Why the USA hates Iran


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"President Jimmy Carter offers a toast to Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, calling Iran 'an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world.' The 1977 New Year's Eve toast came to symbolize decades of American friendship with a repressive regime that Iranians increasingly despised. Little more than a year later, animosity toward the Shah and U.S. policies culminated in the Shah's ouster, the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini, and the beginning of decades of animosity between Iran and the U.S."
Frenemies Iran and America since 1900 Origins Current Events in Historical Perspective

Used to love Iran. Then the puppet regime we installed and said so many nice things about was overthrown by the citizens they'd repressed with our help and suddenly we didn't like them any more.

Sounds more like the politics in elementary school than anything befitting countries.
Even M. Albright said the coup was wrong. Britain wanted their oil for pennies.
Yep, it is a lot more peaceful now that the evil Shah was removed by religious fanatics (the people you said?)
for information on the SHAH OF IRAN and the hated SAVAK----vs the present HOLY REGIME in Iran----talk to Iranians.
Who hates Iran? obastard and his butt boy Kerry, LOVE Iran. They love the smell of Iranian farts, that's why they stay on their knees.

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