Why Romney/Ryan Won't Give Specifics


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Conversation on Meet the Press (paraphrased)

Romney: Oh yeah, we'll cut taxes and cut the deficit by getting rid of loopholes.
David Gregory: What loopholes will you get rid of?
Romney: Oh... don't worry, we'll close loopholes
Gregory: Now's your chance to tell the American public... what loopholes?
Romney: oh we'll close loopholes, trust us.

Really: Why won't they say that what they'd have to cut is the tax on mortgage interest, charitable deductions and deductions for state taxes?

how much more will that add up to than going back to the additional 4% that we paid during the clinton years?
Gee, where is a budget and the specifics by democrats over the past several years? What's dear Obama's plan? After all, he's managed to royally fuck our economy- double gas prices, add 6 trillion to the debt- more than all Presidents before him, COMBINED and in only 3.5 years.. You leftists must be so proud.. Did I mention that real unemployment is hovering around the 20% mark and that for the first time since WWII, we have the lowest number of people employed in this country? The Food Stamp President has managed to add more people to that role than any other President all the while dropping incomes by over 4300.00 a year.. And here you sit asking about Mitt Romney's plan?!! ROFLMAO You've always been a joke.. Your threads are known for being insane and filled with lies.. You never disappoint! :) Oh and let's check out this doozy.. :

U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading
U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading | cnsnews.com

Ahhh, Chicago.. Land of Obama and thuggery politics.. Where crime and cronism pays.. Where kids can't read.. HEY OBAMA, WHERE IS YOUR PLAN ON the education of our children, especially children in Chicago?? Pretty pathetic.
Conversation on Meet the Press (paraphrased)

Romney: Oh yeah, we'll cut taxes and cut the deficit by getting rid of loopholes.
David Gregory: What loopholes will you get rid of?
Romney: Oh... don't worry, we'll close loopholes
Gregory: Now's your chance to tell the American public... what loopholes?
Romney: oh we'll close loopholes, trust us.

Really: Why won't they say that what they'd have to cut is the tax on mortgage interest, charitable deductions and deductions for state taxes?

how much more will that add up to than going back to the additional 4% that we paid during the clinton years?

But of course Obama has given specifics right? RIGHT?
obama says he'd go back to the clinton tax rate for the top wage earners.

that is specific.

so tell me, what will it cost you if they close those "loopholes"? (which btw i don't think are loopholes... corporations not paying taxes on overseas income... now THAT'S a loophole.
Gee, where is a budget and the specifics by democrats over the past several years? What's dear Obama's plan? After all, he's managed to royally fuck our economy- double gas prices, add 6 trillion to the debt- more than all Presidents before him, COMBINED and in only 3.5 years.. You leftists must be so proud.. Did I mention that real unemployment is hovering around the 20% mark and that for the first time since WWII, we have the lowest number of people employed in this country? The Food Stamp President has managed to add more people to that role than any other President all the while dropping incomes by over 4300.00 a year.. And here you sit asking about Mitt Romney's plan?!! ROFLMAO You've always been a joke.. Your threads are known for being insane and filled with lies.. You never disappoint! :) Oh and let's check out this doozy.. :

U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading
U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading | cnsnews.com

Ahhh, Chicago.. Land of Obama and thuggery politics.. Where crime and cronism pays.. Where kids can't read.. HEY OBAMA, WHERE IS YOUR PLAN ON the education of our children, especially children in Chicago?? Pretty pathetic.

oh looky what blew in. :thup:

hope you found a satisfactory parking spot for your broom.
Obama, what's your plan on selling and aiding Islamists intent on buying Uboats?
Obama aids Egypt as it tries to buy U-boats | The Daily Caller

Come now.. tell us.. We know you whispered to Medvdev to wait until after the election before you can help Russia arm and the US disarm.. you were caught on tape for that.. Remember?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]
Gee, where is a budget and the specifics by democrats over the past several years? What's dear Obama's plan? After all, he's managed to royally fuck our economy- double gas prices, add 6 trillion to the debt- more than all Presidents before him, COMBINED and in only 3.5 years.. You leftists must be so proud.. Did I mention that real unemployment is hovering around the 20% mark and that for the first time since WWII, we have the lowest number of people employed in this country? The Food Stamp President has managed to add more people to that role than any other President all the while dropping incomes by over 4300.00 a year.. And here you sit asking about Mitt Romney's plan?!! ROFLMAO You've always been a joke.. Your threads are known for being insane and filled with lies.. You never disappoint! :) Oh and let's check out this doozy.. :

U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading
U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading | cnsnews.com

Ahhh, Chicago.. Land of Obama and thuggery politics.. Where crime and cronism pays.. Where kids can't read.. HEY OBAMA, WHERE IS YOUR PLAN ON the education of our children, especially children in Chicago?? Pretty pathetic.

oh looky what blew in. :thup:

hope you found a satisfactory parking spot for your broom.

Get your own lines Hagitha.. Still lame.
Obama has always given specifics and has even asked voters to contact their congress person and tell them to vote. Until that happens, jobs bills languish while congress goes on another vacation.

The reason R&R wont give specifics is that its middle class loop holes they plan to plug - things like tax deduction for your home.

Romney said that during a debate. Its been a while so I can't remember the rest but that's where they're heading.

Reason is, the 1% really NEEDS their loopholes and they really NEED their taxes cut even more than one percenter Bush already did.
The political party that is criminally negligent in not passing a budget in 4 years now wants specifics. That's so fucking cute!! Like a little kid dressing in his parents clothes pretending to be a grown up
What's dear Obama's plan?
But of course Obama has given specifics right? RIGHT?

Yes, Obama has put forth specific tax proposals. Who do you think he is--Mitt Romney?

See pages 218 to 225 of his FY13 budget proposal.

Now where are Romney's ideas?

You mean the same budget proposal that will add 1.3 TRILLION dollars to the deficit?? ROFLMAO

Obama’s Budget Forecasts $1.3 Trillion Deficit - ABC News
The political party that is criminally negligent in not passing a budget in 4 years now wants specifics. That's so fucking cute!! Like a little kid dressing in his parents clothes pretending to be a grown up

You know, this is explained to you idiots at least once every damn day. WHY can't you just get it through your fat heads that until and unless the R allows numbers to be included in the debate, there can never be a budget.
There it is.. The Great Obama and his nifty proposal.. Adding another 1.3 trillion on TOP of his already added 6 trillion dollars for a total of 7.3 trillion in just 4.5 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LIBERALS ARE FUCKIN NUTS!
There it is.. The Great Obama and his nifty proposal.. Adding another 1.3 trillion on TOP of his already added 6 trillion dollars for a total of 7.3 trillion in just 4.5 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LIBERALS ARE FUCKIN NUTS!

If Mitt Romney doesn't have any ideas on how to get back any of the trillions of dollars in revenue he's throwing out the window with another round of tax cuts, the deficit in a Romney administration is going to be a hell of a lot bigger than that.

You wouldn't happen to know if he has any ideas on that, would you?
Republicans CongressReps especially have admitted that they care not one whit about anyone alive in their districts!

ObamaCare was 2000 pages! They complained that no one could read it!

The Tax Code is 71,000 pages: And not in the big print!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many take little marks on so many pages as mandate to send peoples off to Reservations!(?))

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