Why Obama Must Go


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=&v=NlFHrLeeJIU]Bill's BBQ - YouTube[/ame]
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Reviews of Bill's Barbecue:

A fast food chain specializing in barbecue. We were hoping to try the ribs but they were not available. Everything was very average from the food to the service. We would not return. If you want barbecue in Richmond there have to be better options.

Stopped at Bill's on W. Broad. Okay minced and sliced bbq but the helping was small. The fries were as bad as I have ever had - about 40 nubs, the largest fry maybe 2 inches and the worst part is they were limp and whimpy - like they were cooked yesterday and nuked. The staff did not smile or...

The food is okay for the price. Don't expect anything big. Don't expect unlimited refills! Staff is... ummm... not too friendly to say the least. Haven't had a memorable experience in the past. Spend a little more and go to Buz & Neds down the street.

I've eaten at various locations of Bill's since the mid-1960s. I go nowadays mostly for nostalgia value. At 50, I'm often the youngest customer. Bill's has not changed much since the 60s, except in one regard: today's universally surly counter service. It drives folks away who have thinner skins than I do. The BBQ recalls the Carolina style of the...

BBQ is too sweet or dry. The pie I had there one time was "bad"..not bad in taste...but it had actually gone BAD!

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I also found many excellent reviews as well. Just another business that couldn't make it in the Obama economy.
Sorry Vel but this does not even come close.

Here are my reasons why Obama must go.

1. He signed the NDAA. I mean, I thought the man taught Constitutional law. How can it be Constitutional to detain a US citizen without due process......ever? It is so unconstitutional that they dare not use it for fear it will be brought to SCOTUS and declared unconsitutional. Essentially it is there in place for one thing only, marshall law.

2. Violation of the War Powers Act. Obama went to war in LIbya and did not consult Congress within 60 days, a clear violation of the War Powers Act. His defense was saying that it was not really a war. Even members of his own party said he was in violation of the law, but nothing was done? It just shows that there are no more checks and balances left in the system.

3. Tampering with state elections. He was caught red handed in both Pennsylvania and Colorado for trying to buy off opponents of Democrats running against standing democrats in Congress, and the allegations were made by democrats. I guess this is what happens when you come from a state that auctions off your vacant Senate seat.

4. Illegal money flowing into Kenyan election. Obama sent taxpayer money into Kenya to influence an election there, a clear illegal act. But then, maybe he owed it to his daddy.

5. Obama wrote Executive Orders to legalize certain illegal immigrants, even though these Executive Orders run contrary to federal immigration laws. I guess Executive Edicts are what happens now when you are unable to get legislation like the Dream Act passed through Congress. You might say he did the same thing in regards to cap and trade. He could not pass that as well so he got the EPA to start it up via regulations. I guess Congress has been outsourced.

6. Introducing a budget into Congress that was so aweful that it did not garmish one vote from his own party in Congress. Then again, at least he introduced a budget where the democrats in Congress were either unwilling or unable to do so. At least those in Congress have some shame I suppose, Obama does not. Top this off with a quote from then Senator Obama in 2006.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of our choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. America deserves better."

There is nothing like self condemnation. Really for me the debt is the only thing that threatens the viability of the union, so I probably should have placed it as #1.

7. Obamacare. He shoved this through and threw everything and everyone else under the bus. He presented it as a mandate and not a tax because he promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, especially in a time of great economic hardship. However, the mandate was unconstitutional so the activist judge Roberts turned it into a tax to make it work. The result? It became the largest tax hike in US history on the middle class. To make matter worse, when Kennedy died in office he was replaced by a Republican who ran on the notion he would stop Obamacare. What was Obama's reaction to the democratic process when Scott Brown was elected to bypass Obamacare? He used Reconciliation to bypass the Senate. It was nothing more than legislative gymnastics that is not Constitutional.

I could go on but why? We obviously have someone in office that despises the democratic process and the laws that govern us. I normally would not give a guy a chance at winning an election with this kind of record, but then, someone with a record of successfully tampering with elections must be respected.
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Obama has to go because he has turned America into a pathetic pitiful nation with all his welfare, socialistic, nanny kind of government and because he has empowered Radical Muslims all over the world.... making excuses for the american way of life.

In my opinion reasons enough to go! NOW!
Sorry Vel but this does not even come close.

Here are my reasons why Obama must go.

1. He signed the NDAA. I mean, I thought the man taught Constitutional law. How can it be Constitutional to detain a US citizen without due process......ever? It is so unconstitutional that they dare not use it for fear it will be brought to SCOTUS and declared unconsitutional. Essentially it is there in place for one thing only, marshall law.

2. Violation of the War Powers Act. Obama went to war in LIbya and did not consult Congress within 60 days, a clear violation of the War Powers Act. His defense was saying that it was not really a war. Even members of his own party said he was in violation of the law, but nothing was done? It just shows that there are no more checks and balances left in the system.

3. Tampering with state elections. He was caught red handed in both Pennsylvania and Colorado for trying to buy off opponents of Democrats running against standing democrats in Congress, and the allegations were made by democrats. I guess this is what happens when you come from a state that auctions off your vacant Senate seat.

4. Illegal money flowing into Kenyan election. Obama sent taxpayer money into Kenya to influence an election there, a clear illegal act. But then, maybe he owed it to his daddy.

5. Obama wrote Executive Orders to legalize certain illegal immigrants, even though these Executive Orders run contrary to federal immigration laws. I guess Executive Edicts are what happens now when you are unable to get legislation like the Dream Act passed through Congress. You might say he did the same thing in regards to cap and trade. He could not pass that as well so he got the EPA to start it up via regulations. I guess Congress has been outsourced.

6. Introducing a budget into Congress that was so aweful that it did not garmish one vote from his own party in Congress. Then again, at least he introduced a budget where the democrats in Congress were either unwilling or unable to do so. At least those in Congress have some shame I suppose, Obama does not. Top this off with a quote from then Senator Obama in 2006.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of our choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. America deserves better."

There is nothing like self condemnation. Really for me the debt is the only thing that threatens the viability of the union, so I probably should have placed it as #1.

7. Obamacare. He shoved this through and threw everything and everyone else under the bus. He presented it as a mandate and not a tax because he promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, especially in a time of great economic hardship. However, the mandate was unconstitutional so the activist judge Roberts turned it into a tax to make it work. The result? It became the largest tax hike in US history on the middle class. To make matter worse, when Kennedy died in office he was replaced by a Republican who ran on the notion he would stop Obamacare. What was Obama's reaction to the democratic process? He used Reconciliation to bypass the Senate. It was nothing more than legislative gymnastics that is not Constitutional.

I could go on but why? We obviously have someone in office that despises the democratic process and the laws that govern us. I normally would not give a guy a chance at winning an election with this kind of record, but then, someone with a record of successfully tampering with elections must be respected.
I like your list but my list is shorter:

1. Insufferable cowardice

2. Blabbermouth abroad

3. Calls Americans enemies, and calls hostile nations friends.

And... (drumroll.......)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3SFXQfE4kk]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quh7Bt8p9w4]Obama knocks over podium - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry Vel but this does not even come close.

Here are my reasons why Obama must go.

1. He signed the NDAA. I mean, I thought the man taught Constitutional law. How can it be Constitutional to detain a US citizen without due process......ever? It is so unconstitutional that they dare not use it for fear it will be brought to SCOTUS and declared unconsitutional. Essentially it is there in place for one thing only, marshall law.

2. Violation of the War Powers Act. Obama went to war in LIbya and did not consult Congress within 60 days, a clear violation of the War Powers Act. His defense was saying that it was not really a war. Even members of his own party said he was in violation of the law, but nothing was done? It just shows that there are no more checks and balances left in the system.

3. Tampering with state elections. He was caught red handed in both Pennsylvania and Colorado for trying to buy off opponents of Democrats running against standing democrats in Congress, and the allegations were made by democrats. I guess this is what happens when you come from a state that auctions off your vacant Senate seat.

4. Illegal money flowing into Kenyan election. Obama sent taxpayer money into Kenya to influence an election there, a clear illegal act. But then, maybe he owed it to his daddy.

5. Obama wrote Executive Orders to legalize certain illegal immigrants, even though these Executive Orders run contrary to federal immigration laws. I guess Executive Edicts are what happens now when you are unable to get legislation like the Dream Act passed through Congress. You might say he did the same thing in regards to cap and trade. He could not pass that as well so he got the EPA to start it up via regulations. I guess Congress has been outsourced.

6. Introducing a budget into Congress that was so aweful that it did not garmish one vote from his own party in Congress. Then again, at least he introduced a budget where the democrats in Congress were either unwilling or unable to do so. At least those in Congress have some shame I suppose, Obama does not. Top this off with a quote from then Senator Obama in 2006.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of our choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. America deserves better."

There is nothing like self condemnation. Really for me the debt is the only thing that threatens the viability of the union, so I probably should have placed it as #1.

7. Obamacare. He shoved this through and threw everything and everyone else under the bus. He presented it as a mandate and not a tax because he promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, especially in a time of great economic hardship. However, the mandate was unconstitutional so the activist judge Roberts turned it into a tax to make it work. The result? It became the largest tax hike in US history on the middle class. To make matter worse, when Kennedy died in office he was replaced by a Republican who ran on the notion he would stop Obamacare. What was Obama's reaction to the democratic process? He used Reconciliation to bypass the Senate. It was nothing more than legislative gymnastics that is not Constitutional.

I could go on but why? We obviously have someone in office that despises the democratic process and the laws that govern us. I normally would not give a guy a chance at winning an election with this kind of record, but then, someone with a record of successfully tampering with elections must be respected.
I like your list but my list is shorter:

1. Insufferable cowardice

2. Blabbermouth abroad

3. Calls Americans enemies, and calls hostile nations friends.

And... (drumroll.......)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3SFXQfE4kk]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quh7Bt8p9w4]Obama knocks over podium - YouTube[/ame]

The hell of it is I don't know if my other options are any better. I mean, Mitt supports the NDAA. He also created the template for Obamacare in Romneycare. I also believe he would have gone to war in Libya as well. As far as balancing the budget, I don't believe he will even though I can't imagine him doing a worse job than Obama.

I guess I'm turning more LIbertarian in my old age. I am very tempted to vote for Gary Anderson.
The best Obama exposure site on the net:
The Obama File ...

The United States Library of Congress has selectedTheObamaFile.com for inclusion in its historic collectionof Internet materials

Just a few of the pages:
Obama’s books:

In a sane world, having the following comments out in print via Obama’s racist books would have knocked him out of the running for president of the United States.(they would have crucified a white candidate for far less)


From ‘Dreams from my Father’,The emotion between the races could never be pure, even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, THE OTHER RACE (WHITE) WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN, AND APART.” Barack Hussein Obama

From Dreams from My Father:“THAT HATE HADN’T GONE” he wrote, BLAMING “WHITE PEOPLE — some CRUEL, some IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives.” Barack Hussein Obama

From ‘Dreams from My Father’,“There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs,” he wrote.“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on,to show your LOYALTY TO THE BLACK MASSES, TO STRIKE OUT and name names” Barack Hussein Obama

“Dreams From My Father,” page 101 (paperback, ISBN 978-1-4000-8277-3)
Dreams From My Father: To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists“Dreams From My Father,” pages 99-100

Then there is his love of Islam:

Quote from Barack Obama’s book, Dreams Of My Father:



From ‘Audacity of Hope:“LOLO (Obama’s step father) FOLLOWED ISLAM....”I LOOKED TO LOLO FOR GUIDANCE”.

From The Audacity Of Hope,“WE ARE NO LONGER JUST A CHRISTIAN NATION, we are also a Jewish nation, a MUSLIM NATION, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”
Don’t believe it? Think these comments taken ‘out of context’? Here it all here in his own works;

Still need convincing?
Race: http://theobamafile.com/obamarace.htm
Islam — early years: http://www.theobamafile.com/_Islam/ObamaIslamEarlyYears.htm
Islam — candidate: http://theobamafile.com/_Islam/ObamaIslamCandidate.htm
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Votto you might want to check the name of the candidate you're considering.

My reason not to vote for Maobama is he's a communist ass hole with no regard for the values of the US. I won't vote for anyone but Romney because he's the only one that can beat Maobama.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Vel
Votto you might want to check the name of the candidate you're considering.

My reason not to vote for Maobama is he's a communist ass hole with no regard for the values of the US. I won't vote for anyone but Romney because he's the only one that can beat Maobama.

Maobama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D: I like that! :clap2:
It's pretty funny that some of the "Obama must go" people are lining up behind Romney. Are they paying any attention? Heh...
Sorry Vel but this does not even come close.

Here are my reasons why Obama must go.

1. He signed the NDAA. I mean, I thought the man taught Constitutional law. How can it be Constitutional to detain a US citizen without due process......ever? It is so unconstitutional that they dare not use it for fear it will be brought to SCOTUS and declared unconsitutional. Essentially it is there in place for one thing only, marshall law.

2. Violation of the War Powers Act. Obama went to war in LIbya and did not consult Congress within 60 days, a clear violation of the War Powers Act. His defense was saying that it was not really a war. Even members of his own party said he was in violation of the law, but nothing was done? It just shows that there are no more checks and balances left in the system.

3. Tampering with state elections. He was caught red handed in both Pennsylvania and Colorado for trying to buy off opponents of Democrats running against standing democrats in Congress, and the allegations were made by democrats. I guess this is what happens when you come from a state that auctions off your vacant Senate seat.

4. Illegal money flowing into Kenyan election. Obama sent taxpayer money into Kenya to influence an election there, a clear illegal act. But then, maybe he owed it to his daddy.

5. Obama wrote Executive Orders to legalize certain illegal immigrants, even though these Executive Orders run contrary to federal immigration laws. I guess Executive Edicts are what happens now when you are unable to get legislation like the Dream Act passed through Congress. You might say he did the same thing in regards to cap and trade. He could not pass that as well so he got the EPA to start it up via regulations. I guess Congress has been outsourced.

6. Introducing a budget into Congress that was so aweful that it did not garmish one vote from his own party in Congress. Then again, at least he introduced a budget where the democrats in Congress were either unwilling or unable to do so. At least those in Congress have some shame I suppose, Obama does not. Top this off with a quote from then Senator Obama in 2006.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of our choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. America deserves better."

There is nothing like self condemnation. Really for me the debt is the only thing that threatens the viability of the union, so I probably should have placed it as #1.

7. Obamacare. He shoved this through and threw everything and everyone else under the bus. He presented it as a mandate and not a tax because he promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, especially in a time of great economic hardship. However, the mandate was unconstitutional so the activist judge Roberts turned it into a tax to make it work. The result? It became the largest tax hike in US history on the middle class. To make matter worse, when Kennedy died in office he was replaced by a Republican who ran on the notion he would stop Obamacare. What was Obama's reaction to the democratic process? He used Reconciliation to bypass the Senate. It was nothing more than legislative gymnastics that is not Constitutional.

I could go on but why? We obviously have someone in office that despises the democratic process and the laws that govern us. I normally would not give a guy a chance at winning an election with this kind of record, but then, someone with a record of successfully tampering with elections must be respected.
I like your list but my list is shorter:

1. Insufferable cowardice

2. Blabbermouth abroad

3. Calls Americans enemies, and calls hostile nations friends.

And... (drumroll.......)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3SFXQfE4kk"]Obama Kicks Door Open - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quh7Bt8p9w4"]Obama knocks over podium - YouTube[/ame]

The hell of it is I don't know if my other options are any better. I mean, Mitt supports the NDAA. He also created the template for Obamacare in Romneycare. I also believe he would have gone to war in Libya as well. As far as balancing the budget, I don't believe he will even though I can't imagine him doing a worse job than Obama.

I guess I'm turning more LIbertarian in my old age. I am very tempted to vote for Gary Anderson.
Obama supporters will appreciate the cancelled vote.
Obama supporters will appreciate the cancelled vote.

Anyone falling for the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense should appreciate voters with the courage to support a real alternative. Unless you just like voting for evil.

But let's support the (lack of) logic here. I don't have any preference between Obama and Romney. The both seem like terrible choices to me. How is a vote for neither of them "the same as" a vote for one of them??

Answer: It's not.
Obama supporters will appreciate the cancelled vote.

Anyone falling for the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense should appreciate voters with the courage to support a real alternative. Unless you just like voting for evil.

But let's support the (lack of) logic here. I don't have any preference between Obama and Romney. The both seem like terrible choices to me. How is a vote for neither of them "the same as" a vote for one of them??

Answer: It's not.

Sing it!!

"Hello silence my old friend....."

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