Why public school are failing.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Our public school are failing because children of Illegal Aliens began school and cannot speak or comprehend English. The time and money it takes to teach these children English takes away from teachers time for teach academics like reading, writing and arithmetic. And the teachers get blamed because children who cannot speak and comprehend English cannot learn in an English speaking school. These children has to be taught English before they can be taught their ABCs and even then it takes years before they can fully understand and comprehend what is being taught in English.

When did our public schools began to fail? When our public schools were flooded with non-English speaking children.

Now pro-illegal alien advocates want to educate children of Illegal Aliens privately in Charter schools finance with funds cut from public schools leaving children behind in public schools which is undefended substandard in teaching.

Mariposa Academy of Learning.
Mariposa Academy - La Academia Mariposa

Children that cannot speak and comprehend English cannot learn in an English speaking school. And if they cannot learn it reflect on the school and the teachers. And the parents of these children has the arrogance to protest for better education for their children when they don’t learn because they send them to school unprepared to be taught in an English speaking school, at the expense of the American tax payers. All our children should have the same quality of education, but special attention is given to children of Illegal Aliens.

If our immigration laws were enforced it would solve most of our economic problems. If they cannot work they will leave and take their children with them saving this Government and tax payers billion in education, healthcare, social services, law enforcement and crime. (Illegal Aliens kill 15 Americans and rape 8 children each day) Releasing 8 million jobs held by Illegal Aliens for unemployed Americans.
We deport 400,000 Illegal Aliens each year and each year 400,000 are being born.
When are we going to get a leader that will do the humane and compassionate thing for Americans and enforce our immigration laws.
One of the really horrible things about being a mod is your infinite power and your very minute authority. I would love to attack this post with my great big blue pencil and try and turn the prose into something remotely approaching english, but alas, I can not. Instead I stare at this ironic travesty and fidget in frustration over egregious errors arranged neatly for my salutary scalpel that I am not allowed to use on this perfect example of gramatical irony.
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These children has [sic] to be taught English before they can be taught their ABCs.

When did our public schools began [sic] to fail?

Now pro-illegal alien advocates want to educate children of Illegal Aliens privately in Charter schools finance [sic] with funds cut from public schools leaving children behind in public schools which is [sic]undefended substandard in teaching [sic].

Children that cannot speak and comprehend English cannot learn in an English speaking school [sic]. And if they cannot learn it reflect [sic] on the school and the teachers.

And the parents of these children has [sic] the arrogance to protest for better education for their children.

When do YOU intend to learn English, you fucking moron?
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While this issue certainly constitutes a drain on resources, it's not the root problem of school failure.

Inefficient management, a self-propagating system of nepotistic cronyism, ineffective tenured faculty working within a structure of perpetual employment without recourse of accountability, and an environment of heirarchical servitude IS the fucking problem.

Illegals aren't the only non-English speaking populace in our schools. Spanish IS the most prevelent language other than English.

You hire someone to do a job, they should do it. Schools don't do their jobs because they do not operate in the real world. They are kingdoms unto themselves, unanswerable and unaccountable.

The Teachers Union represents themselves, principals, administrators, supervisors, and staff- NOT teachers.
By "teachers" I mean the ones that teach. The kids know who they are, some (the caring) parents know who they are, but principals and admins do not have a clue as to where the real talent lies- nor do they care.

Yes, I speak in a general tone- but it is all too prevalent. In this profession it's not what you know but who you know. It's not about the result of minds but the result on paper.

I've seen schools pass over experienced in-district teachers in order to fill jobs with new out-of-district college graduates who know or are related to administrators. Even fellow church members get preference. Family members- cousins- friends of cousins. You're in.

Kiss ass, suck up, lick boot- you're in.
One of the really horrible things about being a mod is your infinite power and your very minute authority. I would love to attack this post with my great big blue pencil and try and turn the prose into something remotely approaching english, but alas, I can not. Instead I stare at this ironic travesty and fidget in frustration over egregious errors arranged neatly for my salutary scalpel that I am not allowed to use on this perfect example of gramatical irony.

I am a 72 year old woman with 30 years dealing with MS and have massive scaring in my brain and spinal cord and eyes and I am blessed that I am still able to put two words together and type. So excuse the fuck out of me if my English is not to your satisfaction. Most MS patients my age are dead.
I still do not have a problem getting my point over and it appears to me that I got it over to you and it hurt your ass like a cattle probe.

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