Why the pubs can't propose spending cuts

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Why Republicans Can

Republicans like Mitch McConnell say government spending is “out of control” and would, at least ideally, like to bring it into line with revenue entirely through spending cuts. Democrats like Obama endorse a “balanced” solution with revenue and taxes. Right-thinking centrists, like the CEO community and their publicists like Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei, think we should cut deeply into entitlement spending while also raising tax revenue. (VandeHei, in a video accompanying his execrable story, asserts, “There’s money to be cut everywhere.”)

There really isn’t money to be cut everywhere. The United States spends way less money on social services than do other advanced countries, and even that low figure is inflated by our sky-high health-care prices. The retirement benefits to programs like Social Security are quite meager. Public infrastructure is grossly underfunded.

Besides, what would their owners, the kochs, have to say ...
Are you seriously arguing that despite the fact that we spent $3.6 Trillion dollars last year and are spending even more this year that we can't possibly cut a single thing from the budget? (of course it would help if we had a budget).

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