Why the climate debate is an exercise in futility!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Poll: Less Than 1/3 Of Americans Believe “Most Scientists Agree” On Global Warming

Majority oppose cap and trade if it means higher energy bills

Steve Watson,
Tuesday, Dec 15, 2009

An Associated Press-Stanford University poll (PDF) released today shows that just 31% of Americans believe that experts agree on the science behind global warming.

Question 22 in the poll asked “Do you think most scientists agree with one another about whether or not global warming is happening, or do you think there is a lot of disagreement among scientists on this issue?”

66% of respondants said that in their opinion “most scientists disagree”.

The figures suggest that the public is not buying into the notion that a “scientific consensus” believes global warming is caused by human activity.

As we know, the establishment likes to engage in regular mass public deception by claiming the debate about global warming is over and any dissent is tantamount to holocaust denial, despite the fact that hundreds of scientists have challenged the contention of the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change.

Unsurprisingly, the AP chose not to report on this figure in its write up, instead focusing on a figure of 40 percent, still a minority, saying they thought U.S. action to slow global warming in the future would create jobs, and quoting “a self-described fan of environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore.”

The poll also indicated that a majority of 59% would refuse to support cap-and-trade legislation if it meant paying $10 extra a month for electricity.

75% of respondents said they would oppose the cap-and-trade system if it raised their electricity bill by $25 a month.

Overwheling majorities of 78% and 77% respectively said they opposed increasing taxes on electricity and increasing energy prices as a way for the Federal government to try to reduce global warming.

Poll: Less Than 1/3 Of Americans Believe “Most Scientists Agree” On Global Warming

To the k00ks..........I say this...........:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

This is the grim reality faced by every single environmental nut who spends 14 hours a day posting up drivel about this temperature and that heat wave............this glacier melting and that lake warming. Fcukking total morons.............might as well be all gathering for an exercise in fcukking navel contemplation!!!

Go look at any poll............they all say the same thing.

So think about it............Ive said for a long, long time, these people so consumed with this stuff are fcukking mental cases. It would be akin to me walking out to a snow back every day for several months and sticking my head in the snowbank for 10 minutes in the hopes that my next door babe neighbor will come over and ask me to bang her.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

So...............as we can see.....................

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Poll: Less Than 1/3 Of Americans Believe “Most Scientists Agree” On Global Warming

Majority oppose cap and trade if it means higher energy bills

Steve Watson,
Tuesday, Dec 15, 2009

An Associated Press-Stanford University poll (PDF) released today shows that just 31% of Americans believe that experts agree on the science behind global warming.

Question 22 in the poll asked “Do you think most scientists agree with one another about whether or not global warming is happening, or do you think there is a lot of disagreement among scientists on this issue?”

66% of respondants said that in their opinion “most scientists disagree”.

The figures suggest that the public is not buying into the notion that a “scientific consensus” believes global warming is caused by human activity.

As we know, the establishment likes to engage in regular mass public deception by claiming the debate about global warming is over and any dissent is tantamount to holocaust denial, despite the fact that hundreds of scientists have challenged the contention of the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change.

Unsurprisingly, the AP chose not to report on this figure in its write up, instead focusing on a figure of 40 percent, still a minority, saying they thought U.S. action to slow global warming in the future would create jobs, and quoting “a self-described fan of environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore.”

The poll also indicated that a majority of 59% would refuse to support cap-and-trade legislation if it meant paying $10 extra a month for electricity.

75% of respondents said they would oppose the cap-and-trade system if it raised their electricity bill by $25 a month.

Overwheling majorities of 78% and 77% respectively said they opposed increasing taxes on electricity and increasing energy prices as a way for the Federal government to try to reduce global warming.

Poll: Less Than 1/3 Of Americans Believe “Most Scientists Agree” On Global Warming

This is the grim reality faced by every single environmental nut who spends 14 hours a day posting up drivel about this temperature and that heat wave............this glacier melting and that lake warming. Fcukking total morons.............might as well be all gathering for an exercise in fcukking navel contemplation!!!

Go look at any poll............they all say the same thing.

So think about it............Ive said for a long, long time, these people so consumed with this stuff are fcukking mental cases. It would be akin to me walking out to a snow back every day for several months and sticking my head in the snowbank for 10 minutes in the hopes that my next door babe neighbor will come over and ask me to bang her.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

So...............as we can see.....................
Professor Codevilla has a different take on the situation: the 'ruling class' decides on the legitimacy of any 'scientific truth.'

"That is why the ruling class is united and adamant about nothing so much as its right to pronounce definitive, "scientific" judgment on whatever it chooses. When the government declares, and its associated press echoes that "scientists say" this or that, ordinary people -- or for that matter scientists who "don't say," or are not part of the ruling class -- lose any right to see the information that went into what "scientists say."

Thus when Virginia's attorney general subpoenaed the data by which Professor Michael Mann had concluded, while paid by the state of Virginia, that the earth's temperatures are rising "like a hockey stick" from millennial stability -- a conclusion on which billions of dollars' worth of decisions were made -- to investigate the possibility of fraud, the University of Virginia's faculty senate condemned any inquiry into "scientific endeavor that has satisfied peer review standards" claiming that demands for data "send a chilling message to scientists...and indeed scholars in any discipline."

The Washington Post editorialized that the attorney general's demands for data amounted to "an assault on reason." The fact that the "hockey stick" conclusion stands discredited and Mann and associates are on record manipulating peer review, the fact that science-by-secret-data is an oxymoron, the very distinction between truth and error, all matter far less to the ruling class than the distinction between itself and those they rule.

By identifying science and reason with themselves, our rulers delegitimize opposition. "
The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

I found it interesting that the OP refers to the fact that only a third of the public claim to believe in the scam...and Professor Codevilla identifies the 'ruling class' by the same fraction:
"Democratic politicians are the ruling class's prime legitimate representatives and that because Republican politicians are supported by only a fourth of their voters while the rest vote for them reluctantly, most are aspirants for a junior role in the ruling class. In short, the ruling class has a party, the Democrats. But some two-thirds of Americans -- a few Democratic voters, most Republican voters, and all independents -- lack a vehicle in electoral politics. "

This is the big picture: 'science' orthodoxy is used a weapon against those who don't think 'the right way.'

Keep on keepin' on: folks are waking up.
That makes sense when its part of what is known as the "Creep" of socialism...........but the clock has run out on this scam now. I do think that part of it is the fact that an entire fabric of American industry if threatened by a "green economy" and in recent years, has stood up and fought back with an immense amount of resources. Transportation...........energy...........you're talking hundreds of billions on the line. These people are not going to sit back and let some nuts who have a half cracked theory that cant be proven fcukk up the status-quo. Thats just the way it is...........plus the fact that in very recent years, people have finally woken up to the fact that the politicians are willing to tax them to the balls.........as much as they can get away with. The silent majority though, has indeed woken up............and not a moment too soon.
OK. Yes, it is futile trying to get through to such infantile mentalities as represented by Kookybill.

As far as the politics of the issue, well, CG, you people have won on that front, also. However, that will not change the results one bit. Reality will intrude on the lies, and willfull ignorance.
OK. Yes, it is futile trying to get through to such infantile mentalities as represented by Kookybill.

As far as the politics of the issue, well, CG, you people have won on that front, also. However, that will not change the results one bit. Reality will intrude on the lies, and willfull ignorance.

Yeah.........but the point is that nobody cares about the "results" anymore. In fact, the "results" are now viewed by the public as a partisan issue that has little to do with science. A battle of special interests.............which its always been about asshole.............

Indeed, Id much prefer to be infantile and right than non-infantile and wrong.

Hey Rocks...........heres another red hot cattle prod for your ass............

The New York Times is not even sending a reporter to COP15 in Cancun = LAUGH MY FCUKKING BALLS OFF!!!!!!
Dead Green Treaty Stinks Up The Room | Via Meadia


But enjoy posting up the numers s0n...........with your links that nobody gives a rats ass about anymore!!!!!!!

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OK. Yes, it is futile trying to get through to such infantile mentalities as represented by Kookybill.

As far as the politics of the issue, well, CG, you people have won on that front, also. However, that will not change the results one bit. Reality will intrude on the lies, and willfull ignorance.

Sure olfraud, whatever you say chum. It's the reality of the situation that came back to bite all of you in your collective asses. We didn't beat you. The science finally beat you,
with the help of some brave soul who decided he or she was tired of drinking the koolaid.
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And you are going to deliver that lecture in San Francisco? Naw, there will be real scientists there.

Nope I havn't presented a paper for a number of years now. You see I am in the applied side now and no longer do research (something you are clearly unaquainted with) but I still enjoy a good laugh or two with the boys.
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And you are going to deliver that lecture in San Francisco? Naw, there will be real scientists there.

Nope I havn't presented a paper for a number of years now. You see I am in the applied side now and no longer do research (something you are clearly unaquainted with) but I still enjoy a good laugh or two with the boys.

And laugh we do West............at the expense of the hopelessly duped.:lol:

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