Why Sex Ed is a LIE

Gabriella84 said:
Gem, what you say is completely truthful. But you have to understand the limits of legality. I was totally turned off by drugs and drinking and such due to the fact that I could get into serious trouble.

I am all for teaching kids the consequences of their actions. Have unprotected sex, here are all the fun diseases you can get. Smoke, drink or take drugs, you are in deep shit. In addition to the health ramifications.

The reason that sex education is so much more inportant is that there is an unequal playing field. In most every other vice, the consequences are the same for guys and girls. Not so in sex, since guys can't get pregnant. This is why you teach girls about birth control. Birth controls should ALWAYS be about "if" rather than "when." Because there is always a chance of the "if."

Gems post was right on and I'm glad you agree with her. You are right that sex education is very important - sex is not a "vice" like drinking or drugs - sex is at the very core and foundation of our society.

People seem to think that the schools (i.e., the government) should be responsible for teaching their children about sex. To a degree this is OK but the primary responsibility of sex education should rest with the parents. The morals and values relating to sex should be taught by the parents as they are very closely linked together. Unfortunately perverted sexual morals are being taught through the schools.

Why do you think it is the parents who are more concerned about their daughters having sex and not so much about their sons? Of couse it is because the girl is the one who can get pregnant - it is an unequal playing field as you saidd. It is the girl's parents who may have to deal with the consequences of their child's sexual exploits - such as a pregnant daughter for 9 months and then the raising of their grandchild. Good responsible parents stand fully behind the teaching of abstinence as they realize the negative consequences.

The feminists and the gays are the ones who have pushed their agenda through the schools, who have pretty much taken over sex education in general, and who have warped sex education beyond belief. Feminists think girls are equal to boys or the same as boys - they aren't - as we have both noted. Gays have no problems with getting pregnant and so they push sexual freedom and are more interested in jsut sexual gratification. There is nobody out there except mainly Christian parents who are attempting to put sex ed back into the proper perspective - as it relates to family.

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