Why men sleep after sex


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

The gentle buzz of snoring is among the most annoying sounds known to woman.
Especially when it happens shortly after a passionate encounter.

Scientists explained yesterday exactly why it is that men have a tendency to nod off after making love.

Apparently, it's nothing to do with wanting to avoid a cosy chat with their partner. According to the scientists, they are simply tired out.
"As frustrating as it is for most women that their male partners just roll over and fall asleep after sex, men aren't entirely to blame," said Dr Neil Stanley, director of sleep at the University of Surrey.

"Humans are the only animals in which sleep and sex are linked and while often seen as just a poor excuse, there are scientific reasons why men feel tired after sex.

Physically drained

"The blood rush after climax depletes the muscles of energy-producing glycogen, leaving men feeling physically drained.

"Because they have more muscle mass than women, men become tired after sex and this subsequently leads to them feeling sleepy."

Eighty per cent of men said they felt more relaxed and were able to drift off without any problems after making love, compared with 46 per cent of women.

They were among 10,000 adults surveyed by organisers of The Vitality Show, Europe's largest health and beauty exhibition.

Birmingham was found to have the highest number of men who fall asleep after sex.

Men in the city managed on average to stay awake for just three to four minutes, according to the survey.

There is more, but why on earth do these people get paid for such silly studies? Men fall asleep because they are tired. Oh wow you had to do a study to figure that out. you guys are sure smart.
I was thinking the same thing,Avatar. It seems kind of common sense that after,both parties would be tired....or, maybe a bunch of men just wanted to make up an excuse forwhy they always fall asleep after sex!!!

There is a cure for this. Just have sex in the middle of the day instead of right before bed.
Alot of women feel rejuvinated after sex-have more energy. Which I think is perfect. Women can get stuff done without the men getting in the way!
Men fall asleep so they won't have to be bothered with pesty requests like cuddling......:p
-Cp said:
Men fall asleep so they won't have to be bothered with pesty requests like cuddling......:p
Not all women are cuddlers. Some think, you've served your purpose, so get the hell away. :smoke:
-Cp said:
Men fall asleep so they won't have to be bothered with pesty requests like cuddling......:p

The quicky wam-bam-thank-you-mamm, needs to be eliminated. That way both are satisfied instead of just the guy. Both will be tired so no pesky pillow talk......ex: that's it?????? or .....what do you mean your done????? :teeth:

Just kidding guys lots of love. :thewave:
Personally I don't understand what the problem is. After sex I don't feel like doing much either! Especially if it was great sex! ;)
Joz said:
Not all women are cuddlers. Some think, you've served your purpose, so get the hell away. :smoke:

Pretty much! I have had a few moments in time that I just wanted to get up and go home.........Quick like a bunny!!

Got things to do!!
Bonnie said:
Quick like a bunny!!
It's nice to take one's time....let the mood lead......But you have to admit, there is alot to be said for a quickie, too. I think, each serves it's purpose.
Joz said:
It's nice to take one's time....let the mood lead......But you have to admit, there is alot to be said for a quickie, too. I think, each serves it's purpose.

Agreed!! Gotta say Im not much on talking afterwards, Id rather just be quiet. I know a few of my friends are like that as well.
Bonnie said:
Agreed!! Gotta say Im not much on talking afterwards,
It's one thing when I child bursts in the front door yelling, "MOM!!!", but other than that, what do people talk about? State of the Union? Kids school? Next week's agenda?
Scientists at the University of California tested women & foound out that the male androgen hormone, which is secreted in male perspiration, had a 9.5 percent increase in positive mood ratings and 12 percent decrease in negative feelings.:D: (mood news-by lois morris)

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