Why is the government so corrupt ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
I am a working class tax payer in this nation, and I am carrying a huge burden for the wealthy and the poor upon my back, but when it comes to getting treated like I am supposed to be treated all in regards to, and especially for the contributions that I have made or put in over the years now, I will say that sadly the government has failed me along with many, many, others who are like me in this nation. Some are even treated worse and in the worse ways imaginable today, and it all gets out of focus because we have lost our government to becoming a dictatorship and a police state sponsor now.

Why is it that we are taxed to death, and then when we go to the local DMV, well they want to charge us for every little thing as an extra these days ? I ask for a needed practice book, and this in order to refresh my memory in some areas that are needed before taking a test to renew my CDL license, along with my hazmat to get added back to this CDL License, where as next the lady said that it will be $5.00 dollars extra for the book (no longer free). Well I couldn't help but instantly think about how Obama is giving away free cell phones to those who could possibly use those phones to easily commit crime with them, and I was perplexed. (IMHO) the injustice in it all just blows me away really. I asked her also for a number to call a DMV office from whom once told me that the next time I get my CDL license renewed, I wouldn't have to come back to that specific office anymore, and that I could just go to my local office to get it all renewed after that initial time of renewal was completed. I thought good deal, as that office is around 55 miles from my home, but I had to go there to get the live scan or back ground check, and also to get the finger print part of it done. So here I am attempting to get this all done again, but the whole thing has changed, and lies were told as well as finding out that we are being charged for things we have already paid for within the high taxes in which we pay already.

So now I asked her for the number to call the office that told me I didn't have to come back there in order to go through certain procedures again at that office, and that I could do it all at my local office next time, and the lady gave me a number (she didn't call it for me), so I attempted to call it myself, but then this terrible answer service answered (robotic), in which gave me a hundred options it seemed, but no live help at all. Then in these options given, they had no information or extension listed that would help me, nor a press 0 to speak to an operator. I had to hang up without getting the information needed, and do you know how helpless this makes people feel when they are treated like this in America now, and especially after all the great services and loyalty we as good citizens have provided to this nation over the many years ? It's really dis-heartening is what it is, and it makes people want to just throw their hands in the air you know ?

Now if they run the government offices like this, then how bad do you think it can keep getting with government expanding so huge, and then by this they are trying to conceive of so many corrupt ideas in order to somehow pay for it all, but then losing focus on the quality part of it all as we see in what I am talking about now. The lack of personable character and quality of service unto it's most important resource (the American Worker), will end up leading this nation into a police state, dictatorship or worse. This is all unacceptable America, but you have been made powerless to require any better in it all, and just you remember that.

Can you imagine how the government will run the health care industry, if it can't even get it's head wrapped around these little things yet ?

What's up with all the many extra charges now, and for many things we use to get for free ? We as taxpayers were always guaranteed very good services, and a quality in those services also, especially for our contributions we have given over the years be it all due to our tax dollars paid in for such things. Now look at the DMV, and then look at it as a government that has expanded ay to big over time, and then look at the lack of quality in services, as well as trying to charge us for service in which we have already paid for in our lives over and over again in taxes. We are being fleeced big time in America these days, and I mean fleeced.

Would you all agree, and what do you think about our overgrown, poorly run DMV, in which seems so grossly mismanaged when it comes to service, and the quality there of no longer being found in these services for the American people ?

It's bad when you can't make a phone call these days, and to get some important questions answered by a real person, yet without being frustrated beyond imagination about these things.
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For a start, refuse to do business with any company that doesn't have phones immediately answered by living people who speak English. Yes, that will limit your choices but if enough people do this more businesses will smarten up.

As for government agencies......only revolution will bring evolution.
For a start, refuse to do business with any company that doesn't have phones immediately answered by living people who speak English. Yes, that will limit your choices but if enough people do this more businesses will smarten up.

As for government agencies......only revolution will bring evolution.
Yes revolution in as far as people wising up finally, and demanding quality of services again through our elected or appointed representatives, and to stop all the over taxing of the citizens for services they are already paying for in which they are not getting is a must. Thanks for lending an ear my friend.. I have invested over two or three hours now in this task, and I am no closer now than when I started after got off work early today. That is a shame, because my time is very limited between my work schedule and these few hours to get something done like this.
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Trying the phone call again, and I wish I could let you all listen to the hideous answer service this office has... wow

I think government offices like this, are not synchronized for the reason of justifying just about anything as found within the confusion of it all. As important as your state DMV is, how is it that they have not a live operator to assist you, if the options menu doesn't answer your questions?

Mine is actually a simple question, and that is to find out if what they told me when I drove 55 miles to get hazmat added to my license, and this because of the background and fingerprinting that was involved, where as once I did that I could just renew at my local DMV the next time? That's all I want to know, but I can't even get the office on the phone in regards to answering me on this one issue or to tell me if that changed or not. Pathetic is what it is, just pathetic.

Any horror stories yall want to tell about the DMV's in your state ?
Listened to the menu again yall, and what it does is direct you to call another number, and then when you call this number it has a lot of options to choose from once again, but it did finally allow me to speak to a live person, even though it was not from the office in which I was trying to call. I told her (the operator), upon what the people had told me in the office dealt with before, and she instantly said NOPE that wasn't right what they told me (lied), and that I would have to make the journey to that office 55 miles away for the whole thing to get redone again for my renewal.

I said why can't they just check what's on file, and she said that peoples finger prints can get damaged over the years, and their background can change also. I agreed, but I then said to her why can't the local DMV do the background check, as I am always visiting the military bases, and they do a back ground check instantly in order to clear me for entrance there ? She said the DMV back ground check was far more extensive, and that it takes about three weeks to get it back. She said it has to go through homeland security and some others as well, so I thought wow you mean to tell me that even though a drivers record remains clear, one has to still keep going through this check over and over again to stay certified ? I can't believe that if you keep a clean record, and your driving record remains clean, and you don't get into any sort of trouble as a driver and citizen, that you are still subjected to this extensive check once again. Is this necessary when a persons record remains clean ? How can they not know that your record is still clean is what I want to know now ? I mean do I go 5 or 10 years between certification without these people knowing that my record does or does not change ? Now think about that for a second in the situation. Or is this really all about fee's and the money involved in it all actually, where as do they just use the excuse of the security in this nation (never let a good crisis go to waste said Rahm Emanuel) or lack there of as a way to get more and more money out of us now ? How many important experienced drivers are there that are losing their credentials all due to this over burdensome confusing system of things is what I do wonder about now ? I understand security yes, but why the over burdening of Americans by treating us as if we are the problem in all of this today ? I just don't see how it is that we are certified, but then that certification is lost or is not being kept up with in the systems like it should be, therefore making us have to get recertified as if we had never been certified before all over again ? Sorry about my rambling on with this, but it's frustrating to have to go through so much in order to remain certified in a job. In fact I've been certified for 5 years now with the hazmat endorsement (no problems), and so the crack in the sidewalk in which they are trying to keep sealed (IMHO), should be based upon my running record throughout those 5 years (kept up with), and if my record is clean throughout those 5 years in which they would know if it was clean or not, should then (only if it is still clean) warrant them re-finger printing me at my local DMV, giving me the written test again, and then re-certify me again on the spot. It should be that simple really I think. What say you all ?

Example: Say I get certified, then certification isn't required for another 5 years, and in those five years I remain clean, no tickets, no criminal activity, no threats, and so my record is clean and has remained clean. Now shouldn't my merits warrant a little bit more trust in my nation, and this for the recertification program to become a little less problematic to me as an upstanding American citizen in this nation, otherwise in which is seen through my record as being clean for the whole time I have had this certification ? Does that not mean anything anymore ? Now I can understand that If it commit a crime or something like that, then that should warrant a revoking of my privileges and my certification instantly or if I get to many traffic violations as say might would be the case, then it should also send up the red flags, but if my record is running consecutively clean for the whole five years, then it has to be about the money involved in recertifying, and that is what I think. I will do what I have to do, but come on America, lets do better than this can't we ?
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I had to purchase new prescription glasses lately $500.00 dollars out of pocket expense, then I have to keep a two year physical card in my pocket for another $100.00 dollars expense every two years (insurance won't pay this, and the company doesn't either), then this recertification which will cost another $150 dollars to stay certified, and all on a shoe string budget as I don't work for the big corporate carriers like some other drivers do. Is it that the little guy is being fazed out over time by being (over taxed to death or over regulated to death now), even if they are quality individuals themselves in this nation, and for whom are just as important as anyone else is ? Do these smaller issues lead to the bigger picture in it all eventually ?

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