Why Moderates Will Win...


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Why moderates will win.

1) We support a woman’s right to make the heart-wrenching decision to have an abortion, but we do NOT wish to see it run as an industry.

2) We support the man-given right of each person to pursue his or her own brand of happiness, so long as the rules we all agree to for this game we call life are adhered to. (This one is a work in progress, has been for at least 6,000 years – before that the records are sketchy.)

3) .....

:eusa_think: Shit.

I can’t add to that last one... :night:

the moderates will win due to the fact that most of us are in reality moderates....we all want the same thing....security for our families etc.....its just the extremes of both sides giving each party a bad name
Why moderates will win.

1) We support a woman’s right to make the heart-wrenching decision to have an abortion, but we do NOT wish to see it run as an industry.

2) We support the man-given right of each person to pursue his or her own brand of happiness, so long as the rules we all agree to for this game we call life are adhered to. (This one is a work in progress, has been for at least 6,000 years – before that the records are sketchy.)

3) .....

:eusa_think: Shit.

I can’t add to that last one... :night:


America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.
Moderates will likely win because even us Independents are getting sick of the other two parties. The primary reason they will likely be the ones many decide to support is because the two major parties have shown both are incapable and unwilling to work together, they rant about stupid shit all the time and they keep trying to blame each other, wasting time arguing, instead of actually doing something about it. It will wind up being Moderates or Independents who win soon, and they will likely hold the positions of power for a while after until people forget these last few fiascoes.
Moderates will likely win because even us Independents are getting sick of the other two parties. The primary reason they will likely be the ones many decide to support is because the two major parties have shown both are incapable and unwilling to work together, they rant about stupid shit all the time and they keep trying to blame each other, wasting time arguing, instead of actually doing something about it. It will wind up being Moderates or Independents who win soon, and they will likely hold the positions of power for a while after until people forget these last few fiascoes.

wow, I never would have pegged you for an Indie...especially with all the battling you do with cons.

But hey...there's hope for all of us, I guess.
Why moderates will win.

1) We support a woman’s right to make the heart-wrenching decision to have an abortion, but we do NOT wish to see it run as an industry.

2) We support the man-given right of each person to pursue his or her own brand of happiness, so long as the rules we all agree to for this game we call life are adhered to. (This one is a work in progress, has been for at least 6,000 years – before that the records are sketchy.)

3) .....

:eusa_think: Shit.

I can’t add to that last one... :night:


America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.
Moderates will likely win because even us Independents are getting sick of the other two parties. The primary reason they will likely be the ones many decide to support is because the two major parties have shown both are incapable and unwilling to work together, they rant about stupid shit all the time and they keep trying to blame each other, wasting time arguing, instead of actually doing something about it. It will wind up being Moderates or Independents who win soon, and they will likely hold the positions of power for a while after until people forget these last few fiascoes.

wow, I never would have pegged you for an Indie...especially with all the battling you do with cons.

But hey...there's hope for all of us, I guess.

Meh ... it just happens that at this point in time it's more of the extremist cons that are drawing attention to themselves. It changes, like a pendulum.
Why moderates will win.

1) We support a woman’s right to make the heart-wrenching decision to have an abortion, but we do NOT wish to see it run as an industry.

2) We support the man-given right of each person to pursue his or her own brand of happiness, so long as the rules we all agree to for this game we call life are adhered to. (This one is a work in progress, has been for at least 6,000 years – before that the records are sketchy.)

3) .....

:eusa_think: Shit.

I can’t add to that last one... :night:


America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.
America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.


I am not the only person who voted for Obama because he is an intelligent and reasonable man. A man who understands that there is place for big business and profit, so long as the profit is reasonable and there are protections in place for the peoples interests and environment. A moderate, if you will.

If Hillary had won the dem nomination, McCain may have won. I would have voted for Nader or Ron Paul in protest.

Moderate thinking won the day; moderate thinking is gaining ground. We're here and we're reasonable - get used to it!

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Moderates will win because whosoever wins will define themselves as the moderates.
America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.

McCain lost because he was about the most ignorant candidate ever on issues important to America. His only issue was the Iraq war and the voters wanted us out.
Moderates will likely win because even us Independents are getting sick of the other two parties. The primary reason they will likely be the ones many decide to support is because the two major parties have shown both are incapable and unwilling to work together, they rant about stupid shit all the time and they keep trying to blame each other, wasting time arguing, instead of actually doing something about it. It will wind up being Moderates or Independents who win soon, and they will likely hold the positions of power for a while after until people forget these last few fiascoes.

wow, I never would have pegged you for an Indie...especially with all the battling you do with cons.

But hey...there's hope for all of us, I guess.

:lol::lol: persactly!
Moderates will win because whosoever wins will define themselves as the moderates.

Moderates will win because all of us are finally talking to each other without the filters of media for money and the extremes on both side are becoming less relevant in the conversation.

America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.

oh there was more, much more, like blind allegiance and actively working to get him elected left wing media ie the NYT and MSNBC CBs and CNN and throw in a lot of nefarious activities by ACORN. and throw in the underhanded way the refeused to seat Florida and Michigan,, and at the last moment agreeing to but somehow deciding that the obamalama got 2/3 of that vote when actually they belonged to Hillary.. and last but certainly throw in the superdelegates... there's still pieces of Hillary's hair and fingernails under the bus.
Why moderates will win.

1) We support a woman’s right to make the heart-wrenching decision to have an abortion, but we do NOT wish to see it run as an industry.

2) We support the man-given right of each person to pursue his or her own brand of happiness, so long as the rules we all agree to for this game we call life are adhered to. (This one is a work in progress, has been for at least 6,000 years – before that the records are sketchy.)

3) .....

:eusa_think: Shit.

I can’t add to that last one... :night:


America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

America is a center right country? Maybe, for the moment. I expect that to change.
America is, and always has been, a center-right country, emphasis on center. Americans do not like big government but do expect a degree of a safety net. Americans support a strong and powerful military but do not want us in a constant state of war and conflict. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Americans hate abortion but want control over it at the local level, not dictated from Washington. Same with education, Americans do not want Washington dictating educational edicts to them. More than anything Americans want to keep what the earn, not taken away and given to others or used to pay for ridiculous environment fiascos like snail-darters and such.

Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.

The present Republicans acting responsibly:eusa_whistle:
Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.

oh there was more, much more, like blind allegiance and actively working to get him elected left wing media ie the NYT and MSNBC CBs and CNN and throw in a lot of nefarious activities by ACORN. and throw in the underhanded way the refeused to seat Florida and Michigan,, and at the last moment agreeing to but somehow deciding that the obamalama got 2/3 of that vote when actually they belonged to Hillary.. and last but certainly throw in the superdelegates... there's still pieces of Hillary's hair and fingernails under the bus.

LOL. Well, the most more was 365 electorial votes, 60 Dem Senators, and 265 Dem Reps. But keep on with your nonsense. 70 Dem Senators in 2010, and even more Dem Reps.
Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.

oh there was more, much more, like blind allegiance and actively working to get him elected left wing media ie the NYT and MSNBC CBs and CNN and throw in a lot of nefarious activities by ACORN. and throw in the underhanded way the refeused to seat Florida and Michigan,, and at the last moment agreeing to but somehow deciding that the obamalama got 2/3 of that vote when actually they belonged to Hillary.. and last but certainly throw in the superdelegates... there's still pieces of Hillary's hair and fingernails under the bus.

LOL. Well, the most more was 365 electorial votes, 60 Dem Senators, and 265 Dem Reps. But keep on with your nonsense. 70 Dem Senators in 2010, and even more Dem Reps.

what part of what I said was nonsense? doyathink..
Moderates will likely win because even us Independents are getting sick of the other two parties. The primary reason they will likely be the ones many decide to support is because the two major parties have shown both are incapable and unwilling to work together, they rant about stupid shit all the time and they keep trying to blame each other, wasting time arguing, instead of actually doing something about it. It will wind up being Moderates or Independents who win soon, and they will likely hold the positions of power for a while after until people forget these last few fiascoes.

Sorry, but I don't see that happening. This "undeclared" has battled with both sides at one time or another, depending on the issue or platform, and there's damn few who will even consider or speak to the importance of 3rd party candidates. Just this past election, for example, there were a great number of Obama "supporters" who couldn't give a better answer for their support than "I see him as the best hope we have." or "He's very articulate and well educated." BFD!

Given indisputable evidence that neither of the major candidates' (Obama or McCain) issues/platforms were significantly different, these were there best responses. No one could give an objective response when asked to list a flaw. Yet, when confronted with the fact that at least two 3rd party candidates had better plans, I was told that I was "wasting my vote".

I don't believe that anything is going to change that -- moderates (progressive) don't have the balls to put their money where their mouths are. It does take money, after all, to run a campaign and force the media to take notice, for it's the media that runs the show, and it's money that runs the media.
Right...a center-right country, they just happened to vote in Barack Obama, and a Democratic Congress by accident :lol:

But go ahead. Don't adapt. You will just continue to lose seats each election.

Anyone who thinks Obama was voted in because of his stand on the issues is smoking some good shit. McCain lost because he was from the same party as Bush. The entire election was a Bush/Republican backlash and nothing more. This country is nowhere near as far to the left as you folks would like to think. And unless Obama governs from the center, the backlash against him and the rest of the Dems won't take long to develop. All the Republicans need do is act responsible and they will be back in power soon enough. Either that, or some very conservative leaning Dems.


I am not the only person who voted for Obama because he is an intelligent and reasonable man. A man who understands that there is place for big business and profit, so long as the profit is reasonable and there are protections in place for the peoples interests and environment. A moderate, if you will.

If Hillary had won the dem nomination, McCain may have won. I would have voted for Nader or Ron Paul in protest.

Moderate thinking won the day; moderate thinking is gaining ground. We're here and we're reasonable - get used to it!


You just made my point. Thanks.

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