Why the Left Has Lost Credibility

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
December 17, 2004
Why the Left Has Lost Credibility
by Victor Davis Hanson
National Review Online

There is much talk of post-election reorganization and rethinking among demoralized liberals, especially in matters of foreign policy. They could start by accepting that the demise of many of their cherished beliefs and institutions was not the fault of others. More often, the problems are fundamental flaws in their own thinking — such as the ends of good intentions justifying the means of expediency and untruth, and forced equality being a higher moral good than individual liberty and freedom. Whether we call such notions “political correctness” or “progressivism,” the practice of privileging race, class, and gender over basic ethical considerations has earned the moralists of the Left not merely hypocrisy, but virtual incoherence.

Democratic leaders are never going to be trusted in matters of foreign policy unless they can convince Americans that they believe in American exceptionalism and are the proper co-custodians of values such as freedom and individual liberty. If in the 1950s rightists were criticized as cynical Cold Warriors who never met a right-wing thug they wouldn’t support, as long as he mouthed a few anti-Soviet platitudes, then in the last two decades almost any thug from Latin America to the Middle East who professed concern for “the people” — from Castro and the Noriega Brothers to Yasser Arafat and the Iranian mullahs — was likely to earn a pass from the American and European cultural elite and media. To regain credibility, the Left must start to apply the same standard of moral outrage to a number of its favorite causes that it does to the United States government, the corporations, and the Christian Right. Here are a few places to start.

1. There really isn’t a phenomenon like “Islamophobia” — at least no more than there was a “Germanophobia” in hating Hitler or “Russophobia” in detesting Stalinism. Any unfairness or rudeness that accrues from the “security profiling” of Middle Eastern young males is dwarfed by efforts of Islamic fascists themselves — here in the U.S., in the U.K., the Netherlands, France, Turkey, and Israel — to murder Westerners and blow up civilians. The real danger to thousands of innocents is not an occasional evangelical zealot or uncouth politician spouting off about Islam, but the deliberately orchestrated and very sick anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism that floods the airways worldwide, emanating from Iran, Lebanon, and Syria, to be sure, but also from our erstwhile “allies” in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

So both here and abroad, the Western public believes that there is a double standard in the moral judgment of our left-leaning media, universities, and politicians — that we are not to supposed to ask how Christians are treated in Muslim societies, only how free Islamists in Western mosques are to damn their hosts; or that we are to think beheading, suicide murdering, and car bombing moral equivalents to the sexual humiliation and roguery of Abu Ghraib — apparently because the former involves post-colonial victims and the latter privileged, exploitive Americans. Most sane people, however, privately disagree, and distinguish between a civilian’s head rolling on the ground and a snap shot of an American guard pointing at the genitalia of her terrorist ward.

Moreover, few in the Arab Middle East speak out against the racial hatred of Jews. Almost no major Islamic religious figure castigates extreme Muslim clerics for their Dark-age misogyny, anti-Semitism, and venom against the West; and no Arab government admonishes its citizenry to look to itself for solutions rather than falling prey to conspiracy theories and ago-old superstitions. It would be as if the a state-subsidized Ku Klux Klan or the American Nazi party were to be tolerated for purportedly voicing the frustrations of poor working-class whites who “suffered” under a number of supposed grievances.

What is preached in the madrassas on the West Bank, in Pakistan, and throughout the Gulf is no different from the Nazi doctrine of racial hatred. What has changed, of course, is that unlike our grandfathers, we have lost the courage to speak out against it. In one of the strangest political transformations of our age, the fascist Islamic Right has grafted its cause onto that of the Left’s boutique “multiculturalism,” hoping to earn a pass for its hate by posing as the “other” and reaping the benefits of liberal guilt due to purported victimization. By any empirical standard, what various Palestinian cliques have done on the West Bank — suicide murdering, lynching without trial of their own people, teaching small children to hate and kill Jews — should have earned them all Hitlerian sobriquets rather than U.N. praise.

2. “Imperialism” and “hegemony” explain nothing about recent American intervention abroad — not when dictators such as Noriega, Milosevic, the Taliban, and Saddam Hussein were taken out by the U.S. military. There are no shahs and Your Excellencies in their places, but rather consensual governments whose only sin was that they came on the heels of American arms rather than U.N. collective snoozing. There really was no secret Afghan pipeline behind toppling the Taliban, nor a French-like oil concession to be had for the United States from the new Iraqi interim government. Many of Michael Moore’s heroic “Minutemen” of the Sunni Triangle are hired killers — hooded fascists in the pay of ex-Baathists and Saddamites, along with Islamic terrorists and jihadists who hate the very idea of democracy in the heart of the Arab world. The collective cursus honorum of these Saddamite holdovers during the last two decades — gassing the Kurds, committing atrocities against the Iranians, looting and pillaging in Kuwait, launching missiles into Israel and Saudi Arabia, slaughtering Shiites and Kurds, and assassinating Western and U.N. aid workers — rank right up there with the work of the SS and KGB.

Reformers like Allawi and Yawar of Iraq are not “puppets” but far better advocates of democratic reform than anyone else in the Arab world. Nor does “no blood for oil” mean anything when an increasingly small percentage of American-imported petroleum comes from the Gulf, and when an oil-hungry China — without much deference to liberal sensibilities — is driving up the world price, eyeing every well it can for future exploitation without regard for political or environmental niceties.

3. It won’t do any longer to attribute American outrage over the U.N. to a vast right-wing conspiracy led by red-state senators and Fox News. All the standing ovations for Kofi Annan cannot hide the truth that the Oil-for-Food scandal exceeds Enron. Indeed, Ken Lay’s malfeasance never involved the deaths of thousands, while cronies siphoned off food and supplies from a starving populace. The U.S. military does not tolerate mass rape and plunder among its troops, as is true of the U.N. peacekeepers throughout Africa. There can be no serious U.N. moral sense as long as illiberal regimes — a Syria, Iran, or Cuba — vote in the General Assembly and the Security Council stymies solutions out of concern for an autocratic China that swallowed Tibet. Millions were slaughtered in Cambodia, Rwanda, and Darfur while New York bureaucrats either condemned Israel or damned anyone who censured their own inaction and corruption. Rather than faulting those who fault the U.N., leftists should lament the betrayal of the spirit of the U.N. Charter by regimes that are neither democratic nor liberal but who seek legitimacy solely on their ability to win concessions and sympathy from guilt-ridden Westerners.

4. It is also time to take a hard look at the heroes and villains of Hollywood, liberal Democrats, and the Euro elites. Many are as obsessed with damning the senile dictator of Chile as they are with excusing the unelected President for Life Fidel Castro. But let us be frank. A murderous Pinochet probably killed fewer of his own than did a mass-murdering Castro, and left Chile in better shape than contemporary Cuba is in. And the former is long gone, while the latter is still long in power.

Similarly, Nobel Prizes increasingly go to either unsavory or unhinged characters. Yasser Arafat was a known killer and terrorist, not a global peacemaker. Wangari Maathai’s public statements about AIDS are puerile and ipso facto would have eliminated any Westerner from consideration for anything. Rigoberta Menchu Tum herself was a half-truth, her story mostly a creation of a westernized academic publishing elite. Jimmy Carter’s 2002 award was not predicated on his past work on housing for the poor, but his critically timed and calculated opposition to George W. Bush’s effort to topple Saddam Hussein — as was confirmed by the receptive Nobel Committee itself. Recent winners Kofi Annan and Kim Dae-jung are now better known for having their own sons involved in influence-peddling and bribery while they oversaw bureaucrats who trafficked in millions with unsavory murderers like Kim Jong-Il and Saddam Hussein. In short, such an august prize has come a long way from Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr. — and precisely because it has privileged leftist rhetoric over real morality.

If the moralizing Left wants to be taken seriously, it is going have to become serious about its own moral issues, since that is the professed currency of contemporary liberalism. Otherwise, the spiritual leaders who lecture us all on social justice, poverty, and truth will remain the money-speculator George Soros, the Reverend Jesse Jackson of dubious personal and professional ethics, and the mythographer Michael Moore. And we all know where that leads…

©2004 Victor Davis Hanson
this article implies that liberals condones beheadings and suicide bombers explodig next to children. I've never seen any liberal publication approve of such actions and I doubt I ever will.

This article also places all blame for the oil for food program on a morally corrupt UN. But the issue is much more comlplicated. Oil for Food was run throught the UN Security Council, of which the US is the most prominent member. Every transaction that occurred within the program had to be reveiwed by every memebr of the Security Council. Also, all oil that left Iraq passed through waters patrolled by the US Navy. As many as 99 US naval vessels were in the water and routinely boarded oild being shipped out to make sure it complied with transactions legitimized by the UN Security Council.

US officials looked at the paperwork surrounding every transaction. In fact, the US would sometimes prevent food items as benign as yogurt because the yogurt cultures could possibly be transformed into some kind of bio-weapon.

To just say, the UN is corrupt is a drastic simplification of the situation. The entire Security Council holds blame.

As for Hollywood. Who Care? These people do not hold office in the US legislature or the executive branch. They have no experience or education in foreign affairs. Why cry about their opinions when it's obvious they are not experts in any of these issues?
menewa said:
this article implies that liberals condones beheadings and suicide bombers explodig next to children. I've never seen any liberal publication approve of such actions and I doubt I ever will.
Hey sticksmoker.

The article didn't imply they condoned it; it implied the libs want us to morally equate sexual humiliation with beheading. Many libs on here have made this exact argument. The article is accurate. Your reading and interpretational skills are subpar.

Hey, I know you've missed the pain you sick freak! :whip3: :dev3:
rtwngAvngr said:
The article didn't imply they condoned it; it implied the libs want us to morally equate sexual humiliation with beheading. Many libs on here have made this exact argument. The article is accurate. Your reading and interpretational skills are subpar.

Still, no liberal publication has equated humiliation with decapitation. This writer is distorting truth to create sensational prose.

You know that your hurtful comments only get me hot and bothered you big, bad boy.
:69: :69: :69:
menewa said:
Still, no liberal publication has equated humiliation with decapitation. This writer is distorting truth to create sensational prose.

You know that your hurtful comments only get me hot and bothered you big, bad boy.
:69: :69: :69:

Libs continually hold up abu graib as an example of how "we're no better". This implies they believe "we're no better" . That's moral equivalency.
The humiliations at Abu Ghraib do not equate with beheadings, agreed.

But, the slaughter of thousands of innocent Iraqis in this conflict does. Even though the deaths may be accidental, the end result is equivalent.
menewa said:
The humiliations at Abu Ghraib do not equate with beheadings, agreed.

But, the slaughter of thousands of innocent Iraqis in this conflict does. Even though the deaths may be accidental, the end result is equivalent.

Not at all. What matters is who is fighting for what. we're fighting for the morally superior goal of instituting freedom in iraq. They're fighting for their continual right to control their population according their outdated tyrannical modes of thought, a morally inferior goal. We are way better.

I agree with you that MOST liberals do not equate the two, nor do they condone beheadings or any of Saddam's tortures...however unfortunately for the majority, your mouthpieces are people like Michael Moore, who called the beheaders and terrorists, "Minutemen," and "Freedom Fighters." Or Howard Dean, who implied on television that Bush had Bin Laden captured and was simply holding on to him for a "November Surprise."

It is the extremes in any debate that get more press...and unless you vocally seperate yourself from people who think that the terrorists and insurgents in Iraq are justified in their actions, you are going to be lumped in with the most vocal segment...
menewa said:
The humiliations at Abu Ghraib do not equate with beheadings, agreed.

But, the slaughter of thousands of innocent Iraqis in this conflict does. Even though the deaths may be accidental, the end result is equivalent.

NYT has continually compared Abu Gharib and the beheadings. In fact in many instances, the NYT has stemmed the cause of the beheadings on Abu Gharib. In their minds its worse because of their politicall blindness.
Case in point. Look at menewa wriggling around, denying the obvious. This is typical lib style. Deny all premises, blocking continued discussion, then run away when you're revealed to be full o'crap.
This article also places all blame for the oil for food program on a morally corrupt UN. But the issue is much more comlplicated. Oil for Food was run throught the UN Security Council, of which the US is the most prominent member. Every transaction that occurred within the program had to be reveiwed by every memebr of the Security Council. US officials looked at the paperwork surrounding every transaction. In fact, the US would sometimes prevent food items as benign as yogurt because the yogurt cultures could possibly be transformed into some kind of bio-weapon.

To just say, the UN is corrupt is a drastic simplification of the situation. The entire Security Council holds blame.

Firstly, the program was headed by Benon Sevan, not the entire security council. This means HE submitted documents and what not for the council's approval not random members. Sevan was also supposed to make sure Saddam was not ripping his people off by buying crap, and selling it to his people at an inflated price so HE could profit. Obiously Sevan was submitting reports stating the contrary.

Also, all oil that left Iraq passed through waters patrolled by the US Navy. As many as 99 US naval vessels were in the water and routinely boarded oild being shipped out to make sure it complied with transactions legitimized by the UN Security Council

They only look at the paper work, they don't actually count the friggen barrels or look in the crates.

France had a large amount of ships located in Djibouti too, lots of stuff passes through their ports that shouldn't, no one looks in the crates as long as it has the UN's stamp of approval on it.

As for Hollywood. Who Care? These people do not hold office in the US legislature or the executive branch. They have no experience or education in foreign affairs. Why cry about their opinions when it's obvious they are not experts in any of these issues?

Their opinions are important because way to many morons take the opinions of Hollywood very seriously. People like Micheal Moore would starve to death if they didn't eat his shit like it was candy.
menewa said:
This article also places all blame for the oil for food program on a morally corrupt UN. But the issue is much more comlplicated. Oil for Food was run throught the UN Security Council, of which the US is the most prominent member. Every transaction that occurred within the program had to be reveiwed by every memebr of the Security Council. Also, all oil that left Iraq passed through waters patrolled by the US Navy. As many as 99 US naval vessels were in the water and routinely boarded oild being shipped out to make sure it complied with transactions legitimized by the UN Security Council.

US officials looked at the paperwork surrounding every transaction. In fact, the US would sometimes prevent food items as benign as yogurt because the yogurt cultures could possibly be transformed into some kind of bio-weapon.

To just say, the UN is corrupt is a drastic simplification of the situation. The entire Security Council holds blame.

Yes, Menewa, blame America first. That's always the first line of defense for you libs on any topic. Explain to me in detail how America, and not the U.N., is responsible for the Oil for Food scandal. I think I missed those news reports.
menewa said:
this article implies that liberals condones beheadings and suicide bombers explodig next to children. I've never seen any liberal publication approve of such actions and I doubt I ever will.

This article also places all blame for the oil for food program on a morally corrupt UN. But the issue is much more comlplicated. Oil for Food was run throught the UN Security Council, of which the US is the most prominent member. Every transaction that occurred within the program had to be reveiwed by every memebr of the Security Council. Also, all oil that left Iraq passed through waters patrolled by the US Navy. As many as 99 US naval vessels were in the water and routinely boarded oild being shipped out to make sure it complied with transactions legitimized by the UN Security Council.

US officials looked at the paperwork surrounding every transaction. In fact, the US would sometimes prevent food items as benign as yogurt because the yogurt cultures could possibly be transformed into some kind of bio-weapon.

To just say, the UN is corrupt is a drastic simplification of the situation. The entire Security Council holds blame.

As for Hollywood. Who Care? These people do not hold office in the US legislature or the executive branch. They have no experience or education in foreign affairs. Why cry about their opinions when it's obvious they are not experts in any of these issues?

In this you are so wrong. By its silence on these matters, the Left gives its tacit approval. Those on the Left in America have expressed total outrage over the treatment of the murder-rapists in Abu Ghraib but said nothing condemning the actions of said murder-rapists when they were doing such vile things.

When a majority of the UN General Assembly gives a standing ovation to a man who either complied with or allowed through incompetence such corruption, it is obvious to anyone with a brain that something is wrong. What would your reaction or that of the Left have been if Ken Lay had been receiving standing ovations after the Enron scandal?

Hollyleftwood have made themselves part of the political scene by their own choice. They have chosen to preach leftist ideology whenever they are in front of and even when certain individuals are behind the camera. They have earned every bit of criticism they receive in this article.
Deornwulf said:
In this you are so wrong. By its silence on these matters, the Left gives its tacit approval. Those on the Left in America have expressed total outrage over the treatment of the murder-rapists in Abu Ghraib but said nothing condemning the actions of said murder-rapists when they were doing such vile things.

"The prison has been used as a detention facility, holding more than 7,000 people, some alleged rebels, some alleged criminals and others free of any such allegations. It was the opinion of senior UK officials that the prison should be demolished as soon as possible, however this was overruled by the US authorities." - wikipedia, an extremely partisan democratic site (not)

When a majority of the UN General Assembly gives a standing ovation to a man who either complied with or allowed through incompetence such corruption, it is obvious to anyone with a brain that something is wrong. What would your reaction or that of the Left have been if Ken Lay had been receiving standing ovations after the Enron scandal?

There is no evidence that Kofi Annan committed, considered, or knew of, any corruption. Under your standards the "standing ovation" given by 62,000,000 Americans to the President who allowed the Abu Ghraib tortrue through incompetence indicates that "it is obvious to anyone with a brain that something is wrong."

Hollyleftwood have made themselves part of the political scene by their own choice. They have chosen to preach leftist ideology whenever they are in front of and even when certain individuals are behind the camera. They have earned every bit of criticism they receive in this article.

No complaints here. Btw, if there's a Hollyleftwood, is there a Hollyrightwood? Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson might want to know.
ciplexian said:
"The prison has been used as a detention facility, holding more than 7,000 people, some alleged rebels, some alleged criminals and others free of any such allegations. It was the opinion of senior UK officials that the prison should be demolished as soon as possible, however this was overruled by the US authorities." - wikipedia, an extremely partisan democratic site (not)

There is no evidence that Kofi Annan committed, considered, or knew of, any corruption. Under your standards the "standing ovation" given by 62,000,000 Americans to the President who allowed the Abu Ghraib tortrue through incompetence indicates that "it is obvious to anyone with a brain that something is wrong."

No complaints here. Btw, if there's a Hollyleftwood, is there a Hollyrightwood? Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson might want to know.

the US is no longer ruled by the UK

there is no evidence that he did not know of the oil for food kick back program

far more of outspoken hollyweird is left than right
manu1959 said:
the US is no longer ruled by the UK

Sorry, I wasn't aware of that manu... :rolleyes:

there is no evidence that he did not know of the oil for food kick back program

There is no evidence that George W Bush did not know of the program either.

far more of outspoken hollyweird is left than right

Who is more outspoken than the one who gave a major speech at the Republican National Convention (Schwarzenegger)? Which hollywood liberal gave a major speech at the Democratic National Convention? Who is more outspoken than the one who personally funded and produced a $400 million paean to the Christian right? Which hollywood liberal personally funded and produced a widescreen paean to the liberal left?
ciplexian said:
Sorry, I wasn't aware of that manu... :rolleyes:
There is no evidence that George W Bush did not know of the program either.
Who is more outspoken than the one who gave a major speech at the Republican National Convention (Schwarzenegger)? Which hollywood liberal gave a major speech at the Democratic National Convention? Who is more outspoken than the one who personally funded and produced a $400 million paean to the Christian right? Which hollywood liberal personally funded and produced a widescreen paean to the liberal left?


george bush did not create the program

i would say michael moore is more outspoken than arnold and has a wider audience....george soros puts out quite a bit of cash
manu1959 said:


george bush did not create the program


i would say michael moore is more outspoken than arnold and has a wider audience....george soros puts out quite a bit of cash

Michael Moore is a hollywood actor now? which movies did he start in? Armageddon? Titanic? How about Out of Africa? Oh wait, that was Robert Redford...

George Soros, however, is a major hollywood star. I can see why... all the girls are after him.

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