Why The Seven-Day Week?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Why are most TV shows aired every seven days instead of every four or five? Next to the day, the week is the most important calendar unit in our lives: the seven-day week. How did this seven-day cycle come to so conspicuously occupy our minds and our calendars? Where did it originate? How did it become such a ubiquitous backbeat in the rhythm of human life?

2. Most other major measurements of time are determined by what happens in the skies above us. The length of a year is determined by how long it takes our planet to make one full revolution around the sun. The month is based on the time required for our moon to complete its cycle. A day is the time the Earth takes to complete one full rotation on its axis.

3. One common explanation says the week is based on one quarter of the 29.531-day lunar cycle, which would come to nearly 7.4 days. Proponents of this theory say ancient peoples used the moon’s cycle to determine the duration of both the month, in its complete cycle, and the week, as one quarter of that cycle. They say this quartered lunar cycle gave rise to a calendar, like those used by early Babylonians, in which each month began on a new moon and was separated into four 7-day segments followed by one or two odd days each month.

a. In "The Origins of the Seven-Day Week," Eviatar Zerubavel dismisses this theory…. Any subdivision of the lunar cycle necessarily involves some mathematically inconvenient remainder of hours, minutes and seconds. A precise quarter of the lunar cycle, for example, amounts to 7.38625 days, and any week of that length would necessarily have to begin at different times of the day.”

b. The divided lunar cycle theory also does not explain the fact that, in almost all societies, the week is seven days long. After all, a lunar month could just as easily be divided into three 10-day sections, or five 6-day blocks, six 5-day spans, or other variations, with the final “week” being shortened by a day or two as needed. Why would early societies choose to divide the lunar cycle by four? Other major units of time—the day, month and year—are derived from complete astronomical cycles,…

4. Another popular explanation for the week comes from adding up the number of celestial bodies in our solar system that are visible with the naked eye. The sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn would all have been visible to early stargazers who had no telescopes, so the sum is seven.

a. Peter Meyer of Hermetic Systems explains this theory: If, instead of an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, there had been a planet, then there would have been six visible planets, not five, so the number of celestial entities would have been eight, not seven. In that case humans would have developed a week of eight days, not seven.”

b. It is undeniable that the days of the week on our calendars (in English and European languages) are named after the visible bodies (e.g. “the day of Saturn” is Saturday). It’s also true that ancient societies named these celestial bodies after their various gods and goddesses.

c. However, the facts of history prove that the seven-day week existed long before its days came to be associated with these ancient gods, and that the association came about only in the third century B.C.

5. In his thorough book, Zerubavel, after conclusively disproving both of the above theories, finally concludes that the seven-day week was the invention of ancient Israel. He says that it eventually spread from that early society into the whole world. The trouble with that theory, though, is that biology proves the seven-day week predates all societies.

6. Mankind has long understood that our bodies operate on circadian (daily), monthly and annual rhythms, but chronobiologists have only recently discovered seven-day patterns written into the biology of people, animals and plants. According to "The Secrets Our Body Clocks Reveal" by Susan Perry and Jim Dawson, the blood pressure cycle, coping hormone cycles, immune responses to infections, production of blood and urine chemicals, and even the heartbeat operate on a seven-day pattern.

a. Research by Halberg, Perry, Dawson and others has uncovered no cycles (between daily and monthly frequency) that occur in five, six, eight, nine or any other number of days—only seven.

7. The week is completely oblivious to seasons, tides, orbits and every other aspect of external nature. Nothing in the cosmos happens in seven days, so there is no astronomical reason for the week. There is no recurring cycle of the stars, moon, planets, sun, or anything else that happens in seven days’ time. So the week had to originate from another source. Science proves that the seven-day cycle is also etched deeply into mankind’s DNA, proving it could not have been the invention of any society.

a. How interesting that the same is reflected in first two chapters of the book of Genesis. Why the Week? | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God
1. Why are most TV shows aired every seven days instead of every four or five? Next to the day, the week is the most important calendar unit in our lives: the seven-day week. How did this seven-day cycle come to so conspicuously occupy our minds and our calendars? Where did it originate? How did it become such a ubiquitous backbeat in the rhythm of human life?

2. Most other major measurements of time are determined by what happens in the skies above us. The length of a year is determined by how long it takes our planet to make one full revolution around the sun. The month is based on the time required for our moon to complete its cycle. A day is the time the Earth takes to complete one full rotation on its axis.

3. One common explanation says the week is based on one quarter of the 29.531-day lunar cycle, which would come to nearly 7.4 days. Proponents of this theory say ancient peoples used the moon’s cycle to determine the duration of both the month, in its complete cycle, and the week, as one quarter of that cycle. They say this quartered lunar cycle gave rise to a calendar, like those used by early Babylonians, in which each month began on a new moon and was separated into four 7-day segments followed by one or two odd days each month.

a. In "The Origins of the Seven-Day Week," Eviatar Zerubavel dismisses this theory…. Any subdivision of the lunar cycle necessarily involves some mathematically inconvenient remainder of hours, minutes and seconds. A precise quarter of the lunar cycle, for example, amounts to 7.38625 days, and any week of that length would necessarily have to begin at different times of the day.”

b. The divided lunar cycle theory also does not explain the fact that, in almost all societies, the week is seven days long. After all, a lunar month could just as easily be divided into three 10-day sections, or five 6-day blocks, six 5-day spans, or other variations, with the final “week” being shortened by a day or two as needed. Why would early societies choose to divide the lunar cycle by four? Other major units of time—the day, month and year—are derived from complete astronomical cycles,…

4. Another popular explanation for the week comes from adding up the number of celestial bodies in our solar system that are visible with the naked eye. The sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn would all have been visible to early stargazers who had no telescopes, so the sum is seven.

a. Peter Meyer of Hermetic Systems explains this theory: If, instead of an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, there had been a planet, then there would have been six visible planets, not five, so the number of celestial entities would have been eight, not seven. In that case humans would have developed a week of eight days, not seven.”

b. It is undeniable that the days of the week on our calendars (in English and European languages) are named after the visible bodies (e.g. “the day of Saturn” is Saturday). It’s also true that ancient societies named these celestial bodies after their various gods and goddesses.

c. However, the facts of history prove that the seven-day week existed long before its days came to be associated with these ancient gods, and that the association came about only in the third century B.C.

5. In his thorough book, Zerubavel, after conclusively disproving both of the above theories, finally concludes that the seven-day week was the invention of ancient Israel. He says that it eventually spread from that early society into the whole world. The trouble with that theory, though, is that biology proves the seven-day week predates all societies.

6. Mankind has long understood that our bodies operate on circadian (daily), monthly and annual rhythms, but chronobiologists have only recently discovered seven-day patterns written into the biology of people, animals and plants. According to "The Secrets Our Body Clocks Reveal" by Susan Perry and Jim Dawson, the blood pressure cycle, coping hormone cycles, immune responses to infections, production of blood and urine chemicals, and even the heartbeat operate on a seven-day pattern.

a. Research by Halberg, Perry, Dawson and others has uncovered no cycles (between daily and monthly frequency) that occur in five, six, eight, nine or any other number of days—only seven.

7. The week is completely oblivious to seasons, tides, orbits and every other aspect of external nature. Nothing in the cosmos happens in seven days, so there is no astronomical reason for the week. There is no recurring cycle of the stars, moon, planets, sun, or anything else that happens in seven days’ time. So the week had to originate from another source. Science proves that the seven-day cycle is also etched deeply into mankind’s DNA, proving it could not have been the invention of any society.

a. How interesting that the same is reflected in first two chapters of the book of Genesis. Why the Week? | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God
The problem with that bullshit is the 7 day week predates any record of the Hebrews using it by a thousand years. The first record of the 7 day week began with Sargon I in 2350 BC, the first Hebrew record of a 7 day week is 1000 BC.
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1. Why are most TV shows aired every seven days instead of every four or five? Next to the day, the week is the most important calendar unit in our lives: the seven-day week. How did this seven-day cycle come to so conspicuously occupy our minds and our calendars? Where did it originate? How did it become such a ubiquitous backbeat in the rhythm of human life?

2. Most other major measurements of time are determined by what happens in the skies above us. The length of a year is determined by how long it takes our planet to make one full revolution around the sun. The month is based on the time required for our moon to complete its cycle. A day is the time the Earth takes to complete one full rotation on its axis.

3. One common explanation says the week is based on one quarter of the 29.531-day lunar cycle, which would come to nearly 7.4 days. Proponents of this theory say ancient peoples used the moon’s cycle to determine the duration of both the month, in its complete cycle, and the week, as one quarter of that cycle. They say this quartered lunar cycle gave rise to a calendar, like those used by early Babylonians, in which each month began on a new moon and was separated into four 7-day segments followed by one or two odd days each month.

a. In "The Origins of the Seven-Day Week," Eviatar Zerubavel dismisses this theory…. Any subdivision of the lunar cycle necessarily involves some mathematically inconvenient remainder of hours, minutes and seconds. A precise quarter of the lunar cycle, for example, amounts to 7.38625 days, and any week of that length would necessarily have to begin at different times of the day.”

b. The divided lunar cycle theory also does not explain the fact that, in almost all societies, the week is seven days long. After all, a lunar month could just as easily be divided into three 10-day sections, or five 6-day blocks, six 5-day spans, or other variations, with the final “week” being shortened by a day or two as needed. Why would early societies choose to divide the lunar cycle by four? Other major units of time—the day, month and year—are derived from complete astronomical cycles,…

4. Another popular explanation for the week comes from adding up the number of celestial bodies in our solar system that are visible with the naked eye. The sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn would all have been visible to early stargazers who had no telescopes, so the sum is seven.

a. Peter Meyer of Hermetic Systems explains this theory: If, instead of an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, there had been a planet, then there would have been six visible planets, not five, so the number of celestial entities would have been eight, not seven. In that case humans would have developed a week of eight days, not seven.”

b. It is undeniable that the days of the week on our calendars (in English and European languages) are named after the visible bodies (e.g. “the day of Saturn” is Saturday). It’s also true that ancient societies named these celestial bodies after their various gods and goddesses.

c. However, the facts of history prove that the seven-day week existed long before its days came to be associated with these ancient gods, and that the association came about only in the third century B.C.

5. In his thorough book, Zerubavel, after conclusively disproving both of the above theories, finally concludes that the seven-day week was the invention of ancient Israel. He says that it eventually spread from that early society into the whole world. The trouble with that theory, though, is that biology proves the seven-day week predates all societies.

6. Mankind has long understood that our bodies operate on circadian (daily), monthly and annual rhythms, but chronobiologists have only recently discovered seven-day patterns written into the biology of people, animals and plants. According to "The Secrets Our Body Clocks Reveal" by Susan Perry and Jim Dawson, the blood pressure cycle, coping hormone cycles, immune responses to infections, production of blood and urine chemicals, and even the heartbeat operate on a seven-day pattern.

a. Research by Halberg, Perry, Dawson and others has uncovered no cycles (between daily and monthly frequency) that occur in five, six, eight, nine or any other number of days—only seven.

7. The week is completely oblivious to seasons, tides, orbits and every other aspect of external nature. Nothing in the cosmos happens in seven days, so there is no astronomical reason for the week. There is no recurring cycle of the stars, moon, planets, sun, or anything else that happens in seven days’ time. So the week had to originate from another source. Science proves that the seven-day cycle is also etched deeply into mankind’s DNA, proving it could not have been the invention of any society.

a. How interesting that the same is reflected in first two chapters of the book of Genesis. Why the Week? | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God
The problem with that bullshit is the 7 day week predates any record of the Hebrews using it by a thousand years. The first record of the 7 day week began with Sargon I in 2350 BC, the first Hebrew record of a 7 day week is 1000 BC.

This actually happens a lot when people try to attribute innovations or new ideas to the Bible. They don't bother looking beyond to other ancient cultures that the Hebrews/Bible cribbed from.
Seven is a magical number. :mm:

Indeed it is since it has the greatest or closest resonance to apparent astronomical cycles of day, lunar (from new moon to new moon 29.3 days), and four seasons (lunar cycle is divided into four parts).

Ancient astronomers would've noticed these significant divisions and their resonances, and memorialized them in the refinements of their calendar.
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The origin of the seven-day week is the religious significance that was placed on the seventh day by ancient cultures, including the Babylonian civilization and the Jewish religion. Jews celebrated every seventh day, within a continuous cycle of seven-day weeks, as a holy day of rest from their work; although it is possible that the Hebrew origin of the seven-day week was lunar, and not perpetual. Similarly, the Babylonians also celebrated the seventh day of each seven-day week as a holy day, but adjusted the number of days of the final week in their month so that their monthly calendar would always commence on the new moon. This may further be reflected in the contemporary and traditional Zoroastrian calendars that relates to the first, seventh and so on days of the month as pertaining to Ahura Mazda (God).[citation needed] Historically, a number of other major religio-cultural groups, such as Christians and Muslims, have continued to regularly hold religious events on a specific day within each seven-day week.

The seven-day week is approximately a quarter of a lunation, so it has been proposed that this is the implicit, astronomical origin of the seven-day week. However, there are a number of problems with this proposal. The seven-day week is actually only 23.7% of a lunation, which means that a continuous cycle of seven-day weeks rapidly loses synchronisation with the lunation. This problem is compounded by the fact that a lunation is only the mean time for the lunar phase cycle, with each individual lunar phase varying in length. Also, the duodecimal (base-12) and sexagesimal (base-60) numeral systems have historically been the primary systems used to divide other chronological and calendar units. Therefore, it is not immediately apparent why the seven-day week was selected by ancient cultures, rather than a week that included a number of days that was a factor of these numeral systems, such as a six-day or a twelve-day week, or a week that divided the lunation more accurately using a factor of these number systems, such as a five-day or ten-day week.[original research?] Finally, there are no historical Jewish or Babylonian records that confirm that these cultures explicitly defined the seven-day week as a quarter of a lunation
Seven-day week - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The origin of the seven-day week is the religious significance that was placed on the seventh day by ancient cultures, including the Babylonian civilization and the Jewish religion. Jews celebrated every seventh day, within a continuous cycle of seven-day weeks, as a holy day of rest from their work; although it is possible that the Hebrew origin of the seven-day week was lunar, and not perpetual. Similarly, the Babylonians also celebrated the seventh day of each seven-day week as a holy day, but adjusted the number of days of the final week in their month so that their monthly calendar would always commence on the new moon. This may further be reflected in the contemporary and traditional Zoroastrian calendars that relates to the first, seventh and so on days of the month as pertaining to Ahura Mazda (God).[citation needed] Historically, a number of other major religio-cultural groups, such as Christians and Muslims, have continued to regularly hold religious events on a specific day within each seven-day week.

The seven-day week is approximately a quarter of a lunation, so it has been proposed that this is the implicit, astronomical origin of the seven-day week. However, there are a number of problems with this proposal. The seven-day week is actually only 23.7% of a lunation, which means that a continuous cycle of seven-day weeks rapidly loses synchronisation with the lunation. This problem is compounded by the fact that a lunation is only the mean time for the lunar phase cycle, with each individual lunar phase varying in length. Also, the duodecimal (base-12) and sexagesimal (base-60) numeral systems have historically been the primary systems used to divide other chronological and calendar units. Therefore, it is not immediately apparent why the seven-day week was selected by ancient cultures, rather than a week that included a number of days that was a factor of these numeral systems, such as a six-day or a twelve-day week, or a week that divided the lunation more accurately using a factor of these number systems, such as a five-day or ten-day week.[original research?] Finally, there are no historical Jewish or Babylonian records that confirm that these cultures explicitly defined the seven-day week as a quarter of a lunation
Seven-day week - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The lunar cycle is closer to a divisor of seven than any other whole number of days. Twenty nine would be the significant number, and when divided by four yields four weeks of seven whole days, a necessary adjustment because fractional parts can't be dealt with for the casual observer. As was done by the Babylonians, adjustments can be made by adding a day in monthly and a second day in four more times a year. For rich societies these could be holidays of sorts.

The length of a lunar cycle is not so clear cut as to make any tortured adjustments except when there was an obvious accumulation of partial days into discrete full days. The full moon is the most obvious beginning and ending point, and each full moon begins on average eight hours later on the 29th day than the previous one. When a full moon occurred 12 hours before sunset the apparent lunar period would seem to be virtually 29 days in length three months in a row.

There is no other repeatable length for the week that doesn't require larger adjustments. The seven day week has the advantage of roughly corresponding with lunar phases: full, last qtr, new, and 1st qtr, on average being seven days and a little less than 8 hours in length, allowing for adjustment by adding days at the end of a lunar cycle rather than subtracting days. Adding seems to be the far more attractive option compared to removing days to create synchronization.

It's obvious that precise synchronization was not thought paramount because it did not exist in the real world. Prior to the decree of the Julian calendar intercalary months were added in to make up for the shortfall of days that accumulated showing a propensity to add days rather than omit them, thus for the Romans there was a month of Unodecember and an additional month called Duodecember to show that a month had been added, and that was to deal with the fairly advanced pre-Julian calendar of 365 days.
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