Why our children are failing in school


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Our government is failing our children and not teachers. Teachers are only as effective as their students.Children do not all learn at the same speed. Children who start school not speaking English makes a teachers jobs almost impossible. It should be the law that a child must speak English before they start school. Children of illegal aliens do not learn English because their parent don’t speak English or they will not speak English in their homes. But why should they when our government do not require them to speak English by providing teachers to teach their children, translators, and documents, etc. in Spanish. Illegal immigration has filled our schools with children that do not speak English and is a tremendous burden on teachers and financially burden to American tax payers. And American children pay with having to share time with chidlren of illegal aliens.
Where is the government finding money to fund these programs while cutting funding for schools and laying off teachers????.:confused:

The school in the below article is a perfect example of school asll across the country because our government will not enforce our immigration laws and encourage more illegal immigration with promises of amnesties. The problem is only going to get worse.

Language immersion improves literacy
Jul. 19, 2011

Echo Loder, a Title I school -- meaning a majority of the students are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch -- is made up of 90 percent Hispanic students and all of its students receive free lunch, Hicks said:evil:

Kien Lachelli, Echo Loder's language instruction coordinator, said teachers began to work more with students and even made personal visits to students' households to further understand their needs:evil:

Echo Loder started an after-school program where it taught English classes to parents for two hours, Monday through Thursday, during the school year.:evil:

Language immersion improves literacy | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com News
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No excuse. When my x moved to the empire she was 16 and already graduated HS. They put her in fifth grade. She dropped out and studied Ingles for 4 months, went back, and they made here a senior. One year and she was graduated and headed to college.
No excuse. When my x moved to the empire she was 16 and already graduated HS. They put her in fifth grade. She dropped out and studied Ingles for 4 months, went back, and they made here a senior. One year and she was graduated and headed to college.

And what is the point you are trying to make?:confused:
Teachers used to teach children on the seat of knowledge with the board of education.

Then teachers were forced to join unions, now the kids can't stay seated because they're bored with FEDucation.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
And what is the point you are trying to make?

The same could be asked of you.

My point is we are funding education for children that are here illegally who cannot comprehend English and is bringing down the score of Ameican children and take away their learining time while cuts are being made to education but continue to for educating children of illegal aliens who at an high rate are dropping out after so much money has been spent on them.
It appears that he has a hard time expressing his point. :confused:
Schools did not begin to fail until they were flooded with children of illegal aliens. There is a correlation between our failing schools and iillegal aliens. Echo Loder school is a prime example. funding it taken away from teaching american children into teaching children of illegal aliens and statistics show it is a waste of money and time because very few go on to college but drop out.
In some schools there is a waiting list for kindergarten because of children of illegal aliens. Some American children cannot enter until a year later.
This in not right for American children to be in the back of the line of children here illegally.
Parents are the main reason kids are failing in school.

You nailed it. And you're gettin' repped for saying so.

What's really sad is that too often, nobody tells parents how to help their children, that it enhances the child's learning experience if you: read them bedtime stories every night. ask to see homework assignments. praise small accomplishments when they can read simple signs or something they didn't know last year; understand what an airplane or hobby assembly kit says or what a clothing pattern says; the name of her (his) teacher; favorite subject; but mostly, lets child know he or she is loved and that you're proud of something they said or did occasionally. A child whose parent treats them as worthy likely will be that way some day. It's the faith in your child that shows up later.
"Why our children are failing in school?"

The biggest reason is our parents are failing our children. The second reason is that teachers no longer have any power over the children and the kids know it. And so do the principals....
"Why our children are failing in school?"

The biggest reason is our parents are failing our children. The second reason is that teachers no longer have any power over the children and the kids know it. And so do the principals....

I agree.. So the one word question is; why. I have my own idea's but will save them for a later post.
So none of you belive the time children who do not speak or comprehend English that take time away from learning is a factor in our children failing? Teachers are admitting that those children take teaching time away from Children who want to learn but there is not time. 10 years ago there were no talk of bad teachers, failing schools and children because there were not a huge illegal alien presence.

An epidemic that is getting worse

• 1 of 3 California students attends an overcrowded school.
• California has more students per class than any state except Utah.
• Overcrowded California schools enroll up to 5 times the number of students they were built to serve. 4200 students attend South Gate Middle School in Los Angeles—a school designed for 800.
• Most students in overcrowded schools are Latino and still learning
; most overcrowded schools are in poor neighborhoods.
• By 2009, California will need schools for 1 million more students.

What's wrong with overcrowding?

Students in overcrowded schools pay less attention, achieve less, and experience more violence. Overcrowded schools are more likely to have inadequate or substandard electrical and lighting systems, safety features, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, floors and foundations

The Crisis - Overcrowding
our government is failing our children by not enforcing our immigration and letting schools become overcrowded with children that don't speak English and defunding those schools for basics.
Parents are failing their children, say teachers
TEACHERS have accused parents of failing to raise their children properly and undermining schools.

Julie Henry, Education Correspondent
Apr 2009

Parents let their children rule the roost at home and then expect schools to discipline them," said Mary Bousted, the general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. At the same time, parents refuse to back teachers when their children get in trouble and some even threaten and attack staff, she said.

Parents are failing their children, say teachers - Telegraph

Cultural Differences in School Expectations by Latino Parents
Compiled by Arthur J. Schneider, Human Development Regional Specialist, Cooper County, University of Missouri Extension

Missouri is experiencing part of a national expansion of Hispanic/Latino populations. According to University of Missouri Extension Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis regional profiles, the Hispanic population in Missouri nearly doubled between 1990 and 2000, growing from 60,000 to 119,000 people. Missouri’s Hispanic population surpassed 130,000 in 2003.

Cultural Differences in School Expectations by Latino Parents

Cultural Differences in School Expectations by Latino Parents

Our government is failing our children and not teachers. Teachers are only as effective as their students.Children do not all learn at the same speed. Children who start school not speaking English makes a teachers jobs almost impossible. It should be the law that a child must speak English before they start school. Children of illegal aliens do not learn English because their parent don’t speak English or they will not speak English in their homes. But why should they when our government do not require them to speak English by providing teachers to teach their children, translators, and documents, etc. in Spanish. Illegal immigration has filled our schools with children that do not speak English and is a tremendous burden on teachers and financially burden to American tax payers. And American children pay with having to share time with chidlren of illegal aliens.
Where is the government finding money to fund these programs while cutting funding for schools and laying off teachers????.:confused:

The school in the below article is a perfect example of school asll across the country because our government will not enforce our immigration laws and encourage more illegal immigration with promises of amnesties. The problem is only going to get worse.

Language immersion improves literacy
Jul. 19, 2011

Echo Loder, a Title I school -- meaning a majority of the students are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch -- is made up of 90 percent Hispanic students and all of its students receive free lunch, Hicks said:evil:

Kien Lachelli, Echo Loder's language instruction coordinator, said teachers began to work more with students and even made personal visits to students' households to further understand their needs:evil:

Echo Loder started an after-school program where it taught English classes to parents for two hours, Monday through Thursday, during the school year.:evil:

Language immersion improves literacy | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com News

I disagree. I used to run a charity that helped schools in San Diego. There were a few things that made the difference. First, No Child Left Behind is a failure. We should dump it. Teachers used to teach. They used to put their personality into the classroom and adjust their lessons based on the personality OF the class. Not anymore. There is no creativity no inspiration. They just learn how to pass standardized test.
Second is classroom size. That is a major factor. You can't teach A child when you've got thirty kids to control. Hell, twenty is a task but thirty? Good luck with that.
Finally is the commitment of the parents. Lots of kids come here from foreign countries. Asian culture is FANATICAL about education. I've seen lots of kids who didn't speak of word of English when they got here, graduate Valedictorian.
Just my observations.
Liberals really thought they could teach Hispanics how to be white people with a tan.
Our schools are not COLLECTIVELY failing.

Some of then are failing and some of them are not.
Our schools are not COLLECTIVELY failing.

Some of then are failing and some of them are not.

I would say that over-all, education has been on the decline for years. Classroom sizes have gotten bigger and bigger and NCLB is a catastrophe.
Liberals really thought they could teach Hispanics how to be white people with a tan.

Hmmm. So guess your comment is directed at my lovely bride? You know, the one who got her degree in accounting with honors. The Hispanic one.

Quite a post there, chief.
Our schools are not COLLECTIVELY failing.

Some of then are failing and some of them are not.

Some of our children are failing and some are not under the same circumstances. Children will learn if they want to learn in the worse of schools. Children learn in fron of computers. Not the school and not the teachers. Teachers are doing the best they can with what they have to teach with. Some are using their money to buy teaching supplies because of cuts to public schools. There are several good online schools.

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