Why the LEFT loves Arctic Sea ice... and hates Antarctic Sea Ice


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
We know know know that "Global Warming" is (cough cough) melting Arctic Sea ice, or so the media and the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" tell us...

This couldn't possibly have anything to do with Arctic Sea Ice suddenly melting and then growing back (it was actually at its norm in March of 2010, back from the record lows in 05 and 07)

undersea arctic volcanoes - Google Search

I mean, the Arctic Ocean is growing, so no way is there like any heat from that motion....


So, what about ANTARCTIC SEA ICE, the other half of Earth's sea ice the media never mentions...

Antarctic ice has set an unexpected record, and scientists are struggling to figure out why

Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming - BBC News

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum

One might think that "global" warming would melt both Arctic and Antarctic Sea ice. Somehow, the Arctic ice is declining while the Antarctic Sea Ice has set no less than 6 all time record highs in the past 10 years.

So if the media wants you to believe in Global Warming, which one would they talk about, the Arctic or the Antarctic???

Global warming melting Arctic sea ice...

Study: Arctic Sea Ice May Be Shrinking Faster Than Thought
October 24, 2017 — Arctic sea ice may be thinning faster than predicted because salty snow on the surface of the ice skews the accuracy of satellite measurements, a new
study from the University of Calgary said on Tuesday.

The report from the Canadian university's Cryosphere Climate Research Group published in the academic journal Geophysical Research Letters found satellite estimates for the thickness of seasonal sea ice have been overestimated by up to 25 percent. That means the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free much sooner than some scientific predictions, which forecast sea ice will first disappear completely during summer months between 2040 and 2050, according to lead author Vishnu Nandan.

Ice-free summers in the Arctic Ocean would impact global weather patterns by increasing the magnitude and frequency of major storms, and alter the Arctic marine ecosystem, making it harder for animals like polar bears to hunt.


An iceberg floats past Bylot Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago​

There are a wide range of projections as to when Arctic sea ice will start disappearing in summertime as a result of warming global temperatures, and the University of Calgary study calls into question satellite measurements provided so far. "The problem is, microwave measurements from satellites don't penetrate the salty snow very well, so the satellite is not measuring the proper sea ice freeboard and the satellite readings overestimate the thickness of the ice," Nandan said.

The sea ice freeboard refers to ice that can be seen above sea level and co-researcher John Yackel said, "Our results suggest that snow salinity should be considered in all future estimates on the Arctic seasonal ice freeboard made from satellites."

Study: Arctic Sea Ice May Be Shrinking Faster Than Thought

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