslaved, Dave.

This nation you profess to love has not faced an existential threat from invasion since at least the end of WWII. If ever. All of the millions of innocent humans from Korea to Kosovo who have died because of service like yours during the last fifty years say "thanks, slave."
And now you're channelling dead people.

Your hatred has driven you insane.
Maybe you should think of taking personal responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others for a world you've helped create.
Someone who wants other people to pay him for being stupid and lazy has no standing to criticize any lack of personal responsibility on someone else's part.

Dumbass smelly hippie.
Probably the most moronic post to date
How many innocent human beings has the US military killed during your lifetime, and why is the question moronic?

Those who journey half-way around the world to kill people who pose no threat to the US are moral morons, at least.

Are you one?

Why yes, George, as a matter of fact, I am, (at least, according to you) since I served in Vietnam. However, for the moment, I'll ignore the insult, because you're in need of a little education; it appears to me you've spent too much time studying Marxist propaganda, and not studying the history of the world around you. As a result, what you think is "simple morality" is actually "simplistic morality". There's a rather large difference.

Ever since human warfare evolved sufficiently to require clothing provisions and munitions for the troops, someone on the home front has been able to make a profit from it. Even during the American Revolution, merchants and speculators made money on goods and provisions supplied to the Continental Army. That does NOT prove the Revolution was fought solely for their benefit, however; people (and companies) have profited off everything from natural and manmade disasters to individual misfortunes. I realize you disapprove, but freedom allows people to make a profit, sometimes in situations where the "morality" of doing so is less than noble. What you're doing is jumping from "someone profited monetarily from someone else's misery" to "That misery was arranged by the government for the sole purpose of letting corporations/rich people make a profit". I'm pretty sure the Government didn't arrange hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods for businesses to profit from, but that has not kept many from doing so.

War is no different. I'm sure some companies made a lot of money on all the stuff we used in Vietnam. I'm sure some of the munitions killed innocent people, right along with the bad guys. I'm also pretty sure we didn't fight the war for that specific purpose. Occasionally, America goes to war for her perceived national interests, sometimes to oppose the enemies of freedom, sometimes for principles. Sometimes these may be misguided, but that's a long way from some sinister conspiracy to further line the pockets of "rich capitalist pigs", even if that last turns out to be a side effect. If that bothers you so much, move to a communist country, or a real fascist dictatorship, where there's no freedom for anyone to abuse, or misuse.

Of course, you don't hate freedom; well, not your own anyway; what you hate, is that others are free to do things you disapprove of, including making money at someone else's expense. Sorry, George, the same freedom that allows you to misuse freedom of expression to trash your country, and those who serve her, also allows a corporation to profit from selling arms.

You know, I feel certain that if you had been around when I came home from Vietnam, you'd have been right there, cursing, and calling my fellow soldiers and me, warmongers and baby-killers, among other things. You would not have known, nor cared, that most of us never killed a Vietnamese non-cmbatant, not a single one. You would not have known, nor cared, that most of us hated war even more than you do, though for different reasons. You hate it, on strictly abstract and mostly ideological grounds; we know the sheer terror, agony, horror and waste the enterprise involves. We carry the sights, sounds and smells of it with us forever. Trust me, we know the cost of war. You, on the other hand only THINK you do.

The Left in America thinks, erroneously, that it knows the cost of the failure of national will that cost us the victory we earned in Vietnam. To you, it's simply a failed war. However, the assymetric wars we are having to fight now, might have been prevented, had we finished the job we started in Vietnam. The "victory" handed to the VC and NVA by thoughtless, misinformed and misled Americans just like you, furnished the blueprint for every two-bit nation or group that has wanted to fight America since. Your progenitors sent a message to the world, one people like you are still sending today: if you want to fight America, all you have to do, is keep a force in being in the field, inflict a few casualties, and wait for the Americans to run out of patience and GO HOME. You don't have to win a single engagement,; just be patient, and the weak-willed, cowardly American people will give you what you want. The communist insurgents in Grenada believed that message, Manuel Noriega believed that message, Saddam Hussein believed that message, Osama Bin Lades believed that message, and his successors, and the Taliban, believe it still. So do Iran and North Korea. Yeah, the damn hippies "stopped the war" in Vietnam.....how many others have they encouraged, as a result? More to the point, how many others are YOU encouraging now, with your peacenik drivel? You may not care, but I do. I care, because thanks to them and you, some other young troops are going to have to go through the same hell I did. Some of them are going to be crippled, like too many of my brothers; some are going to die, like 58,000 of my brothers. That is going to happen, because giving in to blackmail, and seeking "peace at any price", virtually guarantees war (how did Chamberlain's attempt at appeasing Hitler at Munich work out?). If history teaches anything, it is that you had better be prepared for war, if you seek to have peace, and more importantly, you had better convince your enemy that you not only CAN destroy him, but that you also have both the will and resolve to do that. You can fight a small war today, or you'll be fighting more, and maybe bigger, wars tomorrow. The world since we broke the Soviets is a different one; there are a lot of nasty nations and even stateless groups, that atom bombs and guided missiles won't touch; it's hard to bomb them back to the stone age, when they already aren't far removed from it. Dealing with that is not a nice, clean, sanitary, button-pushing affair; it is slow, patient, difficult, brutal, ground-pounding work. You think they can't hurt America? Bin Laden proved otherwise on 9/11. You think we can just buy them all off, and disengage from wherever in the world someone may not want us to be, without consequence to our own well-being here at home? Well, let me assure you that America cannot do that, even if we wanted to. Sooner or later, "minding our own business" won't be enough; someone will eventually want what we can't let him have, and then we'll have to fight an even bigger war, perhaps at a disadvantage, perhaps one we might lose. You may be willing to take that chance; this American is not. Freedom is neither free, nor cheap, and every generation has its installment of the bill come due at some point; it's either pay now, or risk losing freedom later.

:clap2: Very well said, sir. :salute:
Probably the most moronic post to date
How many innocent human beings has the US military killed during your lifetime, and why is the question moronic?

Those who journey half-way around the world to kill people who pose no threat to the US are moral morons, at least.

Are you one?

When your village in P-Stan, or wherever you're posting your Muslim-loving shit is coming from, is targeted by a Made in the USA weapon - that will be a good day.

lets change the word Muslim-loving to British -loving or Israel-loving; would the reaction on this thread spew the same sentiment?

warrior - i'm a fan, but i must ask.
Could some of the idiot brigade here explain to me just how it matters to a dead man, whether he is killed by a "made for profit" bomb or bullet, or the "made by forced labor" variety? As far as I know, either will kill you just as dead.

By the way, the figures some of you are using for dead Iraqis would make us responsible for every Iraqi who has died since 1991, including those who died of natural causes.I hardly think we have had troops in-country there for enough of that time to be responsible for all of that. Then again, one of the Lefites here told me we were responsible for all of the murdering and torturing the VC did in Vietnam; said our being there "made them do it", so maybe, we made Saddam murder his own people too, or kill them through neglect, and somehow, that's America's fault as well. Next, I suppose you'll say we caused the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, or the last earthquake in Chile, or the earthquake and tsunami in Japan; why not, since you blame America for everything else that goes wrong around the world? I know it's a bit much to ask the Left to quit exaggerating when it comes to trashing America, but could we at least dispense with the outright lies?
Because America's for-profit Killing Machine generates nearly half the world's refugees.

Afghanistan with 3.05 million displaced persons followed by Iraq's 1.68 million refugees currently lead the pack but don't underestimate the misery US elites have in mind for Yemen and Libya.

While the US accepts more refugees for permanent settlement than any other country (71,400 in 2010) most of the current burden falls on neighboring states like Pakistan, Iran, and Syria.

Maybe US defense contractors and the richest 1% of Americans should have their income that comes from killing children taxed at a little higher rate than their winnings in Wall Street's casino?

Half of World's Refugees are Running From US Wars | Truthout

George, why do you stay in a nation you insist is so evil?
Why do you pretend to confuse the rich parasites who control the government with the nation, Dave?

I've lived long enough to appreciate the changes that can happen when enough citizens see through the lies their leaders tell. The US invasion of South Vietnam is probably the most telling example.

The Vietnamese posed no threat to the US homeland, and when enough US citizens came to see that truth, those who made the profit from the war were forced to withdraw their useful idiots.

Like you.

Why is your knee-jerk response to support those who profit from killing children?

The only people who "invaded" South Vietnam were the VC and NVA, George. The Left says the VC were "indigenous freedom fighters". That's a damn lie! Most of them we captured were NOT South Vietnamese at all; they readily admitted to being NVA soldiers, infiltrated into the RVN from North Vietnam, some of them YEARS earlier. Virtually ALL of the VC leadership in the RVN were in fact North Vietnamese, not locals. And you call US "invaders"? Bullshit! Keep it up, because I am going to call you, on every single lie you tell here about our involvement In Vietnam. I'm tired of hearing them, and more importantly I'm tired of people like you slandering the memories of my dead brothers, and tired of their surviving loved ones having to look at lies and slander heaped upon men they loved as fathers, sons, brothers, sweethearts and husbands. Those men were and are more than just statistics and names on a wall to me and a lot of others. How about you extend some of that liberal "love and compassion" you waste on America's enemies to them, for a change? You can save your insults for me; I've heard them all before, I've got a thick skin, and I can dish it right back. The dead aren't here to defend themselves.
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Could some of the idiot brigade here explain to me just how it matters to a dead man, whether he is killed by a "made for profit" bomb or bullet, or the "made by forced labor" variety? As far as I know, either will kill you just as dead.
The made-for-profit ordnance has better quality control.
By the way, the figures some of you are using for dead Iraqis would make us responsible for every Iraqi who has died since 1991, including those who died of natural causes.I hardly think we have had troops in-country there for enough of that time to be responsible for all of that. Then again, one of the Lefites here told me we were responsible for all of the murdering and torturing the VC did in Vietnam; said our being there "made them do it", so maybe, we made Saddam murder his own people too, or kill them through neglect, and somehow, that's America's fault as well. Next, I suppose you'll say we caused the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, or the last earthquake in Chile, or the earthquake and tsunami in Japan; why not, since you blame America for everything else that goes wrong around the world? I know it's a bit much to ask the Left to quit exaggerating when it comes to trashing America, but could we at least dispense with the outright lies?
You can't expect rationality and logic from the irrational and emotional. These are people who would gladly have consigned millions to death under totalitarian regimes if it meant the US being thwarted.

I stopped questioning the patriotism long ago. Now I question their humanity.
Because America's for-profit Killing Machine generates nearly half the world's refugees.

Afghanistan with 3.05 million displaced persons followed by Iraq's 1.68 million refugees currently lead the pack but don't underestimate the misery US elites have in mind for Yemen and Libya.

While the US accepts more refugees for permanent settlement than any other country (71,400 in 2010) most of the current burden falls on neighboring states like Pakistan, Iran, and Syria.

Maybe US defense contractors and the richest 1% of Americans should have their income that comes from killing children taxed at a little higher rate than their winnings in Wall Street's casino?

Half of World's Refugees are Running From US Wars | Truthout

Misleading title. Should read:
Why I Hate the US
"WAR is a racket.

"It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."

Why I hate War.

Survival of the fittest, baby!!!

Move to Switzerland, Yella'.
But, meanwhile, appreciate those that have fought and died in the bloodiest wars in history to give you the right to be a Pinko.
Could some of the idiot brigade here explain to me just how it matters to a dead man, whether he is killed by a "made for profit" bomb or bullet, or the "made by forced labor" variety? As far as I know, either will kill you just as dead.

By the way, the figures some of you are using for dead Iraqis would make us responsible for every Iraqi who has died since 1991, including those who died of natural causes.I hardly think we have had troops in-country there for enough of that time to be responsible for all of that. Then again, one of the Lefites here told me we were responsible for all of the murdering and torturing the VC did in Vietnam; said our being there "made them do it", so maybe, we made Saddam murder his own people too, or kill them through neglect, and somehow, that's America's fault as well. Next, I suppose you'll say we caused the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, or the last earthquake in Chile, or the earthquake and tsunami in Japan; why not, since you blame America for everything else that goes wrong around the world? I know it's a bit much to ask the Left to quit exaggerating when it comes to trashing America, but could we at least dispense with the outright lies?
Are we responsible for these dead Iraqis?

What threat did they pose to your children?

Why should anyone be allowed to profit from their murders?

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

MMS: Error
Because America's for-profit Killing Machine generates nearly half the world's refugees.


Yet another Obama Hate thread... Can't you just leave the poor little boy alone???
One And Done.

Has a ring to it, I think.

Except for those unable to judge the "poor little boy" by the content of his character.

Obama's "character." Now there's an interesting topic.

Could some of the idiot brigade here explain to me just how it matters to a dead man, whether he is killed by a "made for profit" bomb or bullet, or the "made by forced labor" variety? As far as I know, either will kill you just as dead.

By the way, the figures some of you are using for dead Iraqis would make us responsible for every Iraqi who has died since 1991, including those who died of natural causes.I hardly think we have had troops in-country there for enough of that time to be responsible for all of that. Then again, one of the Lefites here told me we were responsible for all of the murdering and torturing the VC did in Vietnam; said our being there "made them do it", so maybe, we made Saddam murder his own people too, or kill them through neglect, and somehow, that's America's fault as well. Next, I suppose you'll say we caused the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, or the last earthquake in Chile, or the earthquake and tsunami in Japan; why not, since you blame America for everything else that goes wrong around the world? I know it's a bit much to ask the Left to quit exaggerating when it comes to trashing America, but could we at least dispense with the outright lies?
Are we responsible for these dead Iraqis?

What threat did they pose to your children?

Why should anyone be allowed to profit from their murders?

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

MMS: Error
Ummm, and wasn't it the U.N. (the one you Leftists worship), not the U.S., that imposed those sanctions? Why yes it was, as a matter of fact. But please, explain to me how "Rich American parasites who profit from war" are responsible for Saddam Hussein diverting oil-fpr-food money from Iraqi civilians to his military (there's incontrovertible evidence he did that, as you know). I swear, you're a one trick pony; all you know how to do, is bash America, because it isn't the communist workers' paradise your little Trotskyite heart desires.

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