Why Liberals Hate America


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Ron Marr / Troutwrapper -- In Bruce Springsteen's tune "Glory Days," The Boss weaves the tale of a guy whom we all know. He sings of a middle-aged fellow whose life peaked as a high school sports hero. The former jock's evenings are now spent at the local bar, regaling all with stories of his brief success and synthetic heroics.
Such describes perfectly the liberal philosophy generally, and Tom Daschle particularly.

Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity. "Governmental Entity," by the way, is defined as Martin Sheen, a guy who's not the President but plays one on TV.

That the recycling truck might be an hour late propels liberals into a state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and Deepak Chopra seminars. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.

The goals of a totalitarian, Fascist state are reflected in the ramblings of liberal politicians and Hollywood idiots. They say they want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery then it is the ideals upon which America was founded.

Following the "Glory Days" scenario, liberals are bitter, angry and dogmatic. They cannot believe they lost the 2000 and 2002 elections. They feel the conservative ascendancy is an anomaly, and wax nostalgic over the administration of a lecherous sociopath who offered soothing words but never a vestige of reality, substance or results. They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the side of the hill while reciting poetry with talking raccoons and drinking decaffeinated Coke.

Liberals want to play happily in a field of daisies, unable to accept that we live in a time of daisy cutters. True, if their desires were the rule of the land they would get their wish. Our enemies would gladly provide that field of daisies, and make certain every single American - liberal or conservative - was pushing them up.

The garden variety leftist attacks our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House.

LMAO .... yeah ......the Republicans cheated, and my all-time favorite .... the people who voted Bush into office are stupid. No elitism there. :cof:
Pale Rider said:
Ron Marr / Troutwrapper -- In Bruce Springsteen's tune "Glory Days," The Boss weaves the tale of a guy whom we all know. He sings of a middle-aged fellow whose life peaked as a high school sports hero. The former jock's evenings are now spent at the local bar, regaling all with stories of his brief success and synthetic heroics.
Such describes perfectly the liberal philosophy generally, and Tom Daschle particularly.

Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity. "Governmental Entity," by the way, is defined as Martin Sheen, a guy who's not the President but plays one on TV.

That the recycling truck might be an hour late propels liberals into a state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and Deepak Chopra seminars. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.

The goals of a totalitarian, Fascist state are reflected in the ramblings of liberal politicians and Hollywood idiots. They say they want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery then it is the ideals upon which America was founded.

Following the "Glory Days" scenario, liberals are bitter, angry and dogmatic. They cannot believe they lost the 2000 and 2002 elections. They feel the conservative ascendancy is an anomaly, and wax nostalgic over the administration of a lecherous sociopath who offered soothing words but never a vestige of reality, substance or results. They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the side of the hill while reciting poetry with talking raccoons and drinking decaffeinated Coke.

Liberals want to play happily in a field of daisies, unable to accept that we live in a time of daisy cutters. True, if their desires were the rule of the land they would get their wish. Our enemies would gladly provide that field of daisies, and make certain every single American - liberal or conservative - was pushing them up.

The garden variety leftist attacks our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House.


Bullshit. The liberals are no more than people who are trying too hard to help everyone. The reality is you can't help everyone, somebody has to fall by the waistside; it's inevidable, the liberals must accept that.

As for you conservatives, your attempt to knock down the walls that separate church and state, is nothing more than a call for either socialism or communism; the idea of the government forcing you to live like a christian. I enjoy living my life as a christian by choice, thank you.

If you study the Islamic states, you'll find that the reason why they are so brutal is because they have a theocracy, not a true democracy; therefore, justice there relies on what MAN believe is Allah's will. Although GOD is infallable, man's interpretation of "GOD's will" is.

Liberals don't question GOD, they question the decisions of men who claim that they stand for GOD. Liberals love America and had faught just as hard for America, why? Because it is the liberties provided by this nation's constitution, that allows the liberals to exist. If a liberal had lived anywhere else, they would be face down and ass up, with a bullethole in their heads, in a ditch. They know that, therefore they don't hate America.

This is a response to both of your liberal bashing postings (the other in the religion section).
hylandrdet said:
Bullshit. The liberals are no more than people who are trying too hard to help everyone. The reality is you can't help everyone, somebody has to fall by the waistside; it's inevidable, the liberals must accept that.

As for you conservatives, your attempt to knock down the walls that separate church and state, is nothing more than a call for either socialism or communism; the idea of the government forcing you to live like a christian. I enjoy living my life as a christian by choice, thank you.

If you study the Islamic states, you'll find that the reason why they are so brutal is because they have a theocracy, not a true democracy; therefore, justice there relies on what MAN believe is Allah's will. Although GOD is infallable, man's interpretation of "GOD's will" is.

Liberals don't question GOD, they question the decisions of men who claim that they stand for GOD. Liberals love America and had faught just as hard for America, why? Because it is the liberties provided by this nation's constitution, that allows the liberals to exist. If a liberal had lived anywhere else, they would be face down and ass up, with a bullethole in their heads, in a ditch. They know that, therefore they don't hate America.

This is a response to both of your liberal bashing postings (the other in the religion section).

I don't know of anyone one here who espouses knocking down the wall between church and state. You were cooler before you got famous, man.
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't know of anyone one here who espouses knocking down the wall between church and state. You were cooler before you got famous, man.

Not allowing the lefties to completely erase all evidence of Christianity from history is trying to knoc down the wall between church and state?

Must be my coffee ...... :cof:
hylandrdet said:
Bullshit. The liberals are no more than people who are trying too hard to help everyone. The reality is you can't help everyone, somebody has to fall by the waistside; it's inevidable, the liberals must accept that.

As for you conservatives, your attempt to knock down the walls that separate church and state, is nothing more than a call for either socialism or communism; the idea of the government forcing you to live like a christian. I enjoy living my life as a christian by choice, thank you.

If you study the Islamic states, you'll find that the reason why they are so brutal is because they have a theocracy, not a true democracy; therefore, justice there relies on what MAN believe is Allah's will. Although GOD is infallable, man's interpretation of "GOD's will" is.

Liberals don't question GOD, they question the decisions of men who claim that they stand for GOD. Liberals love America and had faught just as hard for America, why? Because it is the liberties provided by this nation's constitution, that allows the liberals to exist. If a liberal had lived anywhere else, they would be face down and ass up, with a bullethole in their heads, in a ditch. They know that, therefore they don't hate America.

This is a response to both of your liberal bashing postings (the other in the religion section).
First off, "MOST" liberals is anti-American. Second, there is nothing in the Constitution that separates Church and State. On the contrary, it gives everyone the right to pray and/or teach in school of a higher being if they so desire. But noooo, some liberal, anti American, power hungry judge that makes his/her own laws turns the Constitution into a hate document for the United States. Liberals trying to help everyone??? Yeah, trying to help everyone to the poor house so they will be the God like elites of the country. Thank God liberals are in the minority for a change. Maybe now we can get the United States back on a track that isn't going to derail any time soon.
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hylandrdet said:
Bullshit. The liberals are no more than people who are trying too hard to help everyone. The reality is you can't help everyone, somebody has to fall by the waistside; it's inevidable, the liberals must accept that.

Trying to help everyone but helping no one in reality. The good intentions that most have are more than enough to make up for the lack of results on those intentions. Look at all the useless government programs that have thrown money down the drain in attempt to help people. War on poverty. War on drugs. Welfare. Education. All money down the drain on good intentions but there are no results.

As for you conservatives, your attempt to knock down the walls that separate church and state, is nothing more than a call for either socialism or communism; the idea of the government forcing you to live like a christian. I enjoy living my life as a christian by choice, thank you.

Name one Conservative president or politician (Not Right wing holy roller nutcase like Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell) who has enforced any christian belief in our government other than the founding fathers? Oh wait it was the founding fathers and thats why we have the constitution that says let their not be a separation of Church and state. Instead let there be NO Favoritism by the state on any 1 religion by the government over another. There is no official state sposnored religion last i checked.

If you study the Islamic states, you'll find that the reason why they are so brutal is because they have a theocracy, not a true democracy; therefore, justice there relies on what MAN believe is Allah's will. Although GOD is infallable, man's interpretation of "GOD's will" is.

Indeed which is why theocracy's are bad. Which is why its a damn good thing we dont have one in the US and hopefully never will. Although some would have an atheistic government regime if they could.

Liberals don't question GOD, they question the decisions of men who claim that they stand for GOD. Liberals love America and had faught just as hard for America, why? Because it is the liberties provided by this nation's constitution, that allows the liberals to exist. If a liberal had lived anywhere else, they would be face down and ass up, with a bullethole in their heads, in a ditch. They know that, therefore they don't hate America.

Then explain why they oppose America's best interests every step of the way? Explain why political power to increase the nanny-state that devours freedom is their main agenda? How is that they are so ignorant that they mention things like "Saddam's regime wasnt that bad" or "If a dictator provides universal health care, then i like that dictator." How is that the voices of sane thinking people with freedom on their minds?
In Bruce Springsteen's tune "Glory Days," The Boss weaves the tale of a guy whom we all know. He sings of a middle-aged fellow whose life peaked as a high school sports hero. The former jock's evenings are now spent at the local bar, regaling all with stories of his brief success and synthetic heroics.
Such describes perfectly the conservative philosophy generally, and Tom DeLay particularly.

Conservatives suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of thinking for themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to think for themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity. "Governmental Entity," by the way, is defined as Rush Limbaugh, a guy who's not the President but is actually an Oxycontin addled sot who thinks he's God's gift to political discourse in America.

That the gas truck might be an hour late propels conservatives into a state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a book sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and James Dobson seminars. They seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.

The goals of a totalitarian, Fascist state are reflected in the ramblings of right-wing politicians and Washington idiots. They say they want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery then it is the ideals upon which America was founded.

Following the "Glory Days" scenario, conservatives are bitter, angry and dogmatic. They cannot believe they've lost the initiative gained in the 2000 and 2002 elections. They feel the conservative ascendancy is ordained by God, and wax nostalgic over the administration of an early stage Alzheimer's patient who offered soothing words but never a vestige of reality, substance or results. They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the side of the hill looking over the asphalt paved waste land of an America shopping mall.

Conservatives want to play happily in a field of daisies, unable to accept that we live in a time of daisy cutters. True, if their desires were the rule of the land they would get their wish. Our enemies would proliferate like that field of daisies, and make every attempt to leave Americans - liberal or conservative - pushing them up.

The garden variety rightist defends our country with every breath, oblivious to the fact that their defense of this country is rooted in princples which are the antithesis of the founding principles of this nation They know only hate for those who disagree with their Utopian vision of unchecked conservatism. They immediately label as unpatriotic and treasonous any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with the logic of protecting our Constitution, now and in the future. They want but one thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White House. :teeth:
Come on, you now have "Libs Hate Christianity" and "Why Libs Hate America." Dont you think that liberals are capable of love to. Libs are as American as you Pale, they see the same problems as you (give or take a few), however they (oh my god) see different solutions to those problems. Now naturally the two opposing sides feel that there solution is the best one, and naturally one of them has to be wrong. Then the mudslinging starts and each side points out the problems with the other's solution, then eachside seeks solutions to the problems in their original solution, eventually the two sides will comprimise and a solution will be put into place.

The system breaks down when partisanship takes precedence over the need to solve the problems, and unfortunately we are going through a period where that is happening.

So do they hate America, probably not. They just see different means to (hopefully) the same end.
deaddude said:
Come on, you now have "Libs Hate Christianity" and "Why Libs Hate America." Dont you think that liberals are capable of love to. Libs are as American as you Pale, they see the same problems as you (give or take a few), however they (oh my god) see different solutions to those problems. Now naturally the two opposing sides feel that there solution is the best one, and naturally one of them has to be wrong. Then the mudslinging starts and each side points out the problems with the other's solution, then eachside seeks solutions to the problems in their original solution, eventually the two sides will comprimise and a solution will be put into place.

The system breaks down when partisanship takes precedence over the need to solve the problems, and unfortunately we are going through a period where that is happening.

So do they hate America, probably not. They just see different means to (hopefully) the same end.

Yes. They do hate america. we're evil and don't deserve to exist. We shouldn't defend ourselves agains terrorism. We should institute socialist policies that would kill our economy. Liberals want america to lay down and die.
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You are half right. We hate Bush America. Then again, so do the majority of the countries in the world right now.
Gabriella84 said:
You are half right. We hate Bush America. Then again, so do the majority of the countries in the world right now.

Yeah. Because bush isn't a socialist and will do things good for america instead of the power hungry, tyrant coddling, world communists at the u.n.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. They do hate america. we're evil and don't deserve to exist. We shouldn't defend ourselves agains terrorism. We should institute socialist policies that would kill our economy. Liberals want america to lay down and die.
You forgot that we dance naked under the full moon and drink puppies eyeball fluid.

Last time I checked the libs were part of America. So are they self-hating Americans or somthing. As to your examples

[libs think that] We shouldn't defend ourselves against terrorism

I seem to recall nearly unanimous support for the war in Afganistan. Why did the libs support this? Oh right because we were defending ourselves aginst terrorism. The libs did not support the war in Iraq because it seemed (to them) that Bush was diverting focus on the war on terror to take care of a personal vendetta.

[libs believe we should] We should institute socialist policies that would kill our economy.


Really how would liberal policies like not cutting taxes every which way kill our economy? I seem to recall that FDR did not cut taxes to pull us out of the depression, he used the tax money to fund programs like the CCC, did the New Deal smack of socialism, you bet, but it worked better than anything Hoover came up with.
deaddude said:
You forgot that we dance naked under the full moon and drink puppies eyeball fluid.

Last time I checked the libs were part of America. So are they self-hating Americans or somthing. As to your examples


I seem to recall nearly unanimous support for the war in Afganistan. Why did the libs support this? Oh right because we were defending ourselves aginst terrorism. The libs did not support the war in Iraq because it seemed (to them) that Bush was diverting focus on the war on terror to take care of a personal vendetta.


Really how would liberal policies like not cutting taxes every which way kill our economy? I seem to recall that FDR did not cut taxes to pull us out of the depression, he used the tax money to fund programs like the CCC, did the New Deal smack of socialism, you bet, but it worked better than anything Hoover came up with.

Well ya...FDR's Wife was a card carrying communist...so it did smack of socialism!
Yes, the communist movement was very big in the thirties, not so surprising really, economic equallity for all would sound damn appealing the massive number of destitute during the depression, also communism was still a pretty new thing back then, they had not yet realized that it failed miserably in practice.
deaddude said:
You forgot that we dance naked under the full moon and drink puppies eyeball fluid.
If you say so.
Last time I checked the libs were part of America. So are they self-hating Americans or somthing. As to your examples
Yes. they are self hating. They feel guilty about the success of america.

I seem to recall nearly unanimous support for the war in Afganistan. Why did the libs support this? Oh right because we were defending ourselves aginst terrorism. The libs did not support the war in Iraq because it seemed (to them) that Bush was diverting focus on the war on terror to take care of a personal vendetta.
Yes. But that was not the case. The reasons were multifaceted from the start, despite lib attempts to limit the argument to wmd, or personal vendetta or whatever the talking poing dujour is.

Really how would liberal policies like not cutting taxes every which way kill our economy? I seem to recall that FDR did not cut taxes to pull us out of the depression, he used the tax money to fund programs like the CCC, did the New Deal smack of socialism, you bet, but it worked better than anything Hoover came up with.

Tax cuts grow the economy and create more jobs for americans. the economy is booming right now, despite dire lib predictions. The projected deficit has been reduced by 100 billion dollars, and the the jobless rate is at rockbottom, all due to bush's tax cuts. Libs can no longer honestly say bush's policies didn't work. they worked, by all standard economic measures. It's sad you have to go back 80 years to find evidence to support your arguments.
Tax cuts grow the economy and create more jobs for americans. the economy is booming right now, despite dire lib predictions. The projected deficit has been reduced by 100 billion dollars, and the the jobless rate is at rockbottom, all due to bush's tax cuts. Libs can no longer honestly say bush's policies didn't work. they worked, by all standard economic measures. It's sad you have to go back 80 years to find evidence to support your arguments.

Yes, it has worked in this case, if those stats you bring up are true it has worked amazingly well, however it would not always work, and as I pointed out other options can work to. I was not argueing that your way of doing it did not work, I was argueing that liberal policies do not neccesarily "kill the economy."

Also how does the age of the evidence effect its basis, how old is the Evidence experation date, why does it not apply to people using the fact that the writers of the constitution were christian as evidence for keeping the ten commandments on public property?
deaddude said:
Yes, it has worked in this case, if those stats you bring up are true it has worked amazingly well, however it would not always work, and as I pointed out other options can work to. I was not argueing that your way of doing it did not work, I was argueing that liberal policies do not neccesarily "kill the economy."
yes. They do. There was no economy to kill when those socialist tactics were taken.
Also how does the age of the evidence effect its basis, how old is the Evidence experation date, why does it not apply to people using the fact that the writers of the constitution were christian as evidence for keeping the ten commandments on public property?

In this case, you're refferring to a period of cataclysmic economic crash caused by wreckless practices in the stock market. This is a totally different context. It's apples and oranges.
rtwngAvngr said:
yes. They do. There was no economy to kill when those socialist tactics were taken.

But there was one to revive and (Oh my God) those socialist economic practices worked.

In this case, you're refferring to a period of cataclysmic economic crash caused by wreckless practices in the stock market. This is a totally different context. It's apples and oranges.

Different context from what, the current economic, or the ten commandments thing.

If the former then I agree, it was a totaly different situation one that required a different solution.

If the latter then I disagree, using old evidence to support a current arguement, you diaprove of it here yet I have never seen you question it for the ten commandments issue.
deaddude said:
But there was one to revive and (Oh my God) those socialist economic practices worked.
that was just a temporary tactic to keep people from starving. Income redistribution is not a long term solution.
Different context from what, the current economic, or the ten commandments thing.
Yes. the current economy.
If the former then I agree, it was a totaly different situation one that required a different solution.

If the latter then I disagree, using old evidence to support a current arguement, you diaprove of it here yet I have never seen you question it for the ten commandments issue.

You're retarded.

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