Why Should We Trust the Democrats?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
I've spent a good deal of time banging on the Republicans here but its not like the Democrats are wowing anybody with their stunning competence. Consider

- Obama has been willing to demagogue the rich by singling out private jet owners

- The Democrats haven't passed a budget in forever

- And the current budget has the US running a budget deficit of 3% of GDP five years from now, when the economy is supposed to be running at full bore, which is even worse than under Bush.

- Many Democrats have said that we shouldn't cut one red cent from SS or Medicare. Didn't Pelosi make a speech holding a penny to make that point?

- The Democrats seem to be intent upon imposing "Californication" on the country by giving tax cuts to everyone and increasing taxes on the rich

- Obama creates a Deficit Reduction Commission, then ignores its recommendations

- It's not all the Republicans' fault that we are playing chicken with catastrophe. Obama has said his healthcare plan is off the table. Why is it not on the table? Why isn't everything on the table?

I'm sure there is more, but this list is depressing enough.
I've spent a good deal of time banging on the Republicans here but its not like the Democrats are wowing anybody with their stunning competence. Consider

- Obama has been willing to demagogue the rich by singling out private jet owners

- The Democrats haven't passed a budget in forever

- And the current budget has the US running a budget deficit of 3% of GDP five years from now, when the economy is supposed to be running at full bore, which is even worse than under Bush.

- Many Democrats have said that we shouldn't cut one red cent from SS or Medicare. Didn't Pelosi make a speech holding a penny to make that point?

- The Democrats seem to be intent upon imposing "Californication" on the country by giving tax cuts to everyone and increasing taxes on the rich

- Obama creates a Deficit Reduction Commission, then ignores its recommendations

- It's not all the Republicans' fault that we are playing chicken with catastrophe. Obama has said his healthcare plan is off the table. Why is it not on the table? Why isn't everything on the table?

I'm sure there is more, but this list is depressing enough.

It's all fun and games, until someone loses an entitlement
I know I'll be watching this thread with great amusement as the same people who called Toro various names and said he's completely wrong about the Republicans and the debt ceiling will completely agree with him here.

Neither side deserves trust.

The whole system seems to be a circus that keeps the citizens distracted while the business of the empire continues.

The whole system includes a media that profits while it particpates, apathic voters, corruption and partisan propaganda on a national scale. A Federal Government that has siezed powers beyond what was provided for in the Constitution or any of it's Amendments.
I know I'll be watching this thread with great amusement as the same people who called Toro various names and said he's completely wrong about the Republicans and the debt ceiling will completely agree with him here.


What would be the amusement ?

All people can disagree and agree on many topics.

To say one is correct now does not mean they are correct all the time or
To say one is wrong now does not mean they are wrong all the time

To agree with one on one issue does not make them wrong or right on any other issue
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Most of the problems we have in government is due to the left wing of the Democratic Party, the Progressives and the right wing of the Republican Party, the Tea Party. Both lack the capacity to compromise. They can only see one workable solution, theirs. The American voter needs to shit can these zealots and elect people who can work with their enemies as well as their friends.
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Their foreign policy and stance on civil liberties is atrocious. Not to mention their war on transparency and whistle blowers.

They are like Republicans regarding fiscal conservatism. Dems are only anti-war and pro-civil liberties, and pro transparency when they are out of power, but do the exact opposite when they are in power.
I've spent a good deal of time banging on the Republicans here but its not like the Democrats are wowing anybody with their stunning competence. Consider

- Obama has been willing to demagogue the rich by singling out private jet owners

- The Democrats haven't passed a budget in forever

- And the current budget has the US running a budget deficit of 3% of GDP five years from now, when the economy is supposed to be running at full bore, which is even worse than under Bush.

- Many Democrats have said that we shouldn't cut one red cent from SS or Medicare. Didn't Pelosi make a speech holding a penny to make that point?

- The Democrats seem to be intent upon imposing "Californication" on the country by giving tax cuts to everyone and increasing taxes on the rich

- Obama creates a Deficit Reduction Commission, then ignores its recommendations

- It's not all the Republicans' fault that we are playing chicken with catastrophe. Obama has said his healthcare plan is off the table. Why is it not on the table? Why isn't everything on the table?

I'm sure there is more, but this list is depressing enough.

Without a doubt, the Dems are not doing anything to find a cure either. The problem is that both sides are trying to protect their own interests, and that is why nobody wants to discuss serious cuts. Republicans don't want tax increases despite the fact that there is no choice but to raise taxes in both the short and long term. The Dems don't want to cut anything significant period. I do think Obama was on the right track when he suggested raising the Medicare age from 65 to 67. But alas, the Dems said there is no way they would pass that.

Personally, I think SS and Medicare must be addressed, especially Medicare. However, I do not like Paul Ryan's plan at all as I think it would really leave too many seniors with zero options and too minimal of coverage. I do support raising the age as high as 70 over the next 25 years though, and I think the age for Medicare and SS should be the same. If we don't raise the age, then benefits will eventually have to be cut. Cutting them on the front end makes it much easier for people to plan and pay for before they become very old. And if people want to retire earlier, then they would have to fund the earlier years themselves.

Maybe the best thing to do would be to just send all of them packing and start from scratch. Unfortunately, we know how well that works.
President Romney

... and the Republicans lose the House.

Romney is the only Republican I could support. Probably won't, but if he is elected, I wouldn't be heart broken. I supported him in 08 and would again if he stood his ground and quit trying to please the far rightwing nuts. I have a hunch, in the end, he would find a way to increase revenues through higher taxes or closing up many of the loopholes. But in the end, it all boils down to what Congress does. The way it is now, nobody wants to budge.

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