Why is Trump so obsessed with wanting Sessions to go after Hillary?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?
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He is attacking Sessions solely to make him appear incompetent to either fire him or to pressure him to resign. He then can nominate a puppet AG and eventually get to Mueller. He is desperate to fire Mueller before he discovers the Comrade-Russia connection. Unfortunately for him, it may be too late. The treason and money laundering may have already been discovered.
Because he is sickened that she has gotten away with cold blooded murder (repeatedly), child trafficking in Haiti, pedophile child sex abuse & murder found on her emails which Huma Abedin saved on her computer under the file "life insurance," (indeed it was)...... laundering money through Clinton Foundation - over 70 people and counting who have died mysteriously after working for her or crossing her, selling our secrets to the enemy, her inner circle - John Podesta, DWS, Abramovich, sick, sick, sick people. All of them. The witch should have been sentenced and locked up, life without parole and yet she is still walking the streets. LOCK HER UP!
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?
Trump doesn't understand what the job of the AG entails. All he knows what's his id tells him.
He is attacking Sessions solely to make him appear incompetent to either fire him or to pressure him to resign. He then can nominate a puppet AG and eventually get to Mueller. He is desperate to fire Mueller before he discovers the Comrade-Russia connection. Unfortunately for him, it may be too late. The treason and money laundering may have already been discovered.
Wrong. He put a fire under him to get him to do his job and investigate Hillary Clinton and her criminal gang. It's way past time and the America people are sick of reading about the latest suicide victim who just so happened to also be a witness to something she did. Enough is enough already!
Because he is sickened that she has gotten away with cold blooded murder (repeatedly), child trafficking in Haiti, pedophile child sex abuse & murder found on her emails which Huma Abedin saved on her computer under the file "life insurance," (indeed it was)...... laundering money through Clinton Foundation - over 70 people and counting who have died mysteriously after working for her or crossing her, selling our secrets to the enemy, her inner circle - John Podesta, DWS, Abramovich, sick, sick, sick people. All of them. The witch should have been sentenced and locked up, life without parole and yet she is still walking the streets. LOCK HER UP!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
You're one of those conspiracy theory nuts I see.
" Cold blooded murder."
Ha ha ha ha
Alex Jones: I trained Jeremiah well didn't I.
Because it's Trump.

Today he wants to go after her. Tomorrow he'll say it's a bad idea. Next week he'll be back on board with going after her.
What sick people you all are to keep on defending one of the worst criminals in US history! She makes Charles Manson look like a school child! Seriously! You people have no conscience left to defend someone like Hillary Clinton!
DT is obsessed with HC. He literally can't handle she received 3.2 million more votes than he did.
He's obsessed with it.
It haunts him.
And he's willing to alienate the entire Congress and the American people.
Well not the deplorables, they're irredeemable.
What sick people you all are to keep on defending one of the worst criminals in US history! She makes Charles Manson look like a school child! Seriously! You people have no conscience left to defend someone like Hillary Clinton!
That you actually believe that shows you swallowed, drank, gulped down the Kool aid.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?

My guess is because she's a criminal. But that's just a guess.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?

Still telling that lie, Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence which is the legal threshold for prosecution, and invented an element NOT IN THE LAW to give her a pass. Trump is looking for the faithful execution of the LAW. The facts should be presented to a grand jury, including her lies before congress.

What sick people you all are to keep on defending one of the worst criminals in US history! She makes Charles Manson look like a school child! Seriously! You people have no conscience left to defend someone like Hillary Clinton!

Not defending Hillary. It's just funny to see Trump sway like a wind sock while his supporters try to keep up.

I didn't vote for her, she lost. I'm not happy Trump won, but I am happy Hillary lost.
DT is obsessed with HC. He literally can't handle she received 3.2 million more votes than he did...

We interrupt this program to bring you this late breaking news:

Hillary Clinton is still not President.

More details will be forthcoming, as this story develops.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?


What, have you been constipated all your life until your bowel finally backed up into your brain? Trump wants what I want, and millions others want and will get in time, Hillary is probably the biggest criminal alive today in the USA, the 'El Chapo' of America, hasn't been investigated yet for even a TENTH her crimes, and not by anyone with a willingness to do more than inquire but willing to prosecute. Remember, they investigated and tried John Gotti a whole bunch of times and couldn't pin anything on him but they eventually nailed him. Hillary hasn't been embroiled in scandal and under investigation all her adult life because she was a Sunshine Girl! And until the day that rotten BITCH is put in prison where she belongs for about FORTY federal crimes of treason that would get life in prison to a hundred men, I will have no real respect for the law as clearly, she is the poster-girl for if you are rich and connected enough, especially in politics, you can get away with almost anything and skate free.
Using the justice system to go after political opponents would get us very close to the GOP's plan of turning the US into a Banana Republic.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?


What, have you been constipated all your life until your bowel finally backed up into your brain? Trump wants what I want, and millions others want and will get in time, Hillary is probably the biggest criminal alive today in the USA, the 'El Chapo' of America, hasn't been investigated yet for even a TENTH her crimes, and not by anyone with a willingness to do more than inquire but willing to prosecute. Remember, they investigated and tried John Gotti a whole bunch of times and couldn't pin anything on him but they eventually nailed him. Hillary hasn't been embroiled in scandal and under investigation all her adult life because she was a Sunshine Girl! And until the day that rotten BITCH is put in prison where she belongs for about FORTY federal crimes of treason that would get life in prison to a hundred men, I will have no real respect for the law as clearly, she is the poster-girl for if you are rich and connected enough, especially in politics, you can get away with almost anything and skate free.
Is Hillary Clinton the smartest woman in the world?
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?

My guess is because she's a criminal. But that's just a guess.

Duh, ya got any credible proof? Ken Starr, Comey and Congress couldn't find any.

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