Why Left Wingers HATE the Electoral College !!!


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Why the Electoral College?

by P. Andrew Sandlin

In this atmosphere, the Founders were concerned that a popular regional candidate in a populous area may be able to garner enough votes to win the election, particularly if several other candidates divided the balance of the vote. This regionally popular first candidate would not likely have the interests of the entire number of states – the nation itself – at heart. If a candidate needed to win only the popular vote, it would possible for him to be elected President without winning a majority of anything. He would not have been elected on the basis of any sort of consensus of the states, but simply on his popularity in a particular state or in two or three heavily populated areas.

Article 2 of the Constitution and its 12th Amendment stipulate that the President is chosen by electors, who are themselves chosen by the state, "in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct … equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress." This arrangement obliges candidates to make a much wider appeal than they would if they simply were required to win the popular national election.

The electoral college is a bulwark of states’ rights yet, perhaps paradoxically, it also tends to foster the cohesiveness of the entire nation. It makes it difficult for more populous urban states, or states with larger populations, like New York, Florida, and California, to gain an unfair advantage over less urban and populous states like North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.

To eliminate the electoral college would be essentially to eliminate the role of states in presidential elections. It would comprehensively nationalize the selection and insinuate that states as such have no interest in national presidential politics. For all practical purposes, it would remove the borders between states and transform the United States of America into the united people of America.

Left wingers as a group don't 'hate' the electoral college, neither do right wingers as a group. There's pros and cons to both systems, and supporters and dissenters from both philosophies.

I said the same thing to the OP who claimed right-wingers were 'afraid of' the electoral college or some such noise.
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

1) the vote to ratify the 17th Amendment was not unanimous hence it is a nullity

2) there are large parasitic concentration in the large cities ; so by winning in NY, California and Florida a candidate would win the election - effectively silencing rural America
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

It's not just conservatives. The 17th Amendment should be repealed. It's passage essentially nullified the reason for the Senate existing in the first place.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

You're right. I don't want democracy because democracy is a poor form of government. That's why we were set up to be a Republic.
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

It's not just conservatives. The 17th Amendment should be repealed. It's passage essentially nullified the reason for the Senate existing in the first place.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

You're right. I don't want democracy because democracy is a poor form of government. That's why we were set up to be a Republic.

But you you know, now that I come to think of it , by abolishing the electoral college some one like Obama would not hesitate to admit that he is a fucking socialist - rural Americans would have no choice but take arms and bring about the Second American revolution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

1) the vote to ratify the 17th Amendment was not unanimous hence it is a nullity

2) there are large parasitic concentration in the large cities ; so by winning in NY, California and Florida a candidate would win the election - effectively silencing rural America
Unanamous ratification is not required. Why would you say otherwise?

Parasitic? Isn't is grand that American citizens can get away with such stupidity as calling their fellow American citizens parasitic?

And YOU called ME a Dumb Fuck! Balls the size of churchbells on you, that's certain.
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

It's not just conservatives. The 17th Amendment should be repealed. It's passage essentially nullified the reason for the Senate existing in the first place.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

You're right. I don't want democracy because democracy is a poor form of government. That's why we were set up to be a Republic.
Even in a republic, the people have franchise.
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

1) the vote to ratify the 17th Amendment was not unanimous hence it is a nullity

2) there are large parasitic concentration in the large cities ; so by winning in NY, California and Florida a candidate would win the election - effectively silencing rural America

Unanamous ratification is not required. Why would you say otherwise?

Article Five of the United States Constitution

....no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Parasitic? Isn't is grand that American citizens can get away with such stupidity as calling their fellow American citizens parasitic?

What do the "progressives" call those Americans who vote according to how much largesse will be extended to them?

If a candidate needed to win only the popular vote, it would possible for him to be elected President without winning a majority of anything.

That really depends on how you conduct the vote. If no candidate receiving a majority means the House still got to decide - the winner would still have to win a majority of something.

Article 2 of the Constitution and its 12th Amendment stipulate that the President is chosen by electors, who are themselves chosen by the state, "in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct … equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress." This arrangement obliges candidates to make a much wider appeal than they would if they simply were required to win the popular national election.

That's not how it works in practical reality

IN THE REAL WORLD candidates only have to make an appeal to a handful of "battleground" states, while the can ignore the vast majority of the rest.
To eliminate the electoral college would be essentially to eliminate the role of states in presidential elections.
Under the present system as used in practice - what role is that, exactly? When's the last time a state decided the legislature would choose the electors rather than passing that privilege onto the people?

Fact is the electoral college never quite worked as designed.

The design of the Electoral College was based upon several assumptions and anticipations of the Framers of the Constitution:[13]

Each state would employ the district system of allocating electors.
Each presidential elector would exercise independent judgment when voting.
Candidates would not pair together on the same ticket with assumed placements toward each office of President and Vice President.
The system as designed would rarely produce a winner, thus sending the election to Congress.

On these facts, some scholars have described the Electoral College as being intended to nominate candidates from which the Congress would then select a President and Vice President.[14]


1) Only two states employ a district system of election
2) Most all states contractually require their electors to vote for whom they pledged to vote, thus electors cannot (practically) exercise their independent judgment when voting
3) When is the last time a President ran without a running mate?
4) When's the last time the House chose the President?
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Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

1) the vote to ratify the 17th Amendment was not unanimous hence it is a nullity

2) there are large parasitic concentration in the large cities ; so by winning in NY, California and Florida a candidate would win the election - effectively silencing rural America
Unanamous ratification is not required. Why would you say otherwise?

Parasitic? Isn't is grand that American citizens can get away with such stupidity as calling their fellow American citizens parasitic?

And YOU called ME a Dumb Fuck! Balls the size of churchbells on you, that's certain.

So you do not like the Democratic part or its leaders right? I mean look at the names they call fellow American citizens? Or is THAT different?
Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

1) the vote to ratify the 17th Amendment was not unanimous hence it is a nullity

2) there are large parasitic concentration in the large cities ; so by winning in NY, California and Florida a candidate would win the election - effectively silencing rural America

Unanamous ratification is not required. Why would you say otherwise?

Article Five of the United States Constitution ....no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Parasitic? Isn't is grand that American citizens can get away with such stupidity as calling their fellow American citizens parasitic?
What do the "progressives" call those Americans who vote according to how much largesse will be extended to them? .

The Senate seats for each state remain two. Nothing has changed.

I am so tired of parasitic pseudo-libertarianism that can't tell is anus from a hole in the ground.
IN THE REAL WORLD candidates only have to make an appeal to a handful of "battleground" states, while the can ignore the vast majority of the rest.

Even if the assertion is correct , Battleground states will represent a good cross section of the US population.

Battleground states in the 2012 presidential election

(Reuters) - "Swing" or "battleground" states, which can switch back and forth between the two major parties in U.S. presidential votes and are heavily courted by candidates, will be crucial to deciding the winner of next year's election for the White House.

I am firmly for the 17th Amendment, and I firmly support the Electoral College.
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

It's not just conservatives. The 17th Amendment should be repealed. It's passage essentially nullified the reason for the Senate existing in the first place.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

You're right. I don't want democracy because democracy is a poor form of government. That's why we were set up to be a Republic.
Even in a republic, the people have franchise.

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —

They don't just hate the electoral college. As justice Ginsburg illustrated they hate the Constitution and everything else about America. If they were honest about their hatred it would make the political argument so much clearer and easier.
Left wingers as a group don't 'hate' the electoral college, neither do right wingers as a group. There's pros and cons to both systems, and supporters and dissenters from both philosophies.

I said the same thing to the OP who claimed right-wingers were 'afraid of' the electoral college or some such noise.

Left wingers as a group are stupid. Being stupid, they generally don't grasp the reason for the EC. Some, like Nosmo King, can't grasp the concept even when explained to them.

The question is, do leftists support limiting the right to vote in presidential elections to only the states of New York and California?

Without the EC, that is the reality - California and New York will decide ALL presidential elections, and no other state will have a voice.

Is that what leftists call "democracy," denying voice to 48 of the 50 states?
Mr. Dumb Fuck, Sir:

1) the vote to ratify the 17th Amendment was not unanimous hence it is a nullity

2) there are large parasitic concentration in the large cities ; so by winning in NY, California and Florida a candidate would win the election - effectively silencing rural America

You don't even need Florida.

California and New York alone are enough.

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