Why is the GOP even bothering to select a candidate for next year?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
It's painfully obvious that they don't have anyone competitive, or even palatable to the majority of the country. It's just as obvious that it wouldn't matter if they did. Anyone they nominated would lose regardless. Hillary is going to win. It doesn't matter whom she runs against. It doesn't matter what scandals occur between now and her scheduled first inauguration in 2017. It doesn't matter if she loses the popular vote. It doesn't matter if she loses the electoral vote. I shouldn't think it would matter if she dispensed with the formality of actually running a campaign at all. She's going to win and literally nothing - absolutely nothing - could change that fact. I would honestly even go so far as to say that Bush will be the last GOP president for a long time, if there's ever a non-Democratic president again.
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives
Nope. The GOP was going to win the midterms. It's going to become the party of Congress as long as it maintains its skillful use of gerrymandering.

I should probably point out that I have no loyalty to either party. I mentioned that in my first post or so here. I regard the GOP as ruthless and calculating and willing to say and do whatever it takes to win and the Democrats as corrupt demagogues more than happy to tear the country apart for their thirty pieces of silver. It's not with any conscious bias that I point out that Hillary is going to win and there's not a damn thing anyone, including the electorate as a whole, can do about it or that the GOP is either going to adapt to its new, quite possibly permanent role or whither and die.
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Go ahead and run Hillary, the right wants her to run, put her ugly, lying ass out there where she can't run from the questions. She'll get murdered in the debates
It's painfully obvious that they don't have anyone competitive, or even palatable to the majority of the country. It's just as obvious that it wouldn't matter if they did. Anyone they nominated would lose regardless. Hillary is going to win. It doesn't matter whom she runs against. It doesn't matter what scandals occur between now and her scheduled first inauguration in 2017. It doesn't matter if she loses the popular vote. It doesn't matter if she loses the electoral vote. I shouldn't think it would matter if she dispensed with the formality of actually running a campaign at all. She's going to win and literally nothing - absolutely nothing - could change that fact. I would honestly even go so far as to say that Bush will be the last GOP president for a long time, if there's ever a non-Democratic president again.

I was going to reply, and try to correct your erroneous thinking, but you can't fix stupid. America is fed up with Obama style politics. That's why you got your asses handed to you in the mid terms. The race hasn't even started yet, and you're declaring victory. That does not bode well for your supposed intelligence.
I was going to reply, and try to correct your erroneous thinking, but you can't fix stupid. America is fed up with Obama style politics. That's why you got your asses handed to you in the mid terms. The race hasn't even started yet, and you're declaring victory. That does not bode well for your supposed intelligence.
I'm actually not a Democrat, or even a leftist. I'm probably best described as a socially conservative and fiscally liberal independent. Feed the poor, secure the borders, and let gay people marry so they can adopt and keep babies from being butchered. Anyway, it really doesn't matter what America is fed up with at this point. Every citizen and non-citizen voter in this country could vote for Rep. Billy Joe Bob (R) from Kansas and Hillary is still going to be cheesing at her inauguration in 2017. You can't stop this any more than you could stop Obama. The decision's already been made and neither of us have a role in making it.
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Hillary will be knocked out of the box before the primaries. Obama will torpedo her candidacy.
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

lol, Don't understand what a national election is huh?

The Senate's 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

The Senate s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

lol, Don't understand what a national election is huh?

The Senate's 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

The Senate s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority


Yeah I know what a national election is and sorry but your responses look like a clown car with all that garbage, Ignored
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

lol, Don't understand what a national election is huh?

The Senate's 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

The Senate s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority


Yeah I know what a national election is and sorry but your responses look like a clown car with all that garbage, Ignored

OK, ANOTHER low info conservative who doesn't want FACTS to get in their way. Shocking

I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?

It said loud and clear we don't WANT anymore of you Progressives and Obama running over us...so the time could be right for a Conservative/Republican...just like after Jimma Carter...in fact Obama has been even worse what he's brought down on us
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?

After 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies? lol

Dubya lost 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years, even stopping 2007 at his peak, there were only 4 million. Obama has seen a NET of 8+ million in 6 years (12 after hitting Bush's bottom Feb 2010).

Obama got US revenues back NEAR where Reagan dropped them to after Carter had nearly 20% of GDP. He cut Bush's final F.Y deficit by 2/3rds.


I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?

It said loud and clear we don't WANT anymore of you Progressives and Obama running over us...so the time could be right for a Conservative/Republican...just like after Jimma Carter...in fact Obama has been even worse what he's brought down on us

Progressive? Obama? lol

Second best conservative Prez since Ike, only BJ Bill was better, but you claim progressive? lol

I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?

It said loud and clear we don't WANT anymore of you Progressives and Obama running over us...so the time could be right for a Conservative/Republican...just like after Jimma Carter...in fact Obama has been even worse what he's brought down on us

I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?

It said loud and clear we don't WANT anymore of you Progressives and Obama running over us...so the time could be right for a Conservative/Republican...just like after Jimma Carter...in fact Obama has been even worse what he's brought down on us

It took a Carter to get a Reagan and that's what we need now.
I bet you said the same thing about the midterms, right before the dems took the shellacking of their lives

Come on now. for them that was a fluke and we should know this whole country just love em those Progressive/democrats...

good grief. some people in the dem party just never will accept reality:eusa_doh:

What they are missing is that the midterms were a clear sign people are recognizing Dem policies are not working. And now Obama has blundered Iran away and cemented his position as quite possibly the worst foreign policy president in history and guess who helped him mold that policy while Sec of State?

It said loud and clear we don't WANT anymore of you Progressives and Obama running over us...so the time could be right for a Conservative/Republican...just like after Jimma Carter...in fact Obama has been even worse what he's brought down on us

It took a Carter to get a Reagan and that's what we need now.

Carter 1977

Jan 7.5%
Feb 7.6
March 7.4
April 7.2
May 7.0
June 7.2
July 6.9
Aug 7.0
Sept 6.8
Oct 6.8
Nov 6.8
Dec 6.4

Jan 6.4
Feb 6.3
March 6.3
Apr 6.1
May 6.0
Jun 5.9
July 6.2
Aug 5.9
Sep 6.0
Oct 5.8
Nov 5.9
Dec 6.0

Jan 5.9
Feb 5.9
Mar 5.8
Apr 5.8
May 5.6
Jun 5.7
Jul 5.7
Aug 6.0
Sept 5.9
Oct 6.0
Nov 5.9
Dec 6.0

Jan 6.3
Feb 6.3
Mar 6.3
Apr 6.9
May 7.5
Jun 7.6
Jul 7.8
Aug 7.7
Sept 7.5
Oct 7.5
Nov 7.5
Dec 7.2

01/1981 - Unemployment rate 7.5% …. Reagan sworn in.
02/1981 - 7.4%
03/1981 - 7.4%
04/1981 - 7.2%
05/1981 - 7.5%
06/1981 - 7.5%
07/1981 - 7.2%
08/1981 - 7.4% * Reagan CUTS taxes for top 1% and says unemployment will DROP to 6.9%.
09/1981 - 7.6%
10/1981 - 7.9%
11/1981 - 8.3%
12/1981 - 8.5%

01/1982 - 8.6%
02/1982 - 8.9%
03/1982 - 9.0%
04/1982 - 9.3%
05/1982 - 9.4%
06/1982 - 9.6%
07/1982 - 9.8%
08/1982 - 9.8%
09/1982 - 10.1%
10/1982 - 10.4%
11/1982 - 10.8% * Unemployment HITS a post WW2 RECORD of 10.8%.
12/1982 - 10.8%

01/1983 - 10.4%
02/1983 - 10.4%
03/1983 - 10.3%
04/1983 - 10.3%
05/1983 - 10.1%
06/1983 - 10.1%
07/1983 - 9.4%
06/1983 - 9.5%
07/1983 - 9.4%
08/1983 - 9.5%
09/1983 - 9.2%
10/1983 - 8.8%
11/1983 - 8.5%
12/1983 - 8.3%

01/1984 - 8.0%
02/1984 - 7.8%

It took Reagan 28 MONTHS to get unemployment rate back down below 8 percent.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Jan 1979 65,636,000
Jan 1981 74,677,000

INCREASE OF 9,041,000 Total private IN 4 YEARS

Jan 1981 74,677,000
Jan 1989 89,394,000

14,717,00 Total private IN 8 YEARS

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration.
Vox Verax The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan


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