Why Isn't There Any Video Evidence Of WMDs?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I asked this question before in another thread to no answer.

Do you guys remember post 9/11 when the front pages of the newspapers had images from the clouds saying nonsense like "WMDs Here" with an arrow pointing to what's supposed to be Saddam's hiding place(s)?

It was all nonsense.

That's why they had to ask this crook to take a walk...


I tried to find those pages, but the NYPost doesn't go back that far...the bastards.

So....where's the video evidence of WMDs?

Bush Sr. was an officer in WWII, he was head of the CIA, he was Vice President and he was President. It's ridiculous to believe that he would chase Saddam back to Iraq and then ignore him. No one that smart turns their back on an enemy. Iraq was under sanctions. There were probably a half dozen US satellites permanently parked over Iraq. Not to mention spies. Of course the US knew everything Iraq had. The fact that the right wing believes otherwise demonstrates either how brainwashed they are or how they can't face the truth. I suspect it's a little of both.
This is what we would hear....

:omg: PHOTOSHOP!!!!!! :omg:

I mean jeezus freekin cristo..... look at what you assholes are saying about the videos of the planes hitting the WTC and the Pentagon.

Go bark up another tree OK.
I asked this question before in another thread to no answer.

Do you guys remember post 9/11 when the front pages of the newspapers had images from the clouds saying nonsense like "WMDs Here" with an arrow pointing to what's supposed to be Saddam's hiding place(s)?

It was all nonsense.

That's why they had to ask this crook to take a walk...


I tried to find those pages, but the NYPost doesn't go back that far...the bastards.

So....where's the video evidence of WMDs?

Dr.House said:
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Dr.House is an awesome poster!!


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The butt-hurt palooka THINKS he's slick, trying to put something positive in his neg rep in a FAILED attempt to curb my posting it.


And why didn't they torture the location of WMD's out of Saddam before he died? Remember the argument about the ticking timebomb and mushroom cloud?

A. If anyone should have been tortured, it was Saddam
B. If torture works, where did the WMD's go?
And why didn't they torture the location of WMD's out of Saddam before he died? Remember the argument about the ticking timebomb and mushroom cloud?

A. If anyone should have been tortured, it was Saddam
B. If torture works, where did the WMD's go?


All those blasted CROOKS need to be UNDER the jail.

Especially Rove, and the two idjits in that pic above.
I asked this question before in another thread to no answer.

Do you guys remember post 9/11 when the front pages of the newspapers had images from the clouds saying nonsense like "WMDs Here" with an arrow pointing to what's supposed to be Saddam's hiding place(s)?

It was all nonsense.

That's why they had to ask this crook to take a walk...


I tried to find those pages, but the NYPost doesn't go back that far...the bastards.

So....where's the video evidence of WMDs?

Dr.House said:
Hi, you have received -502 reputation points from Dr.House.
Reputation was given for this post.

Dr.House is an awesome poster!!


Note: This is an automated message.
The butt-hurt palooka THINKS he's slick, trying to put something positive in his neg rep in a FAILED attempt to curb my posting it.

Actually, I was hoping you'd post it....:lol:

Thanks for not disappointing....:thup:

More coming...
I asked this question before in another thread to no answer.

Do you guys remember post 9/11 when the front pages of the newspapers had images from the clouds saying nonsense like "WMDs Here" with an arrow pointing to what's supposed to be Saddam's hiding place(s)?

It was all nonsense.

That's why they had to ask this crook to take a walk...


I tried to find those pages, but the NYPost doesn't go back that far...the bastards.

So....where's the video evidence of WMDs?

Dr.House said:
Hi, you have received -502 reputation points from Dr.House.
Reputation was given for this post.

Dr.House is an awesome poster!!


Note: This is an automated message.
The butt-hurt palooka THINKS he's slick, trying to put something positive in his neg rep in a FAILED attempt to curb my posting it.

Actually, I was hoping you'd post it....:lol:

Thanks for not disappointing....:thup:

More coming...

Ditto. :cool:
And why didn't they torture the location of WMD's out of Saddam before he died? Remember the argument about the ticking timebomb and mushroom cloud?

A. If anyone should have been tortured, it was Saddam
B. If torture works, where did the WMD's go?

Do you know he was'nt?

Syria and Iran have some answers as well.... do I want to go in there and get them.... NO, but our answers are there.

I remember when we were trying to get resolution after resolution to go into Iraq. Meanwhile we were fighting amoungst ourselves. All while the Iraqi's were shuttling WMD's across the border.

I predicted all of this back in the day too btw... I knew we wouldnt find anything big enough to point at.
Everytime something WAS found, you assholes said it was'nt enough...

Like I said in my previous post. You idiots would just say it was all photoshopped. Just ask a 'truther'.
And why didn't they torture the location of WMD's out of Saddam before he died? Remember the argument about the ticking timebomb and mushroom cloud?

A. If anyone should have been tortured, it was Saddam
B. If torture works, where did the WMD's go?

Do you know he was'nt?

Syria and Iran have some answers as well.... do I want to go in there and get them.... NO, but our answers are there.

I remember when we were trying to get resolution after resolution to go into Iraq. Meanwhile we were fighting amoungst ourselves. All while the Iraqi's were shuttling WMD's across the border.

I predicted all of this back in the day too btw... I knew we wouldnt find anything big enough to point at.
Everytime something WAS found, you assholes said it was'nt enough...

Like I said in my previous post. You idiots would just say it was all photoshopped. Just ask a 'truther'.

Where did you learn this? Because the official word is there were no WMD's. Bush just changed the mission from finding WMD's to freeing Iraqi's. Now the Shiites run Iraq. Iran is run by Shiites. Now they are friends. Iraq war, biggest blunder is US military history, bar none.

Worst president ever? Not Carter. Not even close. Its Bush.

And Romney wants to go back to Bush's policies.
Bush is indeed THEE worse President in US history.

Carter couldn't be happier than to live to see Bush come to power and fudge up everything the way he did.

Bush Jr. is the definition of incompetence, waste and corruption.
And why didn't they torture the location of WMD's out of Saddam before he died? Remember the argument about the ticking timebomb and mushroom cloud?

A. If anyone should have been tortured, it was Saddam
B. If torture works, where did the WMD's go?

Do you know he was'nt?

Syria and Iran have some answers as well.... do I want to go in there and get them.... NO, but our answers are there.

I remember when we were trying to get resolution after resolution to go into Iraq. Meanwhile we were fighting amoungst ourselves. All while the Iraqi's were shuttling WMD's across the border.

I predicted all of this back in the day too btw... I knew we wouldnt find anything big enough to point at.
Everytime something WAS found, you assholes said it was'nt enough...

Like I said in my previous post. You idiots would just say it was all photoshopped. Just ask a 'truther'.

Where did you learn this? Because the official word is there were no WMD's. Bush just changed the mission from finding WMD's to freeing Iraqi's. Now the Shiites run Iraq. Iran is run by Shiites. Now they are friends. Iraq war, biggest blunder is US military history, bar none.

Worst president ever? Not Carter. Not even close. Its Bush.

And Romney wants to go back to Bush's policies.

Archived Blog: Wikileaks proves WMD found in Iraq

Archived-Articles: Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq

Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and other Democrats, all saw the same intelligence back when Clinton was President and George Tenet headed the CIA. They all claimed Iraq had WMD which threatened America. If there really were no WMD, why are they not held equally accountable for misleading the American people? Shouldn't they be required to reveal the basis for their assertions? George Bush retained Clinton's CIA chief who reportedly assured Bush that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Other intelligence services including those of NATO and Israel also believed there were WMD. Why don't the critics attempt to discover the evidence for those conclusions?

What was Saddam Hussein hiding with his elaborate schemes to frustrate the U.N. arms inspectors? Why would Saddam needlessly provoke the U.N. and the U.S. into going to war against him if he had nothing to hide? Why haven't the critics answered this question?

Shortly before the war, it was reported that U.S. satellites spotted truck convoys moving from Iraq to Syria at night. One possible explanation is that Saddam had WMD and removed them before the war. Various reports claim that the Russians helped move convoys and planeloads of materials from Iraq into Syria to at least three heavily guarded locations, identified, at least two years ago, by Debka.com and other news sources.
I asked this question before in another thread to no answer.

Do you guys remember post 9/11 when the front pages of the newspapers had images from the clouds saying nonsense like "WMDs Here" with an arrow pointing to what's supposed to be Saddam's hiding place(s)?

It was all nonsense.

That's why they had to ask this crook to take a walk...


I tried to find those pages, but the NYPost doesn't go back that far...the bastards.

So....where's the video evidence of WMDs?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Pa4wuGePs&feature=related]The Road Runner - YouTube[/ame]
The Road Runner :D

Do you know he was'nt?

Syria and Iran have some answers as well.... do I want to go in there and get them.... NO, but our answers are there.

I remember when we were trying to get resolution after resolution to go into Iraq. Meanwhile we were fighting amoungst ourselves. All while the Iraqi's were shuttling WMD's across the border.

I predicted all of this back in the day too btw... I knew we wouldnt find anything big enough to point at.
Everytime something WAS found, you assholes said it was'nt enough...

Like I said in my previous post. You idiots would just say it was all photoshopped. Just ask a 'truther'.

Where did you learn this? Because the official word is there were no WMD's. Bush just changed the mission from finding WMD's to freeing Iraqi's. Now the Shiites run Iraq. Iran is run by Shiites. Now they are friends. Iraq war, biggest blunder is US military history, bar none.

Worst president ever? Not Carter. Not even close. Its Bush.

And Romney wants to go back to Bush's policies.

Archived Blog: Wikileaks proves WMD found in Iraq

Archived-Articles: Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq

Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and other Democrats, all saw the same intelligence back when Clinton was President and George Tenet headed the CIA. They all claimed Iraq had WMD which threatened America. If there really were no WMD, why are they not held equally accountable for misleading the American people? Shouldn't they be required to reveal the basis for their assertions? George Bush retained Clinton's CIA chief who reportedly assured Bush that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Other intelligence services including those of NATO and Israel also believed there were WMD. Why don't the critics attempt to discover the evidence for those conclusions?

What was Saddam Hussein hiding with his elaborate schemes to frustrate the U.N. arms inspectors? Why would Saddam needlessly provoke the U.N. and the U.S. into going to war against him if he had nothing to hide? Why haven't the critics answered this question?

Shortly before the war, it was reported that U.S. satellites spotted truck convoys moving from Iraq to Syria at night. One possible explanation is that Saddam had WMD and removed them before the war. Various reports claim that the Russians helped move convoys and planeloads of materials from Iraq into Syria to at least three heavily guarded locations, identified, at least two years ago, by Debka.com and other news sources.

Even if there were WMD's, the Iraq invasion was the biggest military blunder in us history. Hense why HW Bush 1 didn't invade Bagdad.

But it wasn't a mistake. Bush/Chaney wanted a quagmire. That is how they bankrupted the country in order to push their radical agenda. Deseaster capitalism. Remember they lied and said Iraq might take 2 days, 2 week, 2 months?

You Iraq invaders need to give it up. Clinton didn't invade Saddam but the GOP pushed him for 8 years to invade. Bush knew he was going to invade before he even stole the 2000 election.

Look at how Obama got Bin Ladin. That is how Bush should have gotten Saddam. Taken 1 hour and 10 guys.

And again, now Iraq and Iran are thick as thieves. And it cost us trillions.

And why didn't Iraq oil pay for the occupation? Another lie.

I could go on and on. Just stop with the defending the lies. Bush should have been hung with Saddam.

Now Mooktada El Sadr is in charge of Iraq. Is that better than Saddam? NOT. And women have to follow Sharia law, or whatever they call it.

There was a reason Saddam ruled with an iron fist. He was ruling savages. 70% of them Shiites, Saddam was a Sunni.

Do you know he was'nt?

Syria and Iran have some answers as well.... do I want to go in there and get them.... NO, but our answers are there.

I remember when we were trying to get resolution after resolution to go into Iraq. Meanwhile we were fighting amoungst ourselves. All while the Iraqi's were shuttling WMD's across the border.

I predicted all of this back in the day too btw... I knew we wouldnt find anything big enough to point at.
Everytime something WAS found, you assholes said it was'nt enough...

Like I said in my previous post. You idiots would just say it was all photoshopped. Just ask a 'truther'.

Where did you learn this? Because the official word is there were no WMD's. Bush just changed the mission from finding WMD's to freeing Iraqi's. Now the Shiites run Iraq. Iran is run by Shiites. Now they are friends. Iraq war, biggest blunder is US military history, bar none.

Worst president ever? Not Carter. Not even close. Its Bush.

And Romney wants to go back to Bush's policies.

Archived Blog: Wikileaks proves WMD found in Iraq

Archived-Articles: Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq

Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and other Democrats, all saw the same intelligence back when Clinton was President and George Tenet headed the CIA. They all claimed Iraq had WMD which threatened America. If there really were no WMD, why are they not held equally accountable for misleading the American people? Shouldn't they be required to reveal the basis for their assertions? George Bush retained Clinton's CIA chief who reportedly assured Bush that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Other intelligence services including those of NATO and Israel also believed there were WMD. Why don't the critics attempt to discover the evidence for those conclusions?

What was Saddam Hussein hiding with his elaborate schemes to frustrate the U.N. arms inspectors? Why would Saddam needlessly provoke the U.N. and the U.S. into going to war against him if he had nothing to hide? Why haven't the critics answered this question?

Shortly before the war, it was reported that U.S. satellites spotted truck convoys moving from Iraq to Syria at night. One possible explanation is that Saddam had WMD and removed them before the war. Various reports claim that the Russians helped move convoys and planeloads of materials from Iraq into Syria to at least three heavily guarded locations, identified, at least two years ago, by Debka.com and other news sources.


Who's life was at risk because of Saddam's toys. I mean WMD's? Could they reach New Jersey? Was he planning an attack?

It is so obvious now that we went in to help international oil companies steal his oil. Not even American oil companies.

And so Haloburton, Blackwater and KBR could loot the treasury.

And so they could bankrupt the government and use it as a reason to kill social security.

The GOP are very calculated. Karl Rove and the GOP think tanks have plans for us America. Why anyone who's not rich is voting along with that agenda is beyond me.
Where did you learn this? Because the official word is there were no WMD's. Bush just changed the mission from finding WMD's to freeing Iraqi's. Now the Shiites run Iraq. Iran is run by Shiites. Now they are friends. Iraq war, biggest blunder is US military history, bar none.

Worst president ever? Not Carter. Not even close. Its Bush.

And Romney wants to go back to Bush's policies.

Archived Blog: Wikileaks proves WMD found in Iraq

Archived-Articles: Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq

Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and other Democrats, all saw the same intelligence back when Clinton was President and George Tenet headed the CIA. They all claimed Iraq had WMD which threatened America. If there really were no WMD, why are they not held equally accountable for misleading the American people? Shouldn't they be required to reveal the basis for their assertions? George Bush retained Clinton's CIA chief who reportedly assured Bush that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Other intelligence services including those of NATO and Israel also believed there were WMD. Why don't the critics attempt to discover the evidence for those conclusions?

What was Saddam Hussein hiding with his elaborate schemes to frustrate the U.N. arms inspectors? Why would Saddam needlessly provoke the U.N. and the U.S. into going to war against him if he had nothing to hide? Why haven't the critics answered this question?

Shortly before the war, it was reported that U.S. satellites spotted truck convoys moving from Iraq to Syria at night. One possible explanation is that Saddam had WMD and removed them before the war. Various reports claim that the Russians helped move convoys and planeloads of materials from Iraq into Syria to at least three heavily guarded locations, identified, at least two years ago, by Debka.com and other news sources.

Even if there were WMD's, the Iraq invasion was the biggest military blunder in us history. Hense why HW Bush 1 didn't invade Bagdad.

But it wasn't a mistake. Bush/Chaney wanted a quagmire. That is how they bankrupted the country in order to push their radical agenda. Deseaster capitalism. Remember they lied and said Iraq might take 2 days, 2 week, 2 months?

Keep pushing the goal posts why dont ya.... the only ones I saw getting in the way at every turn was you lefties

You Iraq invaders need to give it up. Clinton didn't invade Saddam but the GOP pushed him for 8 years to invade. Bush knew he was going to invade before he even stole the 2000 election.

Still cant handle the 2000 elections :lmao:
Clinton ignored Bin Laden and Al Queda during his term too.... shame on him!

Look at how Obama got Bin Ladin. That is how Bush should have gotten Saddam. Taken 1 hour and 10 guys.

Obama got Bin Laden in 1 hr along with the help of 10 'guys'..???? Wow...
I would say Bush's policies helped somewhat too, wouldnt you?
Nahhh.... it was all Obama :cuckoo: Whatever fool...

And again, now Iraq and Iran are thick as thieves. And it cost us trillions.

And why didn't Iraq oil pay for the occupation? Another lie.

Wait.... it was you guys that said we were doing it for oil. Remember 'no blood for oil' ?

I could go on and on. Just stop with the defending the lies. Bush should have been hung with Saddam.

Wow... such nasty rhetoric. Dont let anyone hear ya say that

Now Mooktada El Sadr is in charge of Iraq. Is that better than Saddam? NOT. And women have to follow Sharia law, or whatever they call it.

Yeah... women had it so good under Saddam :doubt:
Like you 'really' give a shit anyways.

There was a reason Saddam ruled with an iron fist. He was ruling savages. 70% of them Shiites, Saddam was a Sunni.

Response is obvious
Bush Sr. was an officer in WWII, he was head of the CIA, he was Vice President and he was President. It's ridiculous to believe that he would chase Saddam back to Iraq and then ignore him. No one that smart turns their back on an enemy. Iraq was under sanctions. There were probably a half dozen US satellites permanently parked over Iraq. Not to mention spies. Of course the US knew everything Iraq had. The fact that the right wing believes otherwise demonstrates either how brainwashed they are or how they can't face the truth. I suspect it's a little of both.

It has to be killing Bush Sr. that his son is the worst president in history and caused, not only the death of thousands of Americans and the maiming of 10's of thousands, but also let Bin Laden go and brought down the economy. Benedict Arnold didn't do this much to damage the country. In fact, neither did al Qaeda.

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