Why Some Racists Like Obama

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
BlackNews.com - Why Some Racists Like Obama

Not long after Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama tossed his hat in the presidential rink back in February 2007, an odd, even bizarre thing happened. A hodgepodge of avowedly racist groups burned up internet sites not with rage, but glee. They were giddy at the thought that Obama might win.

Their rationale was that an African-American in the White House would prove their point that blacks were out to dominate whites and that whites would be so disgusted that they would unite in righteous and very racist anger. That in turn would trigger their long swooned over racist fantasy of a race war. This was dismissed for what it was, namely the ranting of the racist lunatic fringe. But that doesn’t mean that many whites who harbor hidden or even conscious racial animus won’t also back Obama albeit for their own reasons. A mid-September survey found about one quarter of whites hold negative views of blacks that are top heavy with the old shop worn stereotypes. The respondents said that blacks use race as a crutch, are not as industrious as whites, oppose interracial marriage, and are terrified of black crime (Obama mildly chided his white grandmother in his so-called race speech back in March for saying she feared black men). Yet nearly a quarter of them claim they’ll vote for Obama.
You must remember that when Obama's grandmother was growing up women were made to fear black men. I do not know if it was a race thing or to keep them from mixing with other races. If you are a christian then you believe we all arise from Adam and Eve so we are all one race the human race. But, Obama was raised by his white mother and white grandparents who loved him and rasied him. His father deserted him. But, Obama lists himself as a African American canidate instead of a mixed race canidate or as a mistizo which means mixed. He is taking on only his fathers who deserted him race and disowns his mothers side or he would be listed different. Hate is a strong thing and Obama hates himself. It is sad for I am mixed and love that I have two great cultures to be apart of.
You know what is funny my relative always talked about not liking blacks until the 50's when they found out our ggreatgrandfather was a slave in St. Clair Alabama according to the National Archives in DC. They could not tell by them who are lily white except a few who are darker in color by a little. You never know.If you want to hate do it because someone is a mean person or evil not for the color of thier skin.
You must remember that when Obama's grandmother was growing up women were made to fear black men.

Nobody has to be "made" to fear black men. They're naturally feared because they're stupid, violent and quick-tempered. That's like suggesting that people are afraid of lions or tigers because of an anti-big cat propaganda program.
While there is some truth to that, William, you take it too far. When blacks and whites first met, blacks were less civilized and that scared the white people. Blacks being different also played a part in making whites afraid of blacks (and conversely, blacks being afraid of whites). However, for the most part, blacks have integrated themselves well into white culture and society, and continue to do so. We should look to the future instead of clinging to the past.

And Charlie, I too have recognized a surprising amount of "racists" coming out for Obama. Although, I think it's for another reason - check out the topic I made in this Race part of the message boards.

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