Why the poor should be taxed more heavily.

Yeah, you're right, the top 20% paid 69% of the taxes, but the top 10% own more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, they should be paying MORE than 90% of the taxes, they aren't taxed enough, the bottom 90% is taxed too much, and that includes 50% of your 20%


Why do you say that? Why should one person have to pay more for running this country than another because they own more wealth or make more money?

Did you ever have a room mate when you were in college or something? If so, did y'all sit down and see who had more wealth and/or income and pro-rate each of your shares of the rent? Or did you just split the rent?

When you go to buy a loaf of bread in the store, do they ask you how much wealth and/or income you have then charge you more or less for that loaf of bread than they would charge somebody else based on that?

The premise that someone who has more wealth should pay more of a share of what it costs to sustain what government spends in this country is totally unsubstantiated.
Well, because it is a CAPITALISTIC country!!! The wealthy benefit most from the government protecting the right to private ownership of capital assets.

But thank you for revealing that CON$ are in reality SOCIALISTS, they believe in SOCIALIZED TAXES. :lol:
Do you honestly still not know the difference between income and wealth?
The top tax payers also happen, not coincidentally, to be the top job creators. That's usually how they got there. Why would you want to punish the most productive people in your society to subsidize the least productive?

Think about it...without the laborers, the rich wouldn't have all their wealth....why should we subsidize them so they can screw their workers? There would be no productivity without the workers. In truth, the most productive ARE the workers, not the top 10% of our nation who uses tax shelters and invests much of their money overseas and places them in overseas accounts that the rest of us have no access to. When the dollar dies, it's the worker that loses everything, the wealthy will already have sold all their dollars and invested in other currency. Heck a majority of their wealth is on paper as it is....not exactly something they've WORKED for, or produced.

Again, no country can long survive when the majority of it's wealth lies in the hands of a few. I believe it was Plato or Aristotle that said that, I'll have to look it up. The point is, it was said by someone far smarter than you or I.

Do you actually believe that communist crap?
Workers wouldn't have jobs without capitalists starting corporations. The capitalist is the last to get paid. Ever started a company? You'll know what I mean
It wasn't Plato or Aristotle. It was probably Marx. And the wealthy are a lot less wealthy today than 2 years ago, the recession having hurt them more.

Yeah, right, all those banker CEOs are much worse off with our tax dollars.....
Yeah, you're right, the top 20% paid 69% of the taxes, but the top 10% own more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, they should be paying MORE than 90% of the taxes, they aren't taxed enough, the bottom 90% is taxed too much, and that includes 50% of your 20%


Why do you say that? Why should one person have to pay more for running this country than another because they own more wealth or make more money?

Did you ever have a room mate when you were in college or something? If so, did y'all sit down and see who had more wealth and/or income and pro-rate each of your shares of the rent? Or did you just split the rent?

When you go to buy a loaf of bread in the store, do they ask you how much wealth and/or income you have then charge you more or less for that loaf of bread than they would charge somebody else based on that?

The premise that someone who has more wealth should pay more of a share of what it costs to sustain what government spends in this country is totally unsubstantiated.
Well, because it is a CAPITALISTIC country!!! The wealthy benefit most from the government protecting the right to private ownership of capital assets.

But thank you for revealing that CON$ are in reality SOCIALISTS, they believe in SOCIALIZED TAXES. :lol:

Ed, you've made some dumbassed posts in your time, but this requires special recognition as the dumbest so far.
unless you've been poor or are poor you have no idea what you're talking about

WTF?? Another example of the politics of personal meaning.
You can't talk about the presidency unless you've been the president.
You can't talk about the media unless you've worked in the media.
You can't critique a meal without having trained as a chef.

It's nonsense.

Yeah, you're right...but if you don't know anything about the poor, having never spent any time with them, or actually read about them, or anything, then you have no idea what you are talking about. You have never been poor, you don't know any actual poor people, I'm guessing you're parents and grandparents weren't even poor or they would have told you something about what it's like. You obviously don't know, thinking they get everything for FREE. I drove around to 3 different Public Health Clinics yesterday with a homeless man that had a bicycle accident, NONE of them would see him......NONE!!!!!!! The man couldn't even walk and so can't do the odd jobs he's been doing to make money to live. Yet you think they get everything handed to them on a silver platter. He refuses to sit along side the road with a sign, he came 3,000 miles across the country for a job and was laid off within a couple of months. He has a small storage shed in which he's been sleeping, he got caught....now he can't even sleep in the storage shed, he doesn't have the money to pay next months rent on it anyway since he can't work.....there is no place that will help him.
boo-hoo boo-hoo.
Spare me.

Why do you call yourself "the Rabbi"? I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would have the kind of attitude you do.....

What am I suppose to spare you? The reality of what it's like being poor in our country today? Why? You have enough to spare, I would think it would be your duty to not only KNOW, but to HELP.

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