Why the Founding Fathers Were Probably Smarter Than We Are


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I find it interesting that a supposed "expert" on the founding of this country should omit something as important as to what was one of the major influences in the way the Founding Fathers decided to organize their new nation. It was the Iroquios Confederation! Not Rome. Nor Greece. And especially not Great Britain or other European forms of government.

I would suggest that parents and those seeking to have our children know the truth check out the following sources:

American Indian Influence on the Founding of the US @ American Indian Influence on the Founding of the US

Iroquois Confederacy @ Iroquois Confederacy

Here is my own interpretation: Families were like precincts, clans like counties, tribes like states. Counties had Representatives while tribes had Senators. Tribes had two types of chiefs; peace and war. Elders made up the judicial portion, deciding when disputes needed to be settled according to tribal rules. Amazingly similar to what we have today.

Check it out.
Benjamin Franklin, OP, did not have your take on the Confederation, other than the tribe were like states.

Show our Peace Chief and our War Chief, please.

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