why some are against the assault rifle ban is the same reason libbs protect late term abortion .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
Very astute observation yidnar.

It's our politicians that have done this zero compromise to both sides... put the "fear" in to us.

If you compromise, the "other side" will take it ALL away.
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Ninth Amendment
Main article: Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[93]

The Ninth Amendment declares that there are additional fundamental rights that exist outside the Constitution. The rights enumerated in the Constitution are not an explicit and exhaustive list of individual rights. It was rarely mentioned in Supreme Court decisions before the second half of the 20th century, when it was cited by several of the justices in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965). The Court in that case voided a statute prohibiting use of contraceptives as an infringement of the right of marital privacy.[116] This right was, in turn, the foundation upon which the Supreme Court built decisions in several landmark cases, including, Roe v. Wade (1973), which overturned a Texas law making it a crime to assist a woman to get an abortion, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), which invalidated a Pennsylvania law that required spousal awareness prior to obtaining an abortion.
Yes then you are saying you do not want to go by the original constitution as wrote without any amendments.

And by the way, the constitution does not address abortion.
No. Pay attention.

I said I do want to go by the original Constitution that allows for Amendments.

The Constitution doesn't address mass murder, either.
Yes then you are saying you do not want to go by the original constitution as wrote without any amendments.

And by the way, the constitution does not address abortion.
No. Pay attention.

I said I do want to go by the original Constitution that allows for Amendments.

The Constitution doesn't address mass murder, either.
Yes then you are saying you do not want to go by the original constitution as wrote without any amendments.

And by the way, the constitution does not address abortion.
No. Pay attention.

I said I do want to go by the original Constitution that allows for Amendments.

The Constitution doesn't address mass murder, either.

Ninth Amendment.
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.
although i am against abortions ......whenever someone tries to limit late term abortions libbs shout thats against a womans right to choose !!! and if you say no its only for late term abortions the left would shout if we allow that then before long all abortions will be illegal [gov foot in the door]scenario .....the ban on late term abortion would set a precedent to stop all abortions ........the same goes when it comes to fire arm bans .......many believe it would set a precedent !
So, what the fuck would you assfucks do if abortion was ended. You would have no excuse left to throw in any argument about anything.

Most lste term abortions are because of health factors.
That's bullshit and you know it.
Ninth Amendment.
Of course there are as additional rights.

Rights come from God. Not man.

No rights come from man, not God.

You do realize that our entire governmental philosophy revolves around the idea that rights are inherent in every person and not given by others don't you?

No, the blacks were treated like shit for many years from our framers, why did they not know that dignity comes from God?? Also the poor are right now with food, health care and housing. There is no justice in the US, money talks and that is the way it has always been.

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