Why is the F-word ok - but the N-word is not?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Some posters - 1 in particular - is always using the F-word (faggot)

Why he has not been banned is beyond me.
The only reason the N-word isn't ok to use anymore is due to many years of protests, rallies, and above all, watchdogs!! I know that some people still use it when in certain company or within the confines of their homes, but on a national scale, watchdogs are the ones who keep us in line. Believe me, sooner or later, the same thing will happen for the F-word. It's all just a matter of time.
The only reason the N-word isn't ok to use anymore is due to many years of protests, rallies, and above all, watchdogs!! I know that some people still use it when in certain company or within the confines of their homes, but on a national scale, watchdogs are the ones who keep us in line. Believe me, sooner or later, the same thing will happen for the F-word. It's all just a matter of time.

Isn't faggot or fag a cigarette?
The only reason the N-word isn't ok to use anymore is due to many years of protests, rallies, and above all, watchdogs!! I know that some people still use it when in certain company or within the confines of their homes, but on a national scale, watchdogs are the ones who keep us in line. Believe me, sooner or later, the same thing will happen for the F-word. It's all just a matter of time.

Isn't faggot or fag a cigarette?

The "N" word is OK if you are Crusader Frank. He loves the word so much he put it into his signature line multiple times.
Some posters - 1 in particular - is always using the F-word (faggot)

Why he has not been banned is beyond me.

Are you a crybaby faggot? The reason ****** can't be used are because blacks are crybabies.
We have been informed by the liberal media that a Black man is justified to kill you if you use the "N" word in his presence. A faggot will only hit you with his purse and so far the left wing media is silent about the authorization.
Why is the F-word ok - but the N-word is not?

We have a progressive alphabet.

Don't even ask about the Z-word.
you can post ****** here.

Well I'd say yes and no. According to a warning I got recently anyway. I used the word by calling another poster - who claims to be black - a n-word. I did so because this poster has regularly used racist/bigoted terms to refer to whites and others, so my thought was to give him a taste of his own medicine, so to speak. For doing this I got a warning because I specifically referred to or called the other poster a n-word.

So I think it's ok to use depending on the context, but you might want to check with a mod.

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